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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Electrical Engineering (if that counts)

richied79's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hello there, my name is Rich. I'm am a 32 year old individual who, probably like the remaining 99% of you, is not looking for a job. I currently live with my parents because that's what individuals my age are supposed to do. Just to let you know, right off the bat...I am a nice guy, because I can become quite cynical and acerbic (chem nerds, stay away from that one ). I have a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering, although I wasn't quite sure if I was supposed to capitalize all of that. After 7 and a half years, I still have not utilized my degree because I didn't want to become a stereotype. Though I still like Koss. Yes, I can be a nerd if I solemnly choose to be. Actually, I am in the interview process for a sales engineering job, but the guy has not called me back. My friend, who is an engineer for the company is confused, because he said my interview went fantastic, and they need someone who has sales and technical expertise. But, so far, nothing.... Part of the reason there is a huge gap between now and my graduation date is because I was in Graduate School. No, it was not engineering...that would be rational and logical: I chose Clinical Psychology because human behavior truly interests me. Over the years it has grown, and I thought WTF, why not...if I get my doctorate, perhaps teach or do research, I'll be satisfied. Nope. So, here I am, back at square one. I have so many interests, I could fill a book. I even have a Screenplay...yes, I shit you not, a screenplay I'm thinking about writing. Well, it was nice to meet all of you: tills möts igen
  2. Hello, Since I have very little knowledge of chemistry (specifically organic chemistry), I have a couple questions for you. How would one dissolve lactose, cornstarch, talc, and magnesium stearate and spare the antidiarrhea drug we love called loperamide? If you have noticed, I'm trying to make pure loperamide. Why? Long story. Or...how could one dissolve loperamide and spare the others only for loperamide to be collected later. Now, the chemicals used in this cannot be harmful to the human body (sulfuric acid etc). So, if anyone has any ideas, I'm open for suggestions. Thank you for your help (from a newbie)!
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