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Everything posted by Phreak

  1. then you are an exceptonal exception
  2. what can I use to make various coloured smokes? I have seen formulas that include chems I have never even heard of. eg: para-nitroaniline red Auramine (yellow) and where do I get Synthetic indigo NONE of my chemical suppliers stock any of these items thanks Peter
  3. ya, I have enough to have fun with, I still have to mill some more of it down. what reducers/fuels work best in using it as an explosive? if you don't want to respond openly on the forum please PM me thanx Peter
  4. I am now experimenting with various NH4NO3 based comps with little to speak of. mainly because I am getting very simalar reactions as if I was using KNO3 or KCIO3, OR am getting non working comps. any formulas for some energetic comps would be great. thanks Peter
  5. if you want to make smoke bombs the easy way is KNO3 and icing sugar 60 : 40 but the trick to making it realy good is to melt the two together low temp, in the end it should look like caramel then stick the fuse in before it hardens. I make a lot and form it in an Ice cube tray. or 4oz rocket tubes. Phreak
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