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  1. Does cold rolling effect the crystal structure of a material?
  2. ben1793


    I am reaearching on materials and had a few questions about ceramics, I read that the amount of water in the clay is important when using proceses like slip casting, spraying and pressing, I was wondering is there anything else that would be effected apart from the clay shrinking due to the amount of water in the clay mixture?
  3. Thank you so much, made it very clear and easy for me to understand.
  4. Ok, thanks I understand it better now, but back to ordionary composition consisting of matrix and renforcements, how would the ratio of matrix/reinforcement effect the strength of the composite material?
  5. Just like plywood are all laminates layered up at a right angles?
  6. Thanks for the help, I looked into plywood and I read that the layers where all plywood (the same material) I thought that the whole point of laminates was to combine the properties of 2 or more materials combined to combine both properties for example like the windshield of a vehicle, I read that it was a combination of glass and hard plastic. Unless the information I read was incorrect?
  7. Thanks for the reply, the example you gave made it much more easier to visualise. I looked further into composite materials and started reading about laminates, would the lay direction of laminates effect the material?
  8. So I have been reading up on composite materials and have been geting a bit confused, from what I have read, composite materials consist of a matrix and reinforcement, the reinforcement can be fibers, I read that the way the fibres are placed will effect the machanical properties of the material does anyone know how this will be effected?
  9. I am doing an engineering course at college and got some information on what I wanted to learn, I saw a question regarding D'Alembert's priciple and didnt know what it was about, for example it was a question that looked like this: mass x accelerates uniformly from rest to celocity of x in x seconds while ascending a 1 in x gradient, resistence is xKN making use of D'Alberts principle determine the tracktive force between wheels/road, the work done ascending the slops, the average power developed by the enginer. I am interested in how the principle works and how it would answer this sort of question, does anybody know of any good websites I could use to learn this principle? I tried finding it but end up finding stuff I do not understand, is this a advanced principle?
  10. Its ok, it was just a question I have been wondering about since I have seen peizo materials, I will make a thread on the engineering forum, thank you for your help.
  11. Thank you so much for your help, I would have never understood this without learning from you, thank you. I just ran into something and really wanted to know about it, I enjoy working on cars as a hobby and they have something called a lambda sensor, this tells the car computer system how much oxygen is in the exhaust system, now I was researching smart materials and ran into something called peizoelectric materials, the lambda sensors on the cars used ziconium dioxide, this material reacts to the oxygen creating a voltage, would this also be classified as a peizoelectricl material? Sorry I would have asked this question on yahoo but I have reached my daily limit and was wondering if you would know about this. Thank you.
  12. Does fibre glass have a crystal structure or is it amorphous? (Does it matter what type of polymer is being used for the structure? I am using epoxy) Do shape memory polymers have a atomic structure and a crystal structure?
  13. Does fibre glass have a crystal structure or is it amorphous? (Does it matter what type of polymer is being used for the structure? I am using epoxy) Do shape memory polymers have a atomic structure and a crystal structure?
  14. Thank you for your help. Does the Epoxy Fibre glass have any crystal structures or is it amorphous? Also what is a commonly used polymer for shape memory polymers that would be suitable for my research?
  15. I went on the epoxy link and found this, how would I draw it, what are the hexagons, what is the OH, does the O stand for oxygen or somethin else? Is there any crystal structures for the fibre glass epoxy? Also, would you not know of any advantages for the trigonal strucure such as the structure would make the material brittle, like you said in the past graphite is a layered crystal structure so it is very brittle and breaks easy.
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