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The Chairman

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  1. Seems like a reasonable explanation but do you mind elaborating and perhaps explaining in a more basic way? My chemistry understanding is again somewhat limited and so the terminology is a bit confusing.
  2. I guess heterogeneous catalysts are the ones I'm wondering about at the moment. I've done research but all anyone one site I've found so far says is that molecules bind to the surface of the catalyst and in doing so, the bonds the atoms are weakened thus lowering the required amount of kinetic energy required. I am specifically interested in why the bonds weaken after bonding to the catalyst.
  3. Hi all, I was wondering if any one could explain to me in some detail how a catalyst weakens the bonds of a molecule by forming a reactive intermediate? I understand the basics of heterogeneous and homogenous catalysts (I'm currently taking AP Chemistry at my high school at the moment so my understanding might be a bit more basic) but I can't stop wondering about why bonds are weakened when the intermediate is formed. Bond polarities possibly? In any event, all help towards answering this question is greatly appreciated.
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