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Everything posted by homie12
Assumptions Physical theories are nothing more than succinct mathematical approximations of reality. These approximations are in turn limited by the theory’s basic Assumptions (which may be stated or unstated). Unfortunately, these limiting, fundamental assumptions upon which much of physics depends are not always inclusive of the diversity of physical reality. Assumptions are clearly a fundamental aspect of what physicists like to call “The Laws of Physics”, but all too often the assumptions are not stated explicitly with the law. This omission often results in a misinterpretation of the law, or a faulty assumption as to the applicability of the law in certain cases. The Laws of Thermodynamics are a noteworthy case in point, as are the Assumptions of Classical Mechanics. In the realm of applicability where Classical Mechanics is still considered valid (i.e. non-relativistic situations), the premier example of this branch of physics, Newton’s Laws, are technically bound by certain assumptions. These include the fact that Newton’s Laws are only applicable to a mass without dimensions (i.e. a point mass) and one which is a rigid body. A second, perhaps more fundamental assumption is that the action-reaction of the Third Law is simultaneous. As it turns out, none of these assumptions are valid in many cases, and in general are only approximations -- albeit, some of the approximations can be entirely sufficient for many practical applications. The assumption of absolute time (or simultaneity) when the action is at a distance is the critical factor. In general, the “reaction” of a body to an externally applied force can not be initiated simultaneously with the initial application (“action”) of the external force. This lack of simultaneity is due in part to the limitations of speed to below that of light (from electromagnetic theory) and in some cases below that of the speed of sound for mechanical systems. This profound restriction on Newton’s Laws brings time into the equation -- for example, a sudden surge (an “action”) of electrical current along a conductor will also result in an equal and opposite “reaction” -- but not simultaneously! Even more noteworthy is the fact that sudden and abrupt physical acts or intuitive realizations follow the same framework. The point to be emphasized here is the laws of mechanics are applicable in the electromagnetic realm and vice versa, and that mechanics, electromagnetism, other areas of physics, everyday experiences, creativity, and consciousness are not separate or unrelated, but wholly interconnected
Don Scott mentioned it. It's called the island of stability. He refers to it in nuclear chemistry.
imhotepslabs_freeforums_org.htm did i forget to give you this link? thats an incriminating disclaimer. but your avatar says you are an expert the youtube thing was what im saying i did. yes i got the idea on youtube but i actually did this and im getting voltage. thenext projects will be from imhoteps site.
yes but have you tried it? you certainly waste no time in criticizing it. try some of these overunity devices. what book have you read on electricity? and what actual experimentation have you done yourself?
you are teaching me english composition? and you cant review the material first? what is everyone afraid of? take yourself serious. why ask the question if you already know the answer? you know the proverb: hear no evil speak no evil see no evil? look up Richard Dolan, he is an academic historian. Check out his credentials. Then reply and in an honest manner, no matter your grammer or syntax or typing problems.
you are a moderator? have you any experience with electricity? Are my hints and link not enough? you have a lot of nerve pasting quotes from those sources. Isd this the precursor to controling the evidence? watch thunderbolts of the gods for yourself and stop acting like you know everything. your the mod you have all the power in here. tesla created every electrical convienence in the 20th century. how can you call him a crackpot unless you are the pot thats cracking. I think I need to research the legitimacy of this site. I made a circuit that produces voltage. Just as tesla was saying. Look up all of john bedini s creations and imhoteps site. And please anyone reading this, dont just cheapshot me actually look at those . you are an expert swansont and you never ran across this? especially einstein got things wrong. Newton didnt know much about EM during his time but einsteins dad and uncle were electrical contractors. So shame on him for excluding anything electrical. especially einstein got things wrong. Newton didnt know much about EM during his time but einsteins dad and uncle were electrical contractors. So shame on him for excluding anything electrical. http://www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/issue61/chargeclusters.html forward that amomgst those links tis is one from them. Swansot do you review the material you forward? I think they are proving my point.? C:\Users\home\Desktop\imhotepslabs_freeforums_org.htm would you like a further explanation?
Wow, thats better than I would have said it. But also, being an expert in something means you have a vested interest in it. Which most gefinitely has an affect on ones objectivity. So, can an expert be dishonest? you betcha. Especially when they refuse to look at all the evidence. Where are all of the electrical experts? Do all of these science related sites exclude electricity. If so why? Im conducting experiments that show we live in an electrical field. Who can help me with that?
Yes you are right about that. I should list in order of importance. But I should just concentrate my point and then have everything thrown out im saying with some blanket statement or even a cheapshot. The important thing i think is what ever my idea is, it's not getting forwarded by chaotic trashing of subject matter. So as i try i will learn and thanks for your response
Im sorry I dont follow what you said. If its not too much trouble could you re state your point? and again Im sorry for losing track of your point.
Or all of you would have to be not in on this secret . I dont trust the government. and if you did you would let them do your tax returns for example. Have you heard of richard dolan?
And you think you make sense after that? lol in any voice. Not 1 of you has reviewed thunderbolts of the gods. And how many of you experts have any background in electgricity? So please be fair oh and im not trying to be cool or whatever you think appeals to the masses. An opinion being popular is no guarantee of the truth.
- 49 replies
http://www4.zippyshare.com/v/18169547/file.html shes a Timmor
I read that obtaining a stable orbit was a pretty exact formula and that rocket performance in achieving it was exact also. Hoagland states the initial trajectory was 800 miles off or something to account for the missing 12 minutes. they assert that during that launch they were changing how they create trajectories? or why was it nescessary to complicate that launch?
i am getting good experience on how to present my point properly thanks. and i see some same old adages. power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. but you cant blame the home crowd for defending their home. so if 1 wants to function in said home he has to find a viable talent or service. im working on it boss.
i get barraged with it
nice disclaimer
ok butit was my contention also that saying einstein said so was what happens most of the time or too much of the time
I claim that the standard model of the sun is wrong or that EU claims that. I emailed wal thornhil as i dont have don scotts address. Ill post the list when it arrives. thanks
who is the expert that wrote that book?
yes very excellant all of your points thanks for that. Well my point about this is,none of those guys are electrical engineers nor plasma physicists. I am not briliant or with new ideas. I just found what i feel is a new understanding of how the universe works. And not 1 of you so far has adressed any specific detail of this. For instance the standard model of the sun doesnt explain much. Gravitational theory isnt able to allow us individuals access to experimentation. So we are stuck believing the company line. If 1 thing might help to be more objective its can we have a better understanding of electricity and magnetism. 1 fact you cant take from me is ive done some so called overunity experiments. And so far I'm getting more electricity than im using. So whats really going on in space or the intire universe? and thanks for your responses. Can gravity explain electro magnetism? Which the EU people contend is what most of the universe is about. Am I too vague? thanks for your responses
Its a technique i have found effective to find out what detractors are laying in ambush out there. Otherwise, yes thats part of what im trying to learn, thanks. And learn I have. Im trying to make notes now and without all of your inputs I wouldnt have such a large data base. This isnt the first site I have been doing personal research in. But I will say i am impressed with all of you. Dont cut me slack now and thanks for your responses
wow and I thought you were of the understanding nature. Well funny thing is how are you going to learn anything about the EU from anything ive posted so far? Are you that lazy or near sighted or afraid to come out from under the stairs? I would really like to know. and thanks for your responses.
if any of you wants to be someones daddy, just look in here at which people you would be proud of to be their parent,,, Then think how tough it is to be admin on this site.. when will astronomers get some electrical engineering experience? do not pass go or collect 200 dollars until you obtain some pertainent knowledge?? most of the field of astronomy has no clue. how you going to fix that? it would be nice if it was you.
homie = local or familiar person 1 2 = wants to. You guys can be so low brow when u want to be. Or some of you anyway. and have you ever touched your antenna on the high voltage lines above? The ticket to where might be inquired? OH and hey dudes i was merely ensiting emotional responses. This thread of mine does not want to know or classify nor stratify anyone. i want to know where each one of you stands and not the conditioned answers you prepare. So dont debate each other,,, just tell me how you think? ,,, ya right...
well he has an impressive academic pedigree but he has documents from freredom of info act and other military and government sources "(e.g. if it's assumed that aliens are like trees", theres no reason to assume this paradigm strictly