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Everything posted by homie12

  1. ok i read that article you linked me. With hoagland aside is it typical for them to make all those alterations in that inexact of an effort?In other words ; they sound like in hindsight they didnt control the whole operation in an exact of a way that they usually are known to?
  2. oh please please this wont take long http://keyholepublishing.com/dolan.html the truth is more fantastic than fiction richard dolan is an academic historian so he speaks with the discipline of mainstream
  3. ya im retarded but im wondering what everyone elses excuse is? thats wasnt my focus or direction. On the other hand, society or civilization: over 4000 years ago someone figured out if you can herd sheep u can herd people. It takse 3 things #1 control access to energy ie food, #2 control access to information. #3 control the violence to discipline them to do what you want. The admins in here seem to actually move around here independantly. They dont really show signs of organized coersion . And thats a compliment. thanks. ido imply many things from timew to time but this being a dumping ground wasnt 1 of them , thanks
  4. which experiments? and If any of you actually reviewed just the one documentary theres no way you can just sumarily dismiss it without ignore a bunch of things. ill post a list.
  5. Well john you do me proud. Using wiki is a bit cheap but u got some major points correct. If you see it through by reading dolan or meier. It will change your view of the universe, if i assume the standard model is pretty much your idea of it. and thanks john good man for having the courage. Most will not even open a cover or read a homepage of richards or billy's. ya and sorry for going in the wrong direction with your thread. Its yours and i got a little presumptive.
  6. I dont blame the admins for being harsh or even personal. Now that i have sampled some of all of your sentiments, Im glad to feel there is a effort here to pursue reality physically and not just of hot theoretical air. After all to know something requires personal work to experience it. Otherwise you just have to believe and we are in the age of knowing ,, now. we passed the age of believing. thanks
  7. good thing i dont let you invest my money Would be, but for most individuals this would probably not be to their benefit and it would be asking an awful lot. I say most because there are those who enjoy living dangerously! I don't believe he was referring to his own threads, he may have been smug at points but I would expect that ignoring him is the most appropriate maneuver where confronting the behaviour might incite further such behaviour. I guess how individuals deal with their affronts are based on what the individual wishes to gain from their experiences. For me, molding those who do not meet my expectations into what I would prefer of them is more productive than chasing them away; unless of course they are simply impossible as individuals, in which case I terminate the relationship. I say this because I am interested in what drives your personal approach, and not because I condone his behaviour. @homie12 I would like to point out that my thread on little green aliens was opened in speculations by myself, it was not moved there! [/quote Did i make a reference to your thread being moved if so im sorry. Also i agree with what you said above so let me say I would rather appologies than be ignored,, thanks yes my point was more about having a sense of humor and thankxs for your response wow and i thought i was intense. Yes i have exact examples of experiments which I will post. The thing I have ran into is if someone doesnt want an idea approved they will use their knowledge to only discredit it. That seems to be human behavior no matter what level.and thanks for your responses. Isnt human abstraction wonderful? ya i would like to see the physical experiment that proves that.
  8. you didnt back read your text. of course i know thats why i was questioning your test because it was ambiguous thank you you are the expert of whats a waste? Well then could you post a link or 2 of your latest accomplishments? Show me what you can do since you feel you,re an authority. I know some sites are crackpots. so i test out as much as i can. You use the words real science now show me your deeds thanks. oh and the fact that the satewlite trajectory was way out of alignemnt enough to cause a 12 min plus delay or over shot is what they refered to. but they dont included the data when sattelites have to be adjusted. and let me get a list so im not just spouting off thanks
  9. lol 156 voyuers so far and no participants. hehehehe
  10. Is there a legitimate reason for excluding Billy Meier contact notes and or the research by richard dolan as evidence? If not then you will find that all aliens are not little nor green nor men. Is this a question you really want answered? and thanks for discussing what to some is a very sensitive question.
  11. well its nice of you 3 to be the ones taking cheap shots. I probably deserved it. So let me work on my communication skills here. As I am new I will get better. I was refering to the age thing because I guess some of you have been texting on this site for a while. and yes some even call yourselves experts. I will have to watch your style and maybe gain some new experience. By the way what importance are blanket statements such as qualified scientists with years of training and are you assuming that im sitting behind a pc with a eureka moment or who were you refering to? well i managed to stick to this topic thats a start yes? and no you may not suggest to me to shut my mouth. You can however tell me or explain my shortcomings. I do have legitimate questions. Now I will have to learn legitimate ways of stating them. . And i wont suggest nor would i want you to shut your mouth. I would like to know what is in your head so thanks for your responses.
  12. what part of cell phone technology has to do with gravity? and did you know sattelites are constantly monitored for position alignment/ seems something else is putting a force on them. Could it be magnetic? And von braun discovered gravity wasnt universal in 1958 during the explorer project http://www.enterprisemission.com/Von_Braun.htm
  13. Yes isnt that amazing of how we interpret the data and frame hypothesis, concurrent with our assumed view of nature at the present? Objectivity can be so difficult to discipline oneself into. Believe it or not, i Get fatigued of argument. But I havent gotten my communicating skills developed enough to state some questions without it completely. and I know people get tired of appologies. So heres an attempt. If the universe is electrical in nature, then shouldnt there be some experimentation that shows that affect? we can breath in an atmosphere. So shouldnt we be able to tap the environment for electricity? I mean straight out of adjacent space? That why i question gravity. magnetic fields can cause an attraction similarly to the affects given to gravity. Heres why i feel this way. I tried a couple of those free energy experiments and i got voltage. Im going to try the next 1 I was wondering what experimentation do people in here do. I would like some new ideas. So, have you tried experimentation along the lines of obtaining electricity out of the adjacent environment? I have had good results. Im waiting to chat with a mainstream electrician who has researched teslas work.
  14. I'd say a reset in direction is a better way to further the value in discussions here. So I'll accept your point. And thanks for your responses.
  15. Yes this helps define the discussion, thanks yes some of my posts are presented in an undisciplined way. But just they articulate manner this thread is being discussed convinces me, the administration here is committed to the true nature of these very ranging topics. Now i wanted to say that the true value of a society is its capacity to be inclusive. ya ya ya but im not doing the intellectual maintainence here. Pretty good site you have here gentlemen and ladies. i can say that making it easy for status quo is not my talent. I am thinking about creating an agenda of experiments that i would like to offer for review here. I now actual feel comfortable enough here to do that. thanks for your responses and this thread i really must proof read before posting
  16. You have amazing charisma in just 1 picture. Are you a professional model?

  17. I like this point you are making. Just so you know, I will show you some experiments i have done when i figure out how to tape with a webcam. And thanks for bringing up experimentationActuality precedes potentiality.
  18. homie12


    Just to let you know, I owe you a follow up on this question. I was trying to find a mathematical or physical explanation instead of some experts statement. So i will get back to you on this 1 thanks
  19. Yes mr rocket i too sometimes text as if im retaliating. The problem im having in doubting the EU explaination is the experiments i have done so far shows electricity is all around us and can be tapped freely. Secondly in learning how we presently distribute , generate etc. and you are just not going to like finding out the history of how we have created our present social structure, and energy distribution. Our methods of transportation are so barbaric, I am wondering where are all the scientists? Have they been harrassed into a corner? Since we build our knowledge on top of how we perceive nature, then if theres a fundemental flaw in our understanding, wouldnt our current understanding be flawed?
  20. If 85% of the universe is dark energy and or dark matter then how do you explain the current model as being even legitmate.?The concept of blackhole is speculation and not even a good 1. yes and thank you for this point. So why hasnt teslas work become more accepted? This very topic potentially could answer all of my questions.
  21. homie12


    i checked the images in that link. They were animations or artist renderings. It would be nice to get something from nasa not airbrushed or altered
  22. This is how you sit in judgement of me? with diplomatic jargon instead of scientific content?Did a few of you get together and decide to see if you could set up a site that mimmicks an actual scientific site? You people that label ypurselves as experts and dont even have some fundemental knowledge how temperature is taken in space. Have you done any observations of radio telescope images? And please, psychology isnt your major , so your assumptions of my feelings have been insulting. But I'll be just fine. Are you alright?
  23. the corona is 2 million degrees the surface is approx 5000 degrees and sunspots are holes on the surface of the sun and are showing cooler regions below the suns surface. Thats indicative of energy arriving to the sun. Why is there a corona in the first place otherwise? When have did anyone convert hydrogen into helium? I thought that was still theoretical and hadnt been proven yet? I guess you want me to locate the site that can measure the solar winds velocity? Fair enough Ill get back to you thanks for asking and whereed u get those calcs?
  24. you guys are funny . you just say ther word nonsense but dont specifically apply it. Hey blackholes and dark matter and dark energy are nonsense. Step away from the emporers new clothes phenomenon and you will see whats been pushed off on us as science fis laughable. And i dont need sarcasm to fluff my blogs thank you vert much
  25. Please dont put your words in my texting. No im not frustrated and if you cant follow my point or points would you please ask me? Instead of slandering me. Thanks and thanks for your responses.

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