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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. or maybe the overwhelming popularity of this kind of music is a sign that its really not crap, and that you are the weird ones for not liking it. maybe those who find it offensive are just more prudish (for lack of a better word) than the majority of the modern generation.
  2. Callipygous


  3. Callipygous


    who is this directed to?
  4. Callipygous


    no... there is something special about her TO YOU. because your infatuated with her. which proves that there was LOTS of substance behind it... you saw a pretty girl and biology kicked in with all those emotions it uses to attract people to each other. i dont think your crazy, i think your *ahem* INFATUATED WITH HER. its called a crush dude... your not crazy, your just too inexperienced to realise whats going on. i feel like my vocabulary looks pretty weak, using the word infatuated over and over, but its really the best word for it. "twitterpated" also works, but im trying to stick to real words. i know you didnt say it. thats something im telling you, remember?
  5. Callipygous


    im giving advice about girls in general. in this case its only about this particular girl because shes the one your interested in. if you were obsessed with any other girl i would say the same thing. it has nothing to do with how much i care. no, this girl is NOT an angel, she is not better than all the other girls out there. she may be better at certain things (like cheering you up) but she is not some superhuman. she is just the girl that you happen to be infatuated with, so you see her as being some goddess. the fact is, you asked her out, and she said no. that is the point at which you need to stop obsessing over her. if you change yourself to be more what she wants its not going to be a healthy relationship. if you keep asking her about this topic, after she said no, shes going to start to be uncomfortable with it and you wont have a healthy friendship. its a lose lose situation.
  6. Callipygous


    i beg to differ. if guys were like him there would be absolutely no hope' date=' because the male "species" is part of the human species. if we were all like him no humans would ever have sex and we would die out. ^^bad advise anyone who has read this thread could tell you there is no way this guy is going to go clubbing and end up getting laid. thats just not how its going to work out for him. stop obsessing over one girl, dont even THINK about changing yourself to better fit what she wants, meet some other girls, go on some dates. dont have sex with them, dont tell them you love them, dont even expect a kiss at the end. just have some fun going to a movie or something. you need to break into the realm of normal interaction.
  7. you sit on your ass with your computer for 18 years, and then a girl walks into your house cause shes your brothers friend. you, being drunk enough to actually open your stupid mouth and say more than 3 words to a female without mumbling, have a conversation, during which you explain why you like your computer so much. you then draw a parallel to something in her life. 4 hours later she tells you shes taking you on a date to get you away from the flickering box on your desk. all just guesses, of course.
  8. Callipygous


  9. im a geek. id keep hinting at it, but its lost its fun, so im just gonna come out and say it... hello everyone, my name is kyle, and im excited by the fact that my post count in binary is (or i guess, looks like) 10 billion. group:*Hello kyle* ("And btw, GD doesn't count towards your posts." i know. i thought brainteasers didnt either, but apparently it does)
  10. its not a brainteaser. i posted in the brainteaser forums and ruined it. now i have 10,000,000,001
  11. theres something wrong with 2106?
  12. Callipygous


    ive hit 10,000,000,000 posts! yay! what the? brainteaser forums counts toward your posts? that was fun while it lasted...
  13. i found plenty of people with my last name, its a common irish one, and plenty with my first name, also pretty common. i think its originally gaelic or irish or english or something... not sure. "kyle" is pretty much american in my mind at this point. no others with both first and last, but i did find a few that were about me.
  14. im really curious why you think that, seeing as how elvis was once seen in very much the same way as rappers are now. him and his hip shaking.... its dirty and sinful and our children need to be protected from it... (and while many rappers may be forgotten i think snoop dog is one of the more likely to keep his fame. similar to 2pac)
  15. Callipygous

    Death Penalty

  16. Callipygous

    Death Penalty

    your right, we cant make it perfect. so we shouldnt try to get as close as possible? we cant make the punishment for murder appropriate, so we should just let people murder each other without fear of repercussions? go back to the stone age?
  17. who? if your talking about the band, isnt the guy who wrote it dead? i havent seen anything about anyone ever getting an answer out of them. anyway... if so, thats a pretty big coincidence. its a whole verse that all talks about satan, not just one line or something. its also in a song called stairway to heaven, right where the music picks up for the first time. the verse is almost gibberish played forward..... all considered that would be a pretty huge coincidence. the one thats definately coincidence is the britney spears one. even if you know what your looking for you can barely hear that one. if you want some that are definately real check out empty spaces by pink floyd and weird al- nature trail to hell.
  18. please, please, please. i BEG you... continue to argue against my phrasing. it matters! really it does. i quit.
  19. different times, slaves werent considered people. they did consider all men to be equal. slaves just werent men. id blame this more on the culture and their upbringing, than their ethics, but i suppose you could argue it either way.
  20. Callipygous


  21. i didnt say two options must be equally probable. i said two options with no factors swaying it either direction are equally probable. while yes, we have evidence that the universe could have formed on its own, that is not evidence that it DID. we have no evidence that it couldnt have been created, we have no evidence that it HAD to be created. therefore i believe them to be equally probable in a strictly logical sense. personally, i dont think theres a chance in "hell" that it was created, but logically there is no evidence to suggest it wasnt. i think im done discussing this tho : P its just going in circles.
  22. that falls under the catagory of no creator.
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