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Everything posted by Callipygous
when the 100 is drug trafficers and the one is chuck norris.
i have a custom class called button. right now it extends Component and implements MouseListener. i have the bounds set and had it print them out and they are all correct. but it doesnt react at all. in the main file i have a 2d array called nums that has buttons 0-9 in the same layout as a phone this is where i make the listeners: for (int i=0; i<nums.length-1; i++) { for (int p=0; p<nums[0].length; p++) { nums[p].addMouseListener(nums[p]); } } nums[3][1].addMouseListener(nums[3][1]); i dont know if its a problem that the same button is the listener and the implementer. never messed with this stuff before : P
for some reason my main file will let me call addMouseListener but when i do it for button it says cannot find symbol: method addMouseListener location: class button. the way i have it now the mouselistener methods are defined in button and addMouseListener is called by the frame (which is of course why it calls it anytime the mouse enters the window). but button wont let me call addmouselistener : P forgot to make it extend component : P but now it doesnt work at all. do i need to somehow set its bounds?
/shrug hell if i know. i was looking for something that would react to the mouse, both scrolling over it and when clicking it. mouselistener seemed about as perfectly suited as i could imagine... are there reasons action listener would be better?
yeah, im using awt and the Graphics class. but... moving on, i have a new issue. im using a MouseListener for the buttons. the way i have it implemented now it calls mouseEntered() any time the mouse enters the window at all, not specifically the button. i understand why it would do that with the way i have it implemented, but i cant figure out how to do it so its just for the buttons.
Aeternus, right now my buttons are rectangles drawn on the screen. im drawing them using Graphics, not Jbutton (which i probably should be using, but im not used to it) so you know how in ms paint you can pick up a wider brush, and then when you use it it draws a thicker line? thats all im trying to accomplish. setSize sounds right, but is that a method in Graphics or something else? aswokei, no idea what that is.
im trying to get back into programming java, but ive forgotten a lot. in the program im working on right now im making some buttons, but the Graphics are set to draw it one pixel thick, and it looks really bad. i dont want to widen it by drawing more rectangles, because thats sloppy, annoying, and inefficient. is there a command to make it use a bigger pen when drawing its lines? i seem to remember something along those lines, but that may have been for a different class.
the reasons to go with the person who asks you are plentiful. 1. you get experience. which means if you do find this perfect someone, you will be more comfortable when you go out with them. 2. you might have fun. 3. you get to know someone, possibly a new friend, possibly more 4. almost no harm can come of it. obviously its up to you, but i dont see any good reason not to. step one to finding this perfect girl your looking for might be to leave your room once in a while. ever go anywhere but school with your new friends?
my buddy picked yet another forum to try and use on our website. we got it installed but when we try to go to http://www.OURDOMAIN.com/forum(not our actual domain name, the link takes you elsewhere) it gives this : Home | Profile | Register | Active Topics | Members | Search | FAQ ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. /forum/default.asp, line 91 with the top line being buttons which actually do work for the most part. if you go to register and fill out the form it gives this: Home | Profile | Register | Active Topics | Members | Search | FAQ Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005' Operation must use an updateable query. /forum/register.asp, line 568 any help? ive been googling the error messages, but i cant make sense of any of the stuff they talk about.
you know what i meant. obviously youve never had a gf... thats what weve been talking about this whole time thats because a girl doesnt feel the need to come tell you about it unless it was hurtful. all these horrible things you are hearing about the guy are right when the girl is feeling the most emotional, and therefore, the least rational.
or because people arent perfect... you really need to go get some experience before you try to talk about this stuff. right now you dont have anything factual, or anything you can support. you dont even have anything reasonable... all you have is a one sided view you got from talking to all your girlfriends about what a bunch of dicks guys are.
no.... you cant. everyone is different, every relationship is different. people who have been in relationships might be able to guess becuase they have a good understanding of it, if you are only working on second hand information you dont really know what your talking about. how i got my girlfriend isnt something any of you know about, nor is it something for you to judge. but yes, a lot of the time a guy needs to be "aggressive" to get a date because girls dont tend to make the first move. if the girl your dating isnt right for you you will eventually break up. you can prety easily just tell her that you both know this isnt going to end in marriage and you would like to move on. i would first like to note that no one is "perfect". any relationship you get into isnt going to be perfect. there are going to be problems and fights. you will have to work to maintain whatever relationship you get into. second, waiting for your perfect girl, always skipping people in the hopes something better is ahead, is wasting your life. so? go on a date, get to know them, find out you hate them and dont ask them on a second date. you doofus... THEY ASKED YOU OUT. obviously they think there is something special about you. getting shot down hurts. it doesnt matter why you say no, or how you say no. it just hurts. the fact that you wouldnt even give them ONE date says that you were so uninterested you couldnt spare an evening to get to know them.
thats just rediculous. the chances are everywhere. all you have to do is actually go for one of them. its not that you havent had a chance, its that you havent ever just done it. your too busy worrying about all the things that can go wrong. she doesnt have to be the perfect girl to go on some dates and have some fun and get an overall enjoyable experience out of it. i havent found the perfect person, i didnt have the perfect life. me and her both know that were probably not gonna end up getting married. were just not THAT good for each other. we both love each other, were both having a good time, were both happy together. for now. im pretty sure some day im gonna have to break up with her and its gonna suck, but id rather have this relationship with an ending than not have it at all. because your the one that needs the advice. why are you trying to advise people on something you know nothing about? you can try to give all the advice you want, but right now your an athiest trying to preach to the choir.
then bill gates rebooted (his solution to everything), transformed into mecha bill gates and proceded to blast the big ugly penguin with lightning from his eyes.
so i learned how a computer works and pushed the button on the front to turn it on, it worked fine because linux is one of the more stable operating systems out there.
because no one is that attached after ONE FRIGGEN DATE. its no where near as big of a deal as you think it is, and youd know that if you had any experience with it. because dating people is the only way to find that person your NOT going to break up with. please please please STOP GUESSING. or at least if your going to keep guessing about things you dont know about phrase it in such a way that expresses that thats what your doing. and shell feel like crap for the first couple weeks or so, depending on the length of the relationship. after that, unless shes already unstable, she just moves on like the rest of the people on the planet. people go through bad times, they get over it, they move on, they try again. why on earth would i never get the chance to be happy again? im 18 years old. i have experienced less than a fourth of what i expect out of life. i lived with my parents and they kicked me out, so i moved in with my brother, hes stationed here. (and im paying rent.... im not a complete bum). life is NOT about pain and loneliness. its about the times in between. i cant move back to california right now because i was living in the 2nd or 3rd most expensive place in the country. to live there you need roommates, jobs, and money saved up. were working on it. anyway... im working on all my problems. go on a date! hell, dont even call it a date, ask one of you female friends if she wants to go see a movie, just as friends. do something small and casual, just to break into it a little bit. its not as bad, or important, or dramatic, or depressing as you think it is. its really not a big deal. you gotta relax.
because she hasnt become attached to you yet, and unless shes a complete imbecile, she understands that sometimes the chemistry just isnt there for the other person. that doesnt narrow it down at all... why would you go out with someone you werent intersted in? why would you be intersted in someone whos personality you dont like? almost completely impossible. i can almost garantee that your first relationship is not going to work out, based purely on the fact that you are unexperienced. you dont know how to maintain a relationship, you dont know how it works, you have never experienced a relationship with anyone else, and the human male biology has evolved to make you want to spread your seed. your not going to find a girl that you can really make it work with untill you have experienced some stuff. how many people do you know who are married to the only person they have ever dated? that depends on the manner of your breakup. if you break up in a huge fight because one of you cheated on the other, then yes, its probably not going to be a pleasant memory. but if you both realize that its just not working out and that you arent really meant for each other its entirely possible to keep the relationship pleasant afterwards. my parents managed to maintain civility for several years after their divorce. is this a fact or are you just pulling statistics out of your.... somewhere? people recover from breakups. unless your a total bastard in the way you break up with her, like you just walk in one day and tell her that you just wanted her for sex, and she turned out to be a lousy lay so your breaking up with her, odds are shes not going to be THAT upset by it. sure, shell be hurting, but only the most extreme circumstances could end in a suicide. your afraid. there can be no good without evil, no evil without good. you need to just do it anyway. your not going to get your perfect solution where you find the girl of your dreams on the first try and you fall in love and stay married forever. go date some girls. you will get hurt. you will have some painful breakups, but you will be so incredibly happy being with someone in the times in between that it really makes up for it. its called life, you have to take the good with the bad. i just moved to north carolina from california. i moved from a town where i had a job, there was a GOOD movie theater 15 minutes away, my girlfriend practically lived at my house, we were driving distance from 2 or 3 big cities full of things to do any time we wanted to go out for the day, to a place where you can ask the waiters what there is to do here and they respond "drinkin' huntin' and bowlin' and thats about it. sometimes we drink while we hunt." i got to see my gf for the last 7 days, and now im probably going go a few months without being around her at all. my girlfriend is 3000 miles away, it SUCKS. it hurts more than anything else i have ever done, but theres not a chance in the world that i would ever trade it for just not having that relationship. im pretty sure im not even going to end up marrying this girl, but the happiness that comes from being with her is still worth all the bad that comes along with it. you really should stop focusing on the negative. your not going to find perfection. your not even going to get close to it without a lot of trial and error. you need to go get some experience if you ever expect to have a lasting relationship. im not saying just go find some girl whos willing to do you a few times, im saying go find some girl that you find interesting and who is also interested in you and see where things go. just have some fun. youll appreciate it, even after it ends.
no.... you realize you arent right for each other. usually she realizes it too, since its a two way thing. you just dont ask her out again. her heart is only broken if you drag her along for a few months telling her you love her even though you dont and then cheat on her, or some crazy crap like that. if your just reasonable about it no one gets hurt. one date isnt gonna break her heart. no actually, they dont really know each other at all, until this week. and when they first met, my sister in law really didnt like my gf (for no reason at all, shes just kinda psychotic, long story) you should ask someone out on a date if you are interested in them. theres really not much more to it than that. either you want to go out on a second date, or you dont. either way no one is really getting hurt, its just one date. i honestly think your just scared to ask someone out, and are therefore making excuses for all the reasons why you shouldnt do it. im really not ragging on you, i totally understand, i didnt even ask my gf out. she told me we were going on a date tomorrow, and i said ok. but i do think that your just trying to rationalize your fear. im not really a blogger, but all those other things you mentioned fall under the catagory of "entertainment" they arent reality dude. its intentional drama to keep the audience intersted. you know that it will probably hurt in the end, cause odds are they arent the person you are going to end up with. but, you are in the minority by not dating. so that means most of the population of the world has decided that the fun, and the joy of being with someone, even if it is destined to fail and cause you a lot of pain by breaking up, is worth it because its such a good feeling, so dont you think just maybe you should give it a shot and get a gf just for the short term fun? people recover from break ups, most people decide its worth it. take the leap.
and then i realized that we have used the "and then i woke up" line far too many times and that i really was in prison and started looking for a way out.
you doofus... lol. thats what im saying, you cant tell if they are the right person UNTIL you go out with them. its a different kind of relationship, you get to know them better, and you realize your not right for them. yes, i know for a fact that she does. she came to visit me and numerous times went out in the garage for "girl talk" with my brothers wife. but im pretty sure she doesnt have anything serious or hurtful that shes keeping from me. and accordingly... i talk to my friends about her about stuff i wouldnt say if she were there. but none of it is anything that would violate either of our trust. once again i have to question how it is that you can act like you actually know what your talking about. how can you make all these generalizations about romantic relationships when you havent been in one?
until mr t showed up with the a team and killed them all with pure machismo.
that CAN be the problem. it can also be what i said. how would you know? i know that doesnt sound very nice, but really, how would you know the difference between two types of relationships when you havent had one of them? my girlfriend knows a hell of a lot more about me than anyone else, with the possible exception of my brother. i dont have anything to hide from her. i hope, and trust, that she doesnt really have anything to hide from me. if your with a person where you dont have that kind of trust, then your right, you shouldnt be dating them. (unless of course your after the shallow sort of interaction you seem to frown upon so much) all the negative things your saying seem to be based around the 2 week long relationships people have in middleschool.
gotcha... [hide]i was confused because the first digits of the first set of numbers also happen to be the primes. 1,2,3,5,7...[/hide]
have you gone on a date? because people change and because people grow tired of each other. the only way for you to know what you are looking for is to find it. when someone is your boyfriend or girlfriend you have a much more intimate relationship with them than you do with any of your friends. you will get to know them in ways you never would just being friends. the only way to know if someone is ultimately right for you is to be in a relationship with them. you wont be able to tell from friendship. having friendship as the base of your relationship is definately not a bad idea, but it cant be all.