or if this really is as official as you make it sound (ie. legitimate people want to know what its for for legitimate reasons) you just ask whoever takes care of the computers to log into administrator and check it out.
log in as administrator, go into user profiles in the control panel, and remove the password on that name. then go log in as that and check out temp internet files or whatever else your interested in, like recent documents and what not.
i should probably note that i have seen similar before.
[hide] the key is counting them ALOUD. your brain searches for the "fffff" sound. in the word "of" it makes a "vvv" sound so you forget to count it. if you got three you probably missed the three "of"s in the sentance.[/hide]
pressure in what direction? like how much you can stack on top of it? open or unopened?
i wont be able to answer your question anyway, but its not really answerable at all without more info.
10-20/.08=125-250 kilowatt hours per month= 4.16-8.33 kilowatt hours per day. how much more power are we thinking a CPU draws when its doing something instead of idling? are we taking into account the fact that windows runs system idle process when there is nothing else to do just to keep the processor busy?
assuming i run this 8 hours a day...let me know where i can get a 500-1000 watt processor, i bet it runs wicked fast.
or we could make it easier and say i run it 16 hours a day, then you just need to find me a proc that runs 250-500 watts more when busy than when idle.
so just to make sure i understand... they are basically using a worldwide super computer, by using the processing power of everyone that participates, to simulate the way protiens work?
is this something i can turn on when i go to bed and turn off when im using it for my own purposes?
hmmm... maybe i was thinking of sharing files, there was something about file permissions we couldnt do when my teacher was showing us the difference. something like, you can share a folder but you can use any of the different option they allow in pro... dont really remember.
anyway... you probably wont notice the difference.
he does indeed stop for an instant. the train does not, its just slowed down a little bit. the only time the fly and the train are going the same speed is when the fly has fully accelerated to the speed of the train, AFTER he stops.
pretty big and obvious flaw if you ask me : P
whats the image format where you can have transparent instead of white, so if i were to stack two pictures on top of each other the "white" spots would show the picture underneath?
the short answer... Nope.
longer... depends what you want to do. pro allows greater freedom in regards to networking (domains) and file access (pretty sure home doesnt let you look at system files no matter what you say or do). most users probably wouldnt even notice a difference.
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