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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. thats because being black doesnt make someone more likely to commit crimes. being a teenager does. during those years your developing physically and mentally in ways that make you think its fun to go out and vandalize things with your friends. or film one another slapping random people on the street. that is a tad strange... maybe because sending a 20-25 year old home doenst put them under control where as bringing a teenager home is putting them back under the judgement of their parents? i dont know : P
  2. not sure if that was intentional, but your quoting two different people there. your parents are legally responsible for you and your actions. if you break something they are the ones who end up paying for it. they are the ones who bail you out of jail, they are the ones who pay the fine, they are the ones who have to deal with all that crap for something they didnt even do.
  3. when writing a research paper you have to cite any facts that ARENT COMMON KNOWLEDGE. it is definately common knowledge that teenage years usually involve rebellious stages often with minor acts of vandalism. it doesnt have to be "most people under 18." just a higher frequency with people in that age range than in others i read your edit. just because you got shafted by having crappy parents doesnt mean the system is bad. you were unlucky. that doesnt mean laws that apply to underage people arent a good idea. it just means you were adversely affected by it. you got the short end of the stick, that happens to someone with pretty much every law. double jeopardy prevents rapists and murderers who were found not guilty from being tried again even if we find more evidence. but the law keeps people from having their lives unfairly disturbed by spending months in court when they have already been proven innocent.
  4. prejudice requires it to be unreasonable or without consideration of the facts. this is the opposite. the fact is many teenagers wreak havok. all of your examples are different situations because race does not determine things like that. age very often does. people go through rebellious stages in life, mainly during their teenage years. its not unreasonable or prejudiced to think that a group of people with a higher crime rate might be more likely to commit crimes.
  5. wait... dont those already have a ba...? ooooooh. i gotcha...
  6. and yet its still a law, and you are still required to either abide by it or accept the consequences. yeah, you definately couldnt speak out about it. you dont have access to any media, you definately couldnt write to your representation, you couldnt do anything. besides break the law that is. with good reason. generations of people before you have used their far more developed maturity and experience to decide that before that age you are not capable of making wise, educated decisions. good call. i think stupid, uneducated people have the right to vandalize cancer research centers until they have been through years of schooling, and not only fully understand, but are involved in, the research themselves. after all, people shouldnt have to put up with things they didnt decide on, even if they arent educated enough to take part in them yet.
  7. so basically you werent doing anything wrong besides breaking 3 laws. damn those blackhearted police for abusing their powers by arresting people who are breaking laws... your family has expensive lawyers! how dare they try to make you abide by society's rules.
  8. i have some ideas for you from my younger years if your interested... my old school had a big fly problem and not a lot of entertainment. i think our record was catching 4 at once.
  9. i get it just fine. if i understand anything about this kind of relationship its the kind of crap your talking about. the psychological aspects that have been driven into us by evolution. i get it. men try to spread the seed, women want men who will stay around and protect them when the cougars attack. this isnt high level stuff your talking about here. or you could not make her think your an ass... either way. theres a big difference between being confident and being a pig-headed asshole. just because you are sure of yourself doesnt mean you have to belittle her and treat her like crap. but... your probably right. i should just be a dick and blow it off anytime shes upset. that and making sure not to give her a birthday present so she doenst think im predictable and lose interest and i should be good to go!
  10. meh... strange. not really freaking me out though... and its not like im just not bothered by stuff, there are plenty of plain old horror movies that creep me out, but this just didnt do it. definately made by someone very twisted though.
  11. yeah, that is pretty easy.... i used to actually be good at finding the simpler routes : ( im standing by the trick question part though.
  12. if so i have not encountered many of them. i find men tend to use more direct/violent methods than the underhanded methods like manipulation. im sure there are examples of both in both sexes, but i think it shifted a little bit towards aggressive methods in men and the other way for women.
  13. it wasnt meant to depict "us girls" in a non flattering way, just some girls. im friends with several girls who dont fall under that catagory at all, but i have met a lot of girls that are unbelievable manipulative.
  14. thats the most shallow, generalized, idiotic thing i have ever read. especially this part: "Men will also, normally, "cheat" on women if the opertunity arises." there is a word for such men: ASSHOLES. evolution is not the governing force in the universe. decent people have control of their urges. its what seperates us from the apes. if there was nothing behind human interaction besides evolution then yes, everything you wrote would be true. but fortunately most of us have this thing called sentience which allows us to make logical, moral decisions, as opposed to humping everything in sight as our evolutionary tendencies would dictate. the rest of your post isnt quite as dispicable but is still based on a very narrow, shallow view of relationships and human interaction.
  15. confused about the ceasar reference... how is that an especially hurtful betrayal? but i said many, not all, if thats what the problem is.
  16. he does have a point in that many girls are in fact psychotic, bitchy, manipulative whores. however, i wouldnt put the situation hes describing under that catagory. i dont know if most people share this feeling, since im not any other people, but as a virgin, i have to agree that there is a certain desire for your partner to be inexperienced. i dont know if its because it would be more meaningful, or if its just some testosterone driven desire for control, or something else entirely. im not gonna sweat it if whatever girl i end up with isnt a virgin (much less cultivate relationships with young girls so i can pick them when their ripe), but the feeling is definately there.
  17. god is nowhere. then about 2 seconds later god is now here.
  18. people who are going to do such things as "happy slapping" arent going to be deterred by a curfew. they are assaulting people on the street, you think they are going to care about bedtime laws?
  19. theres a curfew in my area for everyone under 18, not sure if its set to 10 or 11 pm. if your out after that the cops escort you home. not that that ever stopped us, or that i ever actually got taken home... : P tell the kid to get over it. i have the freedom of speech but if i swear at school i still get in trouble for it. part of being underage is having your "rights" trampled. always has been, always will be. 9 seems a bit extreme, but overall, cry me a river.
  20. im sticking by the "trick question" option.
  21. i would absolutely love to hear how to do that without calc. unless its a trick question, which is an option im working on right now.
  22. 1. when you say at a rate of 1.5mm of depth... is that 1.5 mm on the sphere or in the bottom of the bath?. 2. this is calculus... i FREAKING HATE CALCULUS. sorry, i could probably figure it out, but i just graduated. im done with math for the summer.
  23. i think pretty much any movement of anything in any substance creates heat. the question is how much.
  24. i dont think it works like that... "the earth" is kindof a closed system, which includes the water.
  25. the nile. it didnt get any longer when it was discovered...
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