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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. [ hide] text [/ hide] minus the spaces [hide] text [/hide] stupid internet... why dont you work the first time?
  2. it doesnt really have to be the same scale. just put both scales on the same range of numbers. for example, if you were to rate a knifes durability and its sharpness on a scale of 1-10 and it score a 5 on durability and a 10 on sharpness you could say it is sharper than it is durable.
  3. [ hide] text [/ hide] minus the spaces [hide] text [/hide]
  4. where does one find NaOH? does it have a more commonly used name the average shmoe like me would have heard? if i walk into the hardware store and ask for NaOH will they have the faintest clue what im talking about?
  5. pulp FTW!!!1!!!one.
  6. DPI, not resolution. different settings. aaaaand you already know that... i think this post and the one above it are both pretty useless, but i cant find a delete button : P
  7. you guys all seem to think he means to use just water as fuel, thats not the impression i got from the post. sorry if this is bogus, but this is what i got out of it: if you run it on diesel the whole thing gets really friggen hot. then if you inject some water into it the water should turn to steam due to warming up a few hundred degrees c. cools down the piston a little, one more explosion without using up any more fuel. the energy doesnt come from no where, its using the heat energy that is wasted heating up the piston. you still have to use fuel to keep it hot, but you can occasionally use water to take advantage of the heat thats being wasted.
  8. by what definition of animal? if your going by the kingdom, phylum, etc. then yes, were animals. if your going by some other philosophical definition then maybe not.
  9. i dont think they would allow it if they thought there was any chance at all of it causing a problem. they probably also have a way to turn it off if it does start to cause a problem.
  10. have you tried any third party software, like ultramon? im using that, i dont know if it allows different dpis, because i just dont care, but it does allow a bunch of other stuff like different backgrounds on each one, different screensavers, etc. DPI might be one of the things it lets you change sepperately, im not sure.
  11. so... havent worked with computers much? or just havent learned anything from it? any number of things can affect stuff like this. that is, assuming its not intended. it could be a compatability issue, it could be a driver issue, it could be you cant do different DPIs with one GFX card (yes, i know it can do different resolutions, which is a different setting, therefore different limitations), it could be windows isnt designed to do dual monitors very well and they didnt take that into account. with all the different things that could be causing the problem, knowing how you set it up is crucial.
  12. they want to really piss off the next person who goes to use it?
  13. i have heard that if there is enough voltage a closed circuit can still give you a shock. even if it doesnt have enough voltage to bridge the gap to the ground or anything like that, i was told you could still get shocked if the voltage was high. any truth to that?
  14. bah. my experience involves two gfx cards. you sure one card can put out two different DPIs?
  15. whats your set up? i have dual monitors set up, but i have never tried to mess with DPI. are you using two graphics cards or one with two outputs or one with a splitter? flatscreens or CRT?
  16. thats my guess too... since "installing" firefox means telling firefox to copy a folder to your "program files" id say it shouldnt be much trouble at all. just copy over the folder where its installed, plus all that crap ecoli mentioned.
  17. while that is horrible and all that good stuff, doesnt it kind of defeat the purpose? sort of like when my crotchety old neighbor would let the air out of peoples tires if they parked infront of his house? now the cars stuck there, smart one... how am i supposed to get it out of your way?
  18. gotcha... proceed with the horribly cruel ideas. AP, weve been thinking about honey, my thought was that it would dry up all crusty and theyd have to rub the hell out of it like old bird crap. whats the seeds for though?
  19. they are the same thing. thats a definition, not any equation. im not sure what you mean by what does it imply.
  20. i think i made it pretty clear in the original post that i was looking for information on substances that can cause damage to a paint job, not ideas for pranks. no... i wouldnt like to ruin his paint job, which is why i would like to know what things will do that as opposed to just being a nuisance.
  21. 1. i can come up with my own pranks, thank you. your ruining the creative process! 2. ive always wondered, how does one get banana OUT of ones tailpipe? keep in mind the target is a friend. back to the original question please, can bologna strip paint?
  22. seran wrap? yeah, weve refined that art. if you put some kind of grease over the edges its a complete pain in the neck to get off.
  23. Callipygous


    i have heard that if you put bologna on a car and leave it for like 5 minutes it will strip the paint off and youll have a polka-dotted car. is there any truth to this? as a senior who just graduated, its important for me to know such things. are there any other substances that will damage a cars paint job? if egg is left on too long will it cause any damage? me and my friends like to get creative with the pranks, but i dont want to end up having to pay for a paint job.
  24. cant we make it 1 inch cubes instead? pleaaaaaseee?
  25. im betting its the moisture in the air. in my experience it hasnt really been a smell so much as a feeling in the air. i think its just that moist air is more pleasant to breathe, or at least when its cool, not hot and muggy like in humid areas.
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