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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. thats what i thought too, the thing thats throwing me off is i thought the velocity of water is supposed to be related to the area it has to pass through and the pressure involved. as a whole system the water in both pipes has the same area available to pass through. does the fact that it is the same system change the physics of this at all?
  2. Whats the Strawman thing mentioned in the rules?
  3. thats all well and good, but there doesnt seem to be a square in the situation. the closest thing is a quadrilateral which doesnt even appear to be a rhombus.
  4. i thought there was some program called "wine" or something like that that would do it for free.
  5. im gonna guess "zero". i havent actually worked out the math, but that would require one of the coins to be a quarter which means the other 49 coins would need to total 75 cents. while this may be possible (as i said, i havent checked) it just doesnt seem right in my head.
  6. why would you guys bother to try with this person? did you read his first post? he took on an argumentative tone before anyone even bothered to disagree with him. lets feed the troll. : P
  7. What has four legs and one arm? [hide]A doberman on a playground[/hide]
  8. arrogance is feeling that you are superior to other people because of some quality (real or imagined) that you have over others. the problem is, your not a better person. you are not more important, you are not special. you are different. everyone has certain qualities, it sounds like kindergarten teacher mumbojumbo but i really believe that every person has something going for them despite being somewhat lacking in certain areas. everyone also has some flaw.
  9. im not willing to put in the effort, but one method i find helpful for BSing tests is to plug in some values for things. if you cant find it by the general rules, maybe a specific one will work : P
  10. what has 2 legs and bleeds a lot? [hide]half a cat[/hide]
  11. i dont think the force counts... that science works just fine given the world its placed in. its justified by the story. my favorite one right now is in matrix: reloaded. namely the part where he catches trinity as shes falling from the sky. i have no problem with him flying through the air at a kabillion miles per hour to catch her, but what is it with humans and catching falling people? we seem to just totally forget the physics behind it. the whole idea of catching someone is that you arent strong enough to really do it, which means instead of truely "catching" them you really just get in the way and help to slow them down before they hit, thus decreasing the acceleration they would normally experience on impact with the ground. now, the key part from the matrix is this line: "i dont know, but its moving faster than anything ive ever seen before." that line is referring to neo... tell me, does "anything ive ever seen before" include the falling trinity? interesting... so he took a falling person, and slammed into them at a kabillion miles per hour instantly accelerating her to his speed... a much greater acceleration than she would experience from hitting the ground. what a hero. im guessing everyone sees what im talking about, but just to sum it up: trinity=one of those splotches on your windshield, only your windshield is neos face.
  12. telescope... wait, HOW is that better??
  13. well, you see, you have to focus it... step one is getting it pointed at the sun, note that i was a rather intelligent child and thus decided not to use the main telescope for this part (that would be stupid! i could hurt my eyes...) and instead decided to use the smaller, less powerful, view finder attached to the side. i even used plain sight to start, only using the view finder once i was close. i figured it out real quick though... doesnt seem to have done lasting damage, at the time i thought it might have. you know that wierd spot you get in your vision from staring at one thing too long, or *ehem* looking at a very bright light? that lasted several hours and was far more pronounced than in most cases. (i totally understand if you all choose not to read any more of my posts for fear of catching stupid)
  14. i recovered fine from the jalepeno juice, but when i decided to use my telescope to fry ants... thats a whole other story... everything is a little blurrier out of my right eye, not sure if its actually related.
  15. your suggesting this game had rules? and ones that limited what could be lit and tossed, no less?! HA, like im gonna buy that... anyone here ever have your pupil shattered by a flying staple? ive only heard stories.
  16. well yes, it was obviously very dumb... even aside from the fire danger. how else would you describe tossing flaming chocolate covered raisins at people? ive lit off my share of fireworks in forests... i think i can out do you though, we had a full blown firehose waiting.
  17. lol... yes, it was incredibly responsible to toss around flaming bits of food in a giant tinderbox. while im sure you didnt burn anything down, because you would surely know about it now, if one of your "stray throws" had actually hit something flamable odds are you wouldnt be putting it out in time. the people who lit a little patch of grass on fire to see how fast it would burn, only to watch it spread to the next patch of grass (also known as a "field") in about one and a half seconds, thought they were being responsible too because they had a water bottle handy. /mom mode off
  18. groan... at least there tends to be large gaps with nothing but sand, right? although, on a windy day that makes little difference.
  19. oh dear sweet jesus... please tell me this didnt take place in one of my beloved national parks. some of my fondest memories include flaming marshmallows in one way or another. one of the better ones would have to be when the adult i called upon to extinguish my marshmallow did so by whipping the stick so fast that it went flying off into the woods. luckly the velocity was such that it was only flaming for the first half of its flight. i count myself lucky that i havent experienced some of the things i have heard here, the solder resin sounds particularly bad, but i think my jalepeno juice is still up there... had me screaming in the bathroom anyway... (anyone else notice it seems to come in waves?)
  20. nicely done... id give you a high five, but then there would be fingerprints on my monitor.
  21. yeah ive heard of cake, theyre awesome.
  22. PWND! hahaha. that works perfectly with your biography, dak
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