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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. the person doesnt need to be defined as fully "below" you, just so long as there is something for you to dislike about them. its not like people go around fishing for groups and trying to define them as lower, you just have certain opinions about what things are good and bad and people tend to be judgemental and "kick" the bad.
  2. while i can see some similarities, i still find the comparison to racism a bit misguided. the difference is that being around a black person wont actually get you sick, they arent actually less intelligent or more dirty just by being a different color. smokers DO actually smell, the smoke CAN actually get you sick, and while i think it would be an incorrect assumption, i can see why someone would think that someone who chooses to do that would generally be less intelligent. the main reason smokers are shunned is because the rest of us have to suffer for their addiction. if you could smoke, and i would never have to smell it, or breathe it, there would be no problem. go ahead and suck down all the cancer you want, but theres no reason i should be forced to either breath tainted air, or move because of it. its no more shunned than someone would be if they chose to go around farting on people. if fart air is what does it for you, great, have at it. but theres no reason we should put up with it. as for your main focus here, yeah, i think the natural tendancy is to kick the people below you. it makes you feel better about yourself.
  3. i hate to bring seriousness to an obvious joke, but often times the confusion comes in not understanding how the register works. when they first put you in front of the register they tell you what buttons do what, and thats it. after that you just do your best to keep up with the customers orders without making some stupid mistake that is going to get them coming back complaining to your manager about the tomato on their burger. there are certain parts of the transaction where, to undo it, you need to call over a manager and have them use a code to let you redo the transaction. so if she already typed in the amount you gave her and you hand her more money, and shes new to using the register, she may just be confused as to exactly what needs to be done as far as the register is concerned, not what your change should be. if she had time to think about it, shed realize the register doesnt need to know what exactly went in and out, as long as the right amount of money ends up in there, but when your first thrown into the job you dont bother to think about that, you just try to remember all the stupid unlabeled buttons. please, be nice to the ordertakers. i believe i owe you a joke now. there was an altercation between 2 turtles and a snail. the police were talking to the snail about what happened. the snail said "well officer... it all happened so fast."
  4. im just now realizing that the important characteristic of microwaves is that they are the at the resonate frequency of water, and therefore heat water. so clearly the water isnt for cooling. i dont know why its there, i just know it was recommended at whatever site i found that at 10 years go. : P maybe someone on the lovely science site could tell whats actually going on.
  5. i type it in, so it depends if i hit down arrow once or twice. i find that if i go to the front page i have a reasonable chance of actually looking at some science threads, where as if i go to the forum i usually just hit up general chat. makes it easier to spot thread that interest me.
  6. i tried to go through and clean up the units confusion with him, but its been a few years and i dont remember anything about, for example, power units. could someone double check?
  7. when i think memory wire, i think of wire that you put in a shape and heat, and that becomes its new natural shape. no matter how you bend it after that it bends back. i think thats what they use for dental bracers, isnt it? ive never heard of anything like what your describing.
  8. I would like to see some of your favorite websites. To get the ball rolling, here is one of mine. http://www.willitblend.com his salesman smile that inevitably shows up at some point after he shoves a rake handle or a plunger into a running blender just makes my day everytime.
  9. personally, i have no complaints against Islam, only against those who use it as an excuse to destroy perfectly good buildings. and people. also, our sister site may be a better place for this: http://www.theologyforums.net/
  10. is it bad that i live all of about 25 minutes from there and didnt know it happened until maybe two days ago?
  11. my favorite is could he microwave a burrito so hot, he himself could not eat it.
  12. the entire valley i live in is a big clay bowl. drainage is always an issue. the neighbor doesnt have a pond, and everyone here is on sewer. he does have a pool, but i dont think thats the issue. he recently put in a new lawn right around where the problem is. he says hell turn down his sprinklers because were guessing hes just overwatering. well see how that turns out.
  13. yeah, its not about the cement setting, its about the ground being solid and the post not rotting.
  14. Theres a hole in my hole. the hole is indeed refilling on its own (without rain anyway). theres a hole about half way up the side of the hole that seems to lead off to the neighbors yard. it has a small, constant trickle.
  15. yes. the fact that in a modern world i can say "one billion" to someone and they could be thinking "1,000,000,000,000" while im thinking "1,000,000,000". i can almost understand having different electrical systems, or currancy, or infrastructure, but all the way down to the most basic math?
  16. this is the sort of thing that makes me ashamed of our species.
  17. that makes me a sad panda : (
  18. um... no, its not?
  19. no fish, just one enormous snail at the bottom.
  20. im somewhat hesitant to stick my hand in it. it looks watery, i didnt notice any smell. it may have gone up a little bit since the last time i looked. it also rained tho : P sludge was in reference to the green crap floating on the top. watery, definately no smell, not oily, the stuff on top actually has a bit of a grainy texture.
  21. what i dont understand is why that one would do that, but not the two holes a mere 10 feet away. the yard is on a very slight slope, if anything that hole is a bit higher than the other two.
  22. better?
  23. damnation... didnt imageshack.com used to host stuff?
  24. my mother had me build this in her back yard: she liked how it turned out, so now shes having me build her another one on the other side of the yard. i dug the holes a few weeks ago (the posts were a pain to get) this is the first hole: to see the second one, picture the exact same thing, but 10 feet to the left. this is the third hole: i dont know what to do about that, but im pretty sure i cant cement a post in it. any ideas on what would cause that, or how to fix it? (this is my first time using this image hosting site, let me know if there are problems accessing it.)
  25. did i miss something or did it not mention how you get the energy from the dye to a central location? are we just going to make our clothes out of wire instead of wool? foil?
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