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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. sorry dude... your just cool like a dude. most girls dont talk about chopping off second heads. or plant their knees in the stomaches of bible thumpers.
  2. no one is JUST anything. i didnt specifically say anything about you, because i DONT know you. however, if you think 7-12 year olds are ready for sex then yes, i think you need help. being a pedophile doesnt make you deranged. its not the desire thats the problem. its not being able to realize that the target of your affection is not mature enough.
  3. no, it takes a stupid or deranged person to think that a 7 to 12 year old is mature enough for sex. very rarely an 11 or 12 year old may be reaching sexuality, but they are the extremes, and even if they feel ready it doesnt mean they are. laws discourage potential criminals and provide the legal means for removing them from society so they cant do further harm. sexuality is inevitable. preventing extremely young children from being taken advantage of isnt. your absolutely wrong about us being able to stop the drug trade. have you even thought about what we would have to do to accomplish that? you might be able to pull it of with an invinsible, unclimbable wall, that for some reason cant be tunneled under, and then X-ray every single person that enters the country. untill they found a way to fool the x-ray. then we would have to just not let anyone in. ever. you cant stop the drug trade because people wont stop doing drugs just because you tell them to. they can still cause problems in society, just like pedophiles, and we are still going to work to stop them, just like pedophiles. but of course your not going to believe me because the only thing you are capable of seeing is the mean, evil, money grubbing government oppressing you and your desire to screw children because you somehow think they are in it soley for profit. the purpose of the government is to support the people. if we had a dictatorship i might worry about them being as corrupt as you think, but we dont. the US govt. is HUGE. each department is covered with checks and balances to the point where one section being corrupt would require most of the rest of it to also be screwed up like that. you cant get an entire goverment, elected by the people, ALL corrupt.
  4. im also in 12th. my school starts at either 7 or 8 depending on how many classes you are taking. but im in whats known as "concurrent enrollment" which means im taking classes online through BYU. when you are concurrently enrolled you can take a minimum day (4 classes) and that means i could start as late as 10. i chose to start at 9.
  5. yeah, im taking it tomorrow. filthy jackasses have it at 745... i have to wake up an hour and a half earlier than normal. > (BC)
  6. and you say WERE stereotyping YOU. i am not some christian crusader who thinks everything should be only one way. im just not stupid or deranged enough to think children are mature enough for sex. "nature" is not a conscious being. it doesnt make choices to put things back in balance. it can only be put back in balance if being where it is has some detrimental effect which causes it to return to normal. nature doesnt support genes that discourage reproduction. the developement of individual species doesnt depend on how that species' proliferation is affecting the rest of the environment. the only way the "pedophile gene" can have a purpose is if the individual who has it has some advantage over those who dont. what advantage comes from being sexually attracted to children? protecting children COSTS money. building prisons for those who sexually assault them COSTS money. keeping you locked up because you cant figure out what is inappropriate and what isnt COSTS money. do you have any idea how much of the taxpayers' money it takes to keep one person in prison for a year?
  7. the reason if feels good is so that people will want to do it so people will make babies. the majority of people are attracted to adults of the opposite sex FOR A REASON. its because thats the kind of interaction that produces children, which is the only purpose nature has. sex between two members of the same sex, or between an adult and a child, does not produce children. thus, it has no natural purpose.
  8. yeah... pretty much. but perfect for this forum. why did the koala fall out of the tree? it was dead. why did the second koala fall out of the tree? it was stapled to the first one. why did the third koala fall out of the tree? it was hit by the first and second.
  9. the other thing to take into account is heat sources indoors. humans, tvs, computers etc. radiate heat. i dont know about windows, but in the winter i put a sheet over the entrance to the "game room" which contains my computer, and it gets TOASTY in there. so much that it was even uncomfortably warm on the year our heater was broken. (and uncomfortably cold outside the sheet)
  10. your going to have to be more specific. are you talking about speed or size? if size, then you figure out what speed your stuff is and go buy more of it. if speed then you need to make sure your motherboard can handle it and then go buy faster stuff.(and remove your slower stuff)
  11. its 7 PM. im hungry as hell and i cant decide.
  12. well... if its perfect enough im guessing your veins stay fine until the next pulse, when the extra pressure will probably throw them out of alignment, same thing with your throat. the part i dont know about is nerves. if they get severed that cleanly can they still function?
  13. how would you go about doing that? keep "springing ahead" and just never "fall back"? so we end up rotating the hours through the daylight till dawn is at 12 and then it starts correcting? O.o
  14. 1^37billion kajillion=1^3 so 37billion kajillion = 3?
  15. psssh. this doesnt require any science. they are just asking for imagination. the only science part of this is that they expect you to know what conditions the thing needs to live in. take each of the dangerous characteristics and invent some property about the critter that helps it survive. eg. it has skin made of porous diamonds so it can survive the intense heat.
  16. interesting... so you realize that men have other ways to release sexual tension, and that they still rape... lets see how long it takes to put two and two together... gaia= GOD of nature. i addressed "nature" in the line immediately following that.
  17. which you brilliantly throw out the window with this garbage: you called me a walking dildo, and did so in as annoyingly arrogant and snotty tone as you could muster. what a surprise. which has what relevance to the cause of rape? for starters, gaia is a god, lets leave religion out of this. and second, it doesnt matter if im important to nature, the point is nature is not all powerful to me. i have this neat thing called sentience, which gives people the ability to resist their natural instincts. profession of not being arrogant, followed by a display of arrogance... awesome. thats simply not true. just because dominance is asserted using sex doesnt mean the act is about sex. if you actually think rape is about sex you need to go read up a little then come back and try again.
  18. because the next runner up got 59,028,109 votes. its easy for someone to become the president even if half the country doesnt like them. most of us either cant or dont vote, among those who do it doesnt take a majority to be elected. its entirely possible for someone to be elected president without recieving the majority of the votes. its also entirely possible for someone to be elected president of the united states even when someone else recieved more of the popular vote than they did. and no, im not talking about floridians not being able to figure out the ballots or the supreme court handing it to one person. the electoral college makes it so.
  19. men are not mere animals, you arrogant bitch. the difference between animals and humans is that psychology DOES apply to us, its NOT just base instincts. we have higher brain function and it does take precedent over animal urges. if it didnt every woman you have ever met would be a rape victim. not all rapists are ugly and socially incapable. however, they may be mostly the second one. being attractive is not enough to get you laid. not that thats the point. your post shows complete idiocy in regard to the cause of rape. it is an act of CONTROL not SEX. you rape someone to make yourself feel powerful, not to relieve your sexual urges. a magazine (or your imagination) and a little lotion will accomplish the latter. rape is commited by people who for one reason or another feel the need to assert dominance over another person.
  20. suicide. psychosis. but yeah, we are definately much less limited.
  21. i think its because evoltion is WAY cooler than intel. but uh... analogue? no idea. maybe : P i thought it had more to do with something like one of them being a multitasking system and the other only doing one at a time so quickly it seems like multitasking.
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