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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. interesting analogy... i think it tends to go the other way though. for example, when dealing with a dog the worst thing you can do is bend down to do anything. you command him with your posture absolutely straight because it shows dominance. bending over is submissive and hell jump all over you. from what i have been told the same thing goes for elephants. the guy at my dog training class said he used to be an elephant tamer for the circus, and that the same rules apply. you have to be absolutely confident or the elephant tosses you aside like the flea you are. as for rapists, i think it can go either way (which seems to be the same general message you are giving). when looking for a feeling of power, you get a stronger one from doing it to someone more resistant. as for victimising someone, if someones already making themselves look like a victim... thats the obvious choice. id say it depends on the brand of rapist you get, but in general i would say confidence is something you should strive for in regard to such situations. confidence will keep you fighting and keep you focussed. i think youve got better chances both of not getting attacked and of defending yourself if your confident.
  2. ah, the mark of the teenage moron... you gonna call us all gay next too? yes, i know. which is where your arrogant preaching comes in. yeah, im offended that you would make such a comment under ANY circumstances. what a surprise... im human. you just reek of someone who has never had anything actually go wrong in their life. when life finally does smack you across the face crap like that loses its humor value really quickly. congratulations... you got an entire group of people "transfixed" by the idea that anyone could be so stupid and insensitive. do you feel smart now?
  3. because hes your buddy. christ didnt come here to give us the willies! he came to help us out. he was a booster. and it is with this in mind we present our new, more inspiring sigil. i present to you, the first of many revamps the catholacism wow campaign will be unvailing throughout the year, the BUDDY CHRIST. of course thats not the sanctioned term for the statue, just something weve been kicking around the office... /nerdification over. (and yeah, thats off the top of my head for anyone who knows what in the hell im talking about. i know some of it isnt quite right, but im still proud ) ps. in my opinion its more of a thumbs-up-"you da man" kind of gesture. but look at it... doesnt it just POP, buddy christ ?
  4. of course. everyone gets rejected in highschool. thats what its for. you didnt actually think you were there to learn academic stuff did you? your there to learn how to put up with all the crap your going to deal with regarding the idiots in the workplace. aim for the other nerds. they arent all nothing but gamers whos closest relationships are with their computers. there are some that just oooooze personality, as can be seen by a quick glance at some of the posts that can be found in this forum. (and this thread for that matter...) if someones being obnoxious go find someone else. youll find some people you get along with.
  5. no you moron... whos offended at a traffic accident? maybe disturbed, not offended. you get offended when some little weasely excuse for a human being comes in and says he hopes someone gets raped again. wierd how a few hundred years of oppression finally being overthrown combined with mob mentality will do that... whats your point? protecting her from what? you being an idiot doesnt hurt her. you came in and made a statement, we all told you what we thought of it. when does that turn into protecting her? only in your own pathetic little mind. your so arrogant. you come here and start preaching about violence and human hipocracy and all this other BS you have come up with about the clean, pretty, elite class and how it someone how applies to each and every one of us because you say so and you read a book recently that talked a little about society and human morals. even you arent heartless, whether or not you would like to believe that you alone are in tune with the fact that were all animals inside.
  6. ive read all your posts already. apparently you think being interested in animal violence and gory movies is the same thing as wishing misfortune on another person. yes, love watching movies where people get shot. do i want someone to actually get shot? no. would make a joke about someone who got shot and mugged getting shot and mugged again because i THINK their ignorant or stupid? no. why arent you banned yet?
  7. im curious what any of that has to do with you making such an obscenely rude, insensitive comment as wishing that another person gets raped. again. azure... go get the monkey. ill bring the whisk
  8. and even dumber than that? posting the "non" and expecting people to not jump on your back for being a dirtbag.
  9. wow... thats one of the most terrible things i have ever heard. even if it was in jest.
  10. thats pretty trippy... the motherboard shutting down should cause the rest of it to stop too... the mobo controls the rest of that crap. the closest i have ever had was just that my comp would have to kick start its self. it would start, then stop, then start for a little longer, then stop, then a little longer, etc. i had a bad powersupply, no idea what your problem could be though.
  11. so many viewers called in and complained about that one that they redid it and instead used a test with several layers of windshields and found that the frozen chicked had FAR more penetrating power. myth confirmed.
  12. after trying this out i have decide "pliers" isnt quite the right term, it sort of implies a smaller tool. "wrenches" is closer. thats some thick metal. it also makes it easier if you have a friend to hold one of them.
  13. oh yes you would... unless she was a real heffer. (the above in no way represents my actual thoughts on guys getting raped)
  14. the analogy was the best way i know of to answer your question. take your thoughts toward my "strawman" and apply them to the original question and you have my answer. its a way of conveying the thought when i cant come up with the actual words to state it. i know, i said i felt like a jackass saying it... its just how i feel, i never said it was fair. no, attraction is not illegal, nor do i think it should be. i also dont think we should count on wolves to protect our flocks.
  15. whats wrong with adding violence to the analogy? are you saying hitting a child is worse than sexually molesting them? so you dont think a person who is attracted to children is more predisposed to being attracted to their own child than a person who isnt attracted to children at all? yeah, something changes in people when they have children, but not normally their sexual orientation. why would you risk that? what if he was attracted to them, what with them being the beautiful god sent little angles pedophiles describe them as, and slipped up just once?
  16. if i told you i had a disorder that made me want to punch children in the face would you want me to have a child? surely the love i feel toward my own children would supercede my desire to punch a child in the face, but would you want to risk it?
  17. i know how to use %n in a profile, i dont know how to apply that to an away message in a way that it would change anything except the screen name. "Even check it against an array if you want several friends to see it." what do you mean?
  18. i use AOL instant messenger, and something i would really like to be able to do is put up different away messages for different people, so when my brother says hi, hell get a message specifically for him, whereas if my friend leaves a message it will tell him something different. im curious if any of you have seen a mod (like deadaim) that will do things like this. if not, im curious if any of you know how things like deadaim work well enough to know how to make something like this. i know some java and C++, but not enough to really be up to a task like this. ideas i have been thinking about include making a mod like dead aim, or using some kind of packet sniffer to catch them as they come in and just send out a different message for each one, leaving aim out entirely. unfortunately i dont know how to do either one. can anyone help me with this?
  19. ok... so your saying if it werent on any tilt at all we would have ice caps everywhere but the equator?
  20. misfortune? i have always heard contractions of that kind are just fun.
  21. wow... thats gonna be a healthy relationship. your partner shouldnt be second to anyone or anything except maybe your own children. if thats your approach im thinking adoption would be a better option, but, of course, im extremely hesitant to suggest adoption to a pedophile. i would actually be severely disappointed if any agency would give a pedophile a child. i feel like a jackass saying you shouldnt have a child, but thats what i honestly feel, so here goes: you shouldnt have a child.
  22. its not about the childs regrets, its about the psychological effects it has on the child. how it alters their world view. its the same reason you shouldnt let your 8 year old look at porn. children arent supposed to be exposed to sex. if you dont believe me listen to love line sometime. adam corrola and dr drew answering phone calls with all sorts of problems. you would not believe the percentage of people who call in with serious psychological problems, and problems with their relationships, that are people who were exposed to sex at a very young age. people with sexual disfunction, people who cant reach an orgasm unless their partner is wearing a mask and acting out a rape. they come to associate the relationship they had early as the only type of relationship they can have. those are only a couple of the things that have been linked back to people who had sexual experiences before they were ready.
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