i dont do it to fit in, but there is a good chance that a lot of what i believe i picked up from my parents. like i said, you dont choose this stuff. im sure some people act like they think something to fit in, but that doesnt mean they actually believe it.
when you type it into your calc you are probably getting an order of operations problem. put parentheses around the right stuff and it should work.
as for by hand:
6/-2= -3 but -2^2= 4, not negative 4. so 8/-2^2= 2 not -2
-3 + 2 = -1
i think they are based on many things. my genes being one of them, plus my surroundings, my up bringing, anything i see on tv or hear on the radio, things friends say, teachers.... everything. also, my thoughts and logical reasoning based on all those things effect it.
-2 and -4 are the two solutions for y.
im confused about how you got -7 and - 3.5
when i plug -2 into the y's in the first equation it turns it into -1=-1
i just checked -4, same thing
the point is, you keep asking what i have to gain from being pro choice. NOTHING. i am pro choice because it is what i believe is right. you dont choose your beliefs based on what will serve you best. you dont choose your beliefs at all.
you dont believe something to achieve personal freedom. maybe you believe you have absolute freedom and somehow belief in a god would contradict that, so you dont believe there is a god.
you cant say " i want to be free, so im not going to believe in god" you either believe in god or you dont.
no.my position is just what i believe is right. you seem intent on hearing what my personal gain is, i dont see any personal gain, so i threw out the same kind of trash i throw out when i have to bs an essay.
i absolutely agree about bowing your head during grace and all that. normally i would say if they ask, then tell them what you think. but given the apparent nature of your post, it seems like you are more interested in telling them they are wrong, in which case i would say do your best to keep it to yourself. the kinds of discussions you would probably want to have about it are not ones that would probably go over well.
evolution is easy though... simply ask the person the following questions:
1. do people resemble their parents, in size, shape, and color?
2. is a 6' 200 lb guy more or less likely to survive a cougar attack than a 5'2" 145 lb person such as myself?
3. will more children be born to a person who did die in a cougar attack or a person who didnt die in a cougar attack?
4. given the previous answers is it not likely that in the presence of cougars a society might gradually grow to consist of mostly large people instead of midgets such as myself? hence, evolving to be better suited to their environment?
so i take it you arent interested in further relationships with these people?
and if you have to ask us for your convincing arguements why are you so sure there is no "floating grandpa"?
i think its pretty obvious... come on. today is saint patricks day and the date just HAPPENS to correspond with an element on the periodic table that is green? i dont buy it. the government has been planning this for centuries. its heralding the next revolution in centralized govt. streetlights today, tomorrow a camera in every home appliance!
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