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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. cant say that i have... augmented for optimum use... my general assumption is that thanks to good old evolution "optimum" would be roughly what our lungs are shaped like. or did you mean more like some artificial aid? dragon ironlung?
  2. i really doubt it. what they taught in physics class was that bone is roughly as brittle as brick. dragon stuff sounds interesting...
  3. im sorry, but im really missing the point. why would it seem odd to me that two groups of humans in two different times have similar moral dilemas? the difference in time is the decision we reach on those dilemas.
  4. im not sure thats the process using the internet, its possible its the one running your drivers that keep your ethernet card running thought. i dont know enough about it to say for sure. you can look here if you want: http://www.liutilities.com/products/wintaskspro/processlibrary/svchost/
  5. im scared hahaha, beautiful.
  6. oh dont worry, were probly updating soon by stopping all those devilish homosexuals from marrying. that should bring it back up to date with the latest and greatest prejudices instead of back in the dark ages of hating the colored folk. but in all seriousness, thats what amendments are for. and yes, the nature of humanity has changed that much, at least where i live. while government is still based on religion at least its no longer run by it in much of the world (which is where such things as anti abortion laws are based, btw)
  7. thanks for clearing that up for me. just to set the record straight, "the americans" dont believe a god damn thing. SOME americans may think god is an american WASP, SOME americans may have voted for bush, but a large portion of us do not, and did not. (i only bring that second one up because its the bashing i hear most commonly)
  8. 1. what the hell is with all the america bashing i hear online? 2. WASP? (i would also like to note that i am an american and i think god is a magical fairy in the sky that people made up to explain a bunch of crap they didnt understand, but thats for another thread : P)
  9. i didnt know where "hippocratic" came from. just googled it, very strange. some sites seem to be providing a modern version, with no mention of gods or of abortion. ill look into it further : P heres something to look over, still searching. http://www.imagerynet.com/hippo.ama.html
  10. the hippocratic oath makes references to greek gods? O.o
  11. what is it and why is it relevant? seeing as how it swears by the gods im guessing its not actually relevant.
  12. shouldnt the legal side of it be based on ethics?
  13. if you look im sure even you will notice that each of my posts, up until that last one, answers your questions as best i can. usually with at least one paragraph-long response to one of your questions. i dont see that preventing a rape has anything to do with self defense. it may be that in doing so you make the world a safer place by getting the person off the streets, but the immediate purpose is to help someone in trouble. i highly doubt that anyone interrupting a crime like that did so with self preservation in mind. if anything you are endangering yourself far more by getting involved than by staying away. i also dont see what that has to do with whether or not there should be legislation on the issue. laws are there to protect everyone, not just those that are old enough to write the laws.
  14. i was wondering if you would catch that... now if only you would apply some thought to that. whos crying? im perfectly fine with the fact that your a moron who cant discuss a topic. just dont expect any respect from me. IVE degenerated this discussion? your the one who cant reply to a single post without bitching about the way something is phrased. if you disagree with maybe you should try saying why instead of gradually dropping all the actual ideas from your replies to make more room for complaints about grammar. (dont think i havent noticed that with each reply you ignore one more of the quotes that actually had substance)
  15. oh, so its a killing that isnt ok? isnt that called a murder? so its a legal murder? no. im saying that when, instead of looking at the meaning of what im saying, you ignore it and focus instead on how i use the word "you" instead of "a person" you are a moron who has no point to make. you choose to bitch about how terribly confusing my grammar makes the post because i didnt specify exactly which person i was referring to in each and every sentance, instead of looking at the idea i presented and finding something to dispute about it. so the problem here is that you think it matters whether or not im a woman. just because its a decision only a woman ever makes doesnt mean that men are incapable of following the decision making process a person would use in that situtation. all these ideas are about people in general. you ignore that and focus instead on whether i was talking about me or you or a woman or some other specific class of person. we are discussing humans, i dont need to specify whether im talking about me deciding whether an abortion is a good idea or a woman making the same decision. "forcing me to understand somehow magically what you really mean?" or maybe expecting you to not be a nitwit focussing on details and instead discuss the ideas were talking about.
  16. kyle, 18, present on three but not index finger.
  17. you seem to be of the opinion that an abortion is a womans right, no matter the circumstances, no matter how late in the pregnancy. i bring up these specific situations to try to get you to think about why it would be ok for a woman to kill a child just because it is still inside her. i bring up the suffocation after birth because if you say that is ok, then you are condoning murder. obviously your not doing that, so i bring up the crowning incedent. is it ok then? and if you say yes to that then we have to ask the question of what is different about the baby when it is still mostly inside that makes it ok to kill it. if you say no, thats not ok, then i bring up the 8 months in example. what changes in the last month that makes it ok to kill it now, but not in another month? what about one month before that? you said earlier that i was giving cut and dried examples and that abortion isnt that straight forward. i think your the one that is viewing it as straight forward as you seem to think abortion is always ok, and im assuming you think murder is not. what is the difference between the two and where is the line dividing them? any complaint, in a debate, that focuses on the way an arguement is presented instead of the point it is trying to make IS STUPID. im curious why my gender would have anything to do with it. there is definately an element of logic in this decision, if nothing else then the woman would consider how the event would affect her emotionally. you just seem to be the only one who has a problem with my grammar. if you cant figure out that when someone says something like "you can always eat cheese" the "you" doesnt mean YOU SPECIFICALLY it means anyone, then you need to open up your damn mind. communication is not set in stone. is english a second language that you have only used in reading and writing or something? have you never had a real life conversation in this language? from the way you regard the semantics im seriously wondering.
  18. I disagree completely. What possible evidence could you have for this, other than speculation?
  19. what if she stabs the baby right as it crowns? what if she feels her water break and decides to get out a coat hanger? what if she knows shes 8 months pregnant and does something to force a miscarriage then? at what point does it stop being a "private decision" and start being a murder in your mind? because then you wouldnt be able to come up with any stupid, grammar based details to complain about when you dont have anything to say about the actual topic. i wouldnt want to put you in that difficult situation. once again, when does it stop being an invasion of privacy and start being the prevention of a murder? logic is what she uses when she considers how having a child will affect her life, her health and those around her and compares it to how those things would be affected if she didnt have the child. because i believe you know exactly what i mean and you just choose to focus on stupid details to avoid having to answer the real questions.
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