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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. yeah... i dont know if i really buy that. considering that you can actually disable the pagefile if you have enough ram i dont really believe that windows uses it for anything other than freeing up ram. if you can give me examples or maybe a credible source ill buy it, but everything i can find says "extra space".
  2. your just drawing another arbitrary line by saying that... you could argue that every girl that has her period is a murderer because she should have gotten pregnant. if she had only given it the oportunity by providing sperm that egg could have developed into a human being just like the rest of us. every guy who goes in the toilet instead of a woman is a murderer because each of those sperm has the potential to be a human being, if only we gave it access to an egg instead of haphazardly depositing it into a tissue. i personally believe that it becomes human when it is capable of surviving outside of the womb. if we could remove it and have it survive to become a normal human, without any extra disfigurement or damage due to being removed, then it is human. before that it is nothing but a sperm and an egg.
  3. my older brother is about 5 inches taller than me. if im the exception to the rule... maybe the mom is kinda stretched out so more growth occurs in the womb? im really reachin here...
  4. why??
  5. why would you want to do that? do you know what your pagefile does? moving temp files to ram(where they get erased each time) might actually result in worse performance as some of them are there because they will be used again, so the computer doesnt have to put them back each time.
  6. i think he means just being around that much radioactive material. not if it actually had an explosion.
  7. or maybe you just took stuff to personally because you dont realize that this is a debate, not a contest?
  8. just enough of the reaction i guess... im sure you could find instructions somewhere online if you dont get any satisfying responses here. more voltage? although whats his face told me high voltage wouldnt do it. : P better electrolyte? i dont know...
  9. the only story i have ever heard about electrolysis involved a professor starting the process and then doing his lesson and by the end of the lecture it was ready to be ignited. exactly how long that is i dont know, but not quick. an ac adapter should take in ac and put out dc, if you use ac it does the job, but then it switches what electrode is doing which, so they just recombine and it cancels out. if your adapter really is ac output maybe this is why it never even got to standing up?
  10. good question. i suppose its possible. the best answer i have for that is that color would have to be defined on a practical basis. that is to say, as far as were concerned the ball is blue, whether we can force it to reflect red light or not. if the ball is moving fast enough you see it as an oval(and if you really get it moving it probably is an oval) does that mean the same ideas go for shapes? i want a smiley thats stroking its chin.
  11. what part of that means it has to have light to be blue? it has properties that make it so if one were to shine a light on it blue light would come back. those properties dont go away when you turn off the light. the only thing that goes away is your method of observing that property. i know something is hard because when i squeeze it it doesnt give very much. if i stop squeezing it, it doesnt stop being hard, im just not testing it anymore.
  12. give me a quote of that one...
  13. none... the sphere requires nothing to be a sphere, it requires no light to be a blue object, nothing needs to hit it in order for it to be hard... or soft, whatever, it doesnt matter. all these properties are there whether anything is interacting with it or not.
  14. how does it require an external source to be valid any more than shape does? does hardness require something to strike it to be valid? does that make it a process?
  15. a property of an object, just like shape is a property of an object. i think color is a property, not a process. (except when your talking about "coloring" some food : P)
  16. your theory that what? it relies on something besides itself? no, our perception of it relies on something besides itself. the properties are still there, just as we assume the sphere is still spherical when were not touching it. thats like saying spheres require our fingers inorder to be spheres, and therefore that property is less important. color isnt a process, its a property.
  17. i dont quite follow you, at what point does water reflect every color? you mean like in a rainbow? are you sure this is true of all substances? i think color is more what is reflected back than what is refracted. you can see the surface of the water because some light is reflected back at you. does the full spectrum rainbow occur in reflection or only refraction?
  18. how about this... all substances interact with light, if you interact with something it is impossible not to change it, however slightly. the color of something is the result of how it alters white light that hits it. so, all substances have color.
  19. it has color, that was the best way i had to discribe it. im not a poet.
  20. yes... and all substance has color... im pretty sure i said that already.
  21. blue doesnt mean it is CURRENTLY reflecting blue light. thats how. blue means if you were to shine a white light on it only the blue would come back. if it is in a completely lightless environment it would still be a blue object because it has the properties of reflecting only blue light. whats the substance? any substance, it doesnt matter... in this case a ball.
  22. can you distinguish distilled water from air? it has SOME color, what you would call it i dont know, very light grey? be careful not to turn this into an idiotfest. it has nothing to do with the light source. blue means it only reflects blue light. perception does not change the physical properties of things, but you dont know the physical properties of things. you only know your perception. if you dont want to get into, dont continue down that line.
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