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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. but sisyphus... dont you realize that it was actually a cruise missile filled with the bodies of people the planes? all the people who know anything about it are clearly being paid off by the government to tell everyone it was afghanistan, which then allows us to invade iraq for oil. i guess i need to include a disclaimer that the above is a joke, and should be taken lightheartedly.
  2. and are you defining "the correct amount" as a carefully calculated flow of oxygen designed for maximum heat? because i think the standard breeze you can expect at the 90th floor would be enough to fan the flames. and how did you decide that it would have to have that?
  3. not really. it merely assumes that enough jet fuel was spread to have jet fuel burning over the surface long enough to weaken the supports. there could very well have been enough jet fuel to keep burning much longer in some places, it doesnt have to be equal at all. given the nature of an explosion however, i would be surprised if there wasnt a fair amount of jet fuel on just about everything in there. you have to forgive our assumption that someone arguing that the official story is a lie would be arguing for the most commonly believed alternative.
  4. while were talking about guesses... you have any logic to justify that?
  5. actually, your own arguement helps to explain why the building would not collapse sideways. metal is very good for conducting heat. first of all, if the fire was across the entire floor then the heating would already be fairly uniform. second, your comments on heat conduction only help that. the heat dispersing into the parts that arent under as much direct flame would help keep the softening of the metal constant across the entire structure, helping it collapse as one. "If I douse that same corner in lighter fluid," it wasnt one corner doused in jet fuel, you dont even have to study it to know that the explosion went clear through to the other side. you can plainly see it in the footage.
  6. "You'll argue that whole beams were in flames so dissipation is minimal" yes, thats exactly what ill argue. its not like there was a jet fuel camp stove sitting under the beam with a healthy breeze blowing by. there was an explosion, followed by an office fire stoked by jet fuel, inside a fairly closed space. sure, there was a gaping hole from the plane, but on the scope of the entire floor, it was mostly enclosed.
  7. I like how you keep mentioning "a few fires" as though its some trivial thing. this is not like someone left a toaster on and the napkins went up in a blaze. jet fuel burns a wee bit hotter than that. "280°C steel does not melt." i think everyone on both sides of the discussion has stated that the beams probably did not melt. you have a building that is already under extreme stress, daily just from the weight, but especially now with some of its supports taken out. the beams dont have to melt, they just have to get softer.
  8. a herd of dry sheep.
  9. you slow down. you no longer have any force contributing to your forward momentum. you do, however, have friction with the air and the ice.
  10. depends if you hit the gas or the breaks or coast. also depends on whether your on a slope.
  11. he said second letter, but close.
  12. my grandfather frequently sends me emails, most of which are highly inappropriate, but this one isn't and i felt compelled to share it: Far away in the tropical waters of the Caribbean, two prawns were swimming around in the sea - one called Justin & the other called Christian. The prawns were constantly being harassed & threatened by sharks that inhabited the area. Finally one day Justin said to Christian,"I'm fed up with being a prawn, I wish I was a shark, then I wouldn't have any worries about being eaten." A large mysterious cod appeared & said, "Your wish is granted" & lo & behold, Justin turned into a shark. Horrified, Christian immediately swam away, afraid of being eaten by his old mate. Time passed (as it invariably does) & Justin found life as a shark boring & lonely. All his old mates simply swam away whenever he came close to them. Justin didn't realise that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight. While swimming alone one day he saw the mysterious cod again & he thought perhaps the mysterious fish could change him back into a prawn. He approached the cod & begged to be changed back, & lo & behold, he found himself turned back into a prawn. With tears of joy in his tiny little eyes Justin swam back to his friends & bought them all a cocktail. (The punch line does not involve a prawn cocktail - it's much worse). Looking around the gathering at the reef he realised he couldn't see his old pal. "Where's Christian?" he asked. "He's at home, still distraught that his best friend changed sides to the enemy & became a shark" came the reply. Eager to put things right again & end the mutual pain & torture, he set off to Christian's abode. As he opened the coral gate memories came flooding back. He banged on the door & shouted, "It's me, Justin, your old friend, come out & see me again." Christian replied,"No way man, you'll eat me. You're now a shark, the enemy, & I'll not be tricked into being your dinner." Justin cried back "No, I'm not. That was the old me. I've changed....... "I've found Cod. I'm a Prawn again Christian"
  13. most people dont think that much in depth. when i think lethal dosage i think of it in terms of the average person, not per kilo, or whatever the actual standard is. granted, im pretty sure im wrong for doing so.
  14. how does that work? wiki is telling me that the power to spin the rotor is provided by "aerodynamic forces alone once it is in flight". what aerodynamic forces make the rotor spin? the only options i can think of seem counter to what i know of physics...
  15. wow... i couldnt even read that until you said it was the quicksilver logo : P
  16. where are you seeing this logo?
  17. the longer something has been out of production the more it is worth. were not making new land anytime soon. the prices arent going to be significantly affected by the materials themselves.
  18. the quicksilver logo doesnt make you think maybe the guys buy their surf clothing from quicksilver?
  19. they arent accepted because well edjucated people know that it just isnt possible. any device you design that doesnt have an energy input will not have energy output. the absolute best you can ever accomplish would be 100% efficiency, as in if you pushed it to get it started it would continue to go that speed. as soon as you took any energy out it would start to slow down. these devices are designed by people who dont have a solid understanding of the physics involved they are very creative, ill give you that, but they are never, by any means, functional.
  20. is that a guess or something? you can clearly see the buildings, and briefly, the edge of the bridge at numerous points during and after the explosion. O.o and considering the amount of water that can be thrown up with a simple dry ice bomb in a swimming pool id say 3 sticks of dynamite is plenty for that reaction. how they would get a hold of dynamite and throw it into a river in a city without ending up in prison is another story.
  21. only 19 over... lol count yourself lucky the ticket was only 129. i cant wait till someone catches you doing some of the really stupid stuff and nails you for a few hundred bucks. on a public road, there is nothing safe or careful or smart about driving 150mph. you should stop using those words.
  22. all the ways you would test that are based on assumptions about how their brains work. humans can count, recognize themselves and remember where their food is. that doesnt mean that other animals who can do the same things are going to act the same way. you cant ask the animal if it can do those things, you just assume based on how it acts. if its brain is different in a way that makes it so when it sees itself it has a different reaction you wouldnt have any way of knowing.
  23. i agree, im just saying that may be where the discrepency is in their mind, that is, why its ok to tease other minorities, but not them.
  24. i think the problem is they still feel too trampled to be treated equally. if your going to treat someone equally on the negative side you have to give them equality on the positive side too. not that im saying gay jokes are off limits, im just guessing that thats why they feel its off limits. this concept sprouts off into womens rights in my mind too. they want to leave the kitchen and enter the work world, but very few want to help the men onto the life rafts or pick up the check after dinner. i personally think the concept of a housewife is outdated and is definately something we should leave behind, but they still expect their special treatment in other areas of life. they hit you, your not supposed to hit them back, they are the first out of burning buildings, hold the door for them, etc. in the same sort of way, i think gay jokes need to be accepted, but there is sort of an issue if we havent given them equal treatment yet. we want to be able to tease them, but we wont let them get married. but of course, as usual, it was a joke and therefore i still think the solution is for everyone to just lighten up a bit.
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