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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. HA! i got both you beat. 5'2" i never have to duck any branches : D
  2. a=37 b=10 "C"= 1 so if you think about it c=2 could mean a great many things. b could be 11 or 20, a could be 29 or twenty 1's followed by an infinite number of 0's.
  3. im saying instantly.
  4. well i got the second gfx card for free. so there goes the cost issue : P
  5. please tell me your using an image...
  6. ok, relative to himself, b sees a as ticking slower. relative to himself, a sees b as ticking slower. they cant both be right. or are you talking "relative" on some other level.
  7. thats right' date=' killing soldiers is not terrorism. as i said before, it may be wrong to go into a country and attack them unprovoked, but the way the US and others did it cannot be described as terrorism. they used no tactics specifically designed to incite fear. it may be wrong, they may be terrible people, but not every unethical act is terrorism. your making very large jumps here. military school teaches soldiers to think on a tactical basis, not an ethical one. your thoughts on soldiers being able to make their own decisions is correct for certain circumstances. you are absolutely right when it comes to decisions on who to shoot. but we arent talking about warcrimes, were not talking about soldiers shooting women and children and unarmed people. were talking about the basic decision of whether or not to invade. soldiers do not decide whether to attack or not. they go to war because their countries tell them to. on that level it is not their choice. the leader says "were shipping out tomorrow" and they all get on the ships and leave their loved ones behind to go to war solely because their country ordered them to. they cannot be blamed for the decisions of their leaders.
  8. sort of like every organization on the planet. so yes. well... that may be a little too broad, but any similar organization.
  9. is this through any p2p program like kazaa or limewire? if not it usually means you visited some site that puts crap on your computer. its a problem i had with internet explorer. the only ways i found to stop it were to either get a popup blocker or manually block the ip address of each window that comes up in my firewall.
  10. ok, thanks for the info. but the exact numbers dont really matter much for what i was saying(i think...). because either way, "a" sees "b" as moving away from him, and therefore going through time slower (1.15 seconds per tick) and "b" sees "a" as the one that is moving so from his perspective "a" is ticking slower. it doesnt work out. one of them has to be ticking slower than the other. with the clocks that were flown around the world, how did they know which one would come out ahead? from the planes perspective the one on the ground was moving away very fast behind it. if speed is reletive then why isnt the one on the ground the one that went slower? if the guy on the plane looked at the ground clock would it look to him like the ground clock was the slower one? because thats the only way i could see this actually working.
  11. why is that the quote of the week? i go on to mention all the people i tried to talk to about it... i read a book, i asked a bunch of smart people, was there something else i was supposed to do? and no, im not looking for an analogy. i have heard dozens of analogies. i understand the idea(or at least i think i do), i know what the effects supposedly are, i want to understand why. consider the following: a------b------c person "a" is moving left at 1/2c with repect to person "b", person "c" is moving right at 1/2c with respect to person "b". in person "b"s eyes, they are both moving 1/2c faster than himself and will there for experience the effects of time dialation. in person "a"s eyes, "b" is moving 1/2c faster than himself and "c" is moving a full c faster than himself. so "a" thinks "b" is aging at 1/2 speed and "c" isnt aging at all. "b" thinks "a" and "c" are both aging 1/2 speed. who is right? this could work if time dialtion factored in direction. if "a" could be going negative and "c" positive then it would all match up. am i missing something?
  12. thanks for the links.
  13. i dont care who wrote it. people make mistakes. those who "peer review" it are libel to make even more mistakes precisely because "it was writen by one of the most intelligent men in history." everyone seems to think that Einstein is a synonym for "perfect". its not, he was a guy (albeit a very intellegent one). people are not perfect. not that any of that really matters since im really just looking for an explanation. im not saying the theory is wrong, im saying it doesnt make much sense from what i have been told and that every explaination i have heard is garbage. im looking for another.
  14. i think he meant "only the female prisoners" to mean "only some of them," as in its not like were releasing EVERY prisoner, not "hey they're just women..." and YT, thats my general belief, but no one i talk to seems to agree with me... something about "just making more terrorists" (?)
  15. i have looked into relativity. i read a book that is supposed to explain it. it used a garbage example about a mirror and not being able to see your reflection. any moron could tell that it was a closed minded way of viewing the problem and it had logical flaws. a few years ago i was very interested it in relativity(and more importantly time dialation) and asked everyone i could find, including a few physics teachers i knew, and no one found a way of explaining it that didnt have a very large flaw in the logic. id tell them why it didnt make sense and they would be stumped and say things like "when this guy explained it to me it made sense, im forgetting something." it was pretty irritating. so i saw a thread on time travel and decided to give it another shot. as for your equations, they may be perfectly fine, but you could throw out any equation you wanted and im sure if we assume its correct you could prove that time dialation works. its the process of coming up with said equations that always seems to be flawed.
  16. i really dont care how many formulas you have. its the reasoning behind them i was wondering about.
  17. why? why would something moving faster cause it to not experience time? i have always looked at it as a vector kind of thing, time is just another dimension. if im on an extremely wide conveyor belt moving to my left and im walking forward it doesnt matter how fast i walk forward, i still go left at the speed of the conveyer belt. they dont effect each other.
  18. im sorry if this has already been covered (there is a lot of stuff in this thread) but since when does something get more massive when its moving faster? (if this has already been covered in this thread then bash me down with insults and ill retreat back into my corner)
  19. which resources are we thinking are saved by using one card instead of two?
  20. no... i suppose you could keep a brain alive if you provided the proper functions artificially. but under normal circumstances the body requires the brain to tell it what to do (hey lungs, fill up. hey lungs, deflate. etc.) and the brain requires the body for oxygen and neutrients. it has nothing to do with a "your screwed" message(wtf did that come from anyway?).
  21. right now it only doesnt work when i try to do both. im wondering if when im just playing my game with the other screen on desktop, will i have worse performance this way(noticable)
  22. yeah, i dont know how they get it in... extreme force combined with a simple machine?(wedge) maybe something that looks like this: \ / | | where the vertical lines are the neck of the bottle and you just shove the cork down through the wedged part?
  23. as for the question, the soaking thing may work in the other direction, but i dont know how much this could really help. my grandparents are big into wine so they have told me that wine is supposed to be stored on its side so that the cork stays wet to keep it sealed. maybe when its dry the cork shrinks a little?
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