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Everything posted by planetmars

  1. Does this make sense? --> With an antibacterial the number of bacteria decrease so the methylene blue darkens. The greater the concentration of the antibacterial substance, the faster the no of bacteria decrease and so the methylene blue becomes darker faster. Hence, the rate of reaction increases since the color change occurs faster.
  2. planetmars


    What is the name of the enoyl-acyl carrier-protein reductase (ENR) substrate? ENR is an enzyme used for fatty acid synthesis Thanks
  3. Firstly, thanks Charony - that was very helpful Is methylene blue affected only by dead bacteria or does harmed bacteria affect it too? How do the reactive oxygen species harm the bacteria? Is it by destroying DNA and interferring with respiration? Finally, does the methylene blue react with oxygen from the air or is the oxygen produced by the bacteria? Also, if the number of bacteria decrease, will the methylene blue indicator darken? I would appreciate any help Thanks
  4. Sure, thanks for being helpful YT2095
  5. ah, I see - so the bacteria consume the oxygen causing the methylene blue to become reduced and therefore decolorise. Does the bacteria consume the oxygen for aerobic respiration? I am looking at bacteria formed from milk in particular. I know that the oxygen actually destroys the bacteria.
  6. But bacteria are anaerobes not aerobes
  7. aerobic respiration involves consuming oxygen and just to clarify, sorry - what do you mean by 'Former'? Bacteria tend to respire anaerobically, without oxygen
  8. I was thinking about Lysosomes but bacteria are prokaryotic cells and therefore i thought that their cell structure does not consist of lysosomes. Why do the bacteria consume the oxygen? Thanks for your reply
  9. Hi, I'm investigating using methylene blue (redox indicator) and I am aware that in the precense of bacteria it decolorises as it is reduced. However, what specifically causes the indicator to reduce? Is it related to bacteria cell structure? Regards
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