As for my previous statement on the war on Iraq starting February 28, I wouldn't actually give out confidential information to the public. So war hasn't started and that was just a warning to get you up on your toes. We will stop Suddam and our millitary intelligence will find sufficient proof to get the world to back the U.S. in the fight toward peace. Nuclear warfare is the last option out of several thousands, all of which can hardly be used up.
Controlling Suddam is one thing that is apparently not working and we push forward to control him because he has failed in showing human loyalty and governing to his people. When the slaughtering of innocents takes place, it is of the concern of the Americaan people. Suddam is the Hitler of this time and stopping him and setting things right is in my best interests and the intersets of those who wish to maintain a balanced human civilization.
The U.S. is not out to conquer governments, social groups, or cultures, but to conquer the undeniable evils present in this world today.