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Lepton (1/13)



  1. atoms couldnt be confirmed until the technology needed to accept them existed. who is to say that these drugs you speak of cannot do what the cultures say they can. we know very little about our existence believe it or not. we arent even sure where or what time we are really in. the big bang obviously happened, but what in reality was the big bang anyway? what time was it, and what was the universe before that happened? what complexities exist within the spectrum of laws that we have now? just because we cannot detect something invisible doen't mean that it isnt there! there may be alot to learn. i admit it sounds like fantasy, but i wouldnt think it sounded any stranger to hear of a round planet within my flat planet thinking really. we dont really know anything yet so why should so many hypothesis be thrown wayside? worm holes, why not, traveling through time, maybe, different realms or dimensions of reality, no way, it sounds hypocritical.
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