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Everything posted by HelenGolovina

  1. Yeap! Mathematica really useful tool, that allows make awesome things. So, enjoy.
  2. We began to create DG Library last year as a closed project. We recently released a package for differential geometry for Mathematica and integrated it with the library. We will release the similar update for differential geometry package for Maple in the nearest future. So, after months of testing we decide that now it is time to open the library, make it in the web format and show it to the world.
  3. Here is Differential Geometry Library, that has over 380 Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations. The formulas are represented in different forms: metric from, Contravariant Newman–Penrose Tetrad, Covariant Newman–Penrose Tetrad etc. The library provides copyable formulas of the objects in different formats such as MathML for web-based articles, TeX for education or research works and Mathematica® and Maple™ input for calculations. So, hope it will be useful!
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