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  1. We have tried cylinder plate assay in other antibiotic assays that we do (like neomycin,bacitracin,polymyxin etc.). But according to our reference (USP 33), Gramicidin assay should be performed using spectrophotometry by reading the transmittance at 580 nm.
  2. Anyone who is familiar with Gramicidin (antibiotic) assay? I have been performing this test for quite a while, but I could not come up with a valid result. I am using USP as my reference for the procedure (Spectrophotometry). The problem is, the turbidity of my assay do not have a trend even if I increase the concentration of the antibiotic used for the Standard. I am working with a pure culture of Enterococcus hirae, and all the materials used was sterilized, so I am confident that my problem with turbidity is not caused by contamination. Any insight will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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