Most humans need an incentive to stay on a norm with structure, wether it be monetary, friendship benefits, or love. We all have a need to want to do anything, for those who help you out, include them in after lab events, let them know what your doing will also benefit them, even a cookie can help. lol If you find yourself short on a tubes, ask team members to help, if they only help once and not consistently then reward him with a kind gesture, if thats not enough, then up the anny. People find it hard to do anything for others that doesnt benefit them, they might start off doing it, but over time wain and will stop. Small gestures of kindness, will give an incentive to try, thus leading to full on lab cooperation. But I guess helping one of them means you to must help them back and that is a non productive social dynamic of give and take, rather then give and reward, or just give, because you care. People need to realize that doing things for others is a greater reward then getting something back and by doing whats best for yourself and the group means a better overall out come, "Governing Dynamics", John F. Nash. John said it right, and if you combined the two for a social dynamic that benefits them and you, it will work longer then if it only works for ones benefit and anothers sometimes. Consistent, gestural rewards or even futher social rewards, sharing a little more information then you usually do,will work, but only if they do the same. So how to get a group dynamic to work, set guidelines to the overall exchange of goods, or favors. No favor can be greater then the one I give you, but as the favors get bigger so do the opposing favors, until it becomes a friendship bases of sharing, then and only then will it be inforced in the minds of everyone who is participatiing. Malpasso