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Time BOY

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Everything posted by Time BOY

  1. Most humans need an incentive to stay on a norm with structure, wether it be monetary, friendship benefits, or love. We all have a need to want to do anything, for those who help you out, include them in after lab events, let them know what your doing will also benefit them, even a cookie can help. lol If you find yourself short on a tubes, ask team members to help, if they only help once and not consistently then reward him with a kind gesture, if thats not enough, then up the anny. People find it hard to do anything for others that doesnt benefit them, they might start off doing it, but over time wain and will stop. Small gestures of kindness, will give an incentive to try, thus leading to full on lab cooperation. But I guess helping one of them means you to must help them back and that is a non productive social dynamic of give and take, rather then give and reward, or just give, because you care. People need to realize that doing things for others is a greater reward then getting something back and by doing whats best for yourself and the group means a better overall out come, "Governing Dynamics", John F. Nash. John said it right, and if you combined the two for a social dynamic that benefits them and you, it will work longer then if it only works for ones benefit and anothers sometimes. Consistent, gestural rewards or even futher social rewards, sharing a little more information then you usually do,will work, but only if they do the same. So how to get a group dynamic to work, set guidelines to the overall exchange of goods, or favors. No favor can be greater then the one I give you, but as the favors get bigger so do the opposing favors, until it becomes a friendship bases of sharing, then and only then will it be inforced in the minds of everyone who is participatiing. Malpasso
  2. Time a Inherient trait , or a realm of linear occurences. I beleive and so does my colleagues, that time, is a true measurement of reality. What make it facinating is that time, the future present past does not happen in three moments of the time line, its happens in one moment of reality. This moment of reality can be altered, When my publication comes out I will post it on this site. For now, lets just say time is niether here nor there but always present Now and now. It is a realm of time locked away in moments of repeated time present reality. malpasso Time a Inherent human trait , or a realm of linear occurences. I beleive and so does my colleagues, that time, is a true measurement of reality. What make it facinating is that time, the future present past does not happen in three moments of the time line, its happens in one moment of reality. This moment of reality can be altered, When my publication comes out I will post it on this site. For now, lets just say time is niether here nor there but always present Now and now. It is a realm of time locked away in moments of repeated time present reality. malpasso
  3. Hello my name does not define my existent reality but it discribes the image of the name I've given to my molecular existence, I am not here or there, I am neither real, or unreal, I am some how existent in everyone of your realities right now. I am now an impression in your mind and you are setting parameters to explain what I'm saying, the way you define me happens right now.Good day.
  4. Time is not what you think, in my last week I have been posting on the naked scientist under artpiecemalpsso, on the topic of time and how the future and past are non existent as actual realm of time. As I envisioned the time realm of the past I envisioned that what the past was was nothing more then present moments played out with other present moments, a book that was writen one hundred years ago was in the present moment of existence, and every present moment of everyone who ever came in contact with it, how is it now that that book is right here in ever present moment and not back there in the past. The past is Ideas of the present moments it defines, how we saw what happened, how we told what happend, but all of that was done in present moment of time. The future is a projection of what we hope it to be, but the truth is that everything we do right here right now is in the present which defines everything that happens in the present moments that seem to matterialize from one to the other. We as humans have conditioned ourselves to believe that time is out there, in some other realm of existence, when in fact it all lies here right in this realm of reality. I call it the sphere of reality realm of constant non constact reactive time in the present moment. Although it changes it never advances past the point of present reality, what we do now is what we do now, and now and now. It seems as though my theory is bases deep in the imagination of man, a web of deception of time. I was caught up in it with my relevant time travel theory, all of which is published at artpiecemalpasso/worpress.com under Space, time, matter. Ultimatly I had to drop my theory of some ten years. Although I welcome comments I will only choose a few to respond to, I have been going non stop on the Naked scientist with this, and Im tired. When my will exceeds my malaise, I will respond. Thank you everyone for your time, Artpiecemalpsso
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