Are the people living in the land of the free aware that they are not as free as they were but 15 years ago? From the network news I hear that approximately 7 new laws and regulations are piled upon Americans each week. I learned the nature of purpose of these laws. Yeah, I'm just a wee bit young but smarter than my years attest. It's to the point the news program went on that just about every single American likely breaks some sort of law each day without even knowing it. Yep. They could even face jail time for it; for perhaps something they had no idea about.
Oh, which makes me need tell,lest Oshie breaks some obscure law of some sort. I may be looking like I'm smoking; I never inhale though. Oh, I best really confute that I am smoking at all. In fact I am some kind of photo-shopped image. But, I was really looking forward to when I become a big girl of oh..maybe 6-7-8 and open a lemonade stand. You know? The days when the old people are coming home from work and really thirsty. A kid could ring up some serious money selling ice-cold lemonade to them.
And, the overhead was low, an getting up shop required nothing but a table and a chair. Now, things are way different. To set up a stand in front of your home could get a kid in some pretty nasty trouble. Well, her parents could. yeah, to set up a stand I would need take a 15 hour course of food safety and fill out whole bunches of really hard forms that even the newsman who reported upon he story gave up on trying to do. And he was smart; I guess he was. He was a newsman. And that is only a tiny part of what's going on in America.
See, that;s why I am on your screen looking like I am smoking and being concerned.
Concerned? Oh, I am! Me and my generation are going to have to pay up all the money the government is passing on to us. 13 trillion and counting. And I won't be even able to help pay for it by selling lemonade. Yeah, there are so many of these regulations and laws that I think freedom is going to go away like them big lizards that used to of lived..oh, wow. Tho giant lizards lived like maybe ahh 250 million years ago. That ain't even close to the really big number we kids gonna have to pay.
Well let me show you some things about what I mean and then I have to take a nap. Oh, don't worry, I know smoking in bed in not good. I told you I am a smart little one. Smart enough or just lucky I even am around. I didn't know it when I was inside my mom's tummy and just maybe 4 months in there but there is a law that could of had me yanked out of her tummy. Yep, its called abortion. Sure glad my mom didn't do that..You bet. I don't know if I would be happy if my mom really didn't want me. Well, iI don't know; I'm too young to make any decision about that. It would maybe be better to not be around if mom or dad, or someone didn't love me. So many laws! Well, later. Take a look at the stuff. It scares me.
Rough justice in America
Too many laws, too many prisoners
Never in the civilised world have so many been locked up for so little
Jul 22nd 2010 | Spring, Texas | from the print edition
THREE pickup trucks pulled up outside George Norris’s home in Spring, Texas. Six armed police in flak jackets jumped out. Thinking they must have come to the wrong place, Mr Norris opened his front door, and was startled to be shoved against a wall and frisked for weapons. He was forced into a chair for four hours while officers ransacked his house. They pulled out drawers, rifled through papers, dumped things on the floor and eventually loaded 37 boxes of Mr Norris’s possessions onto their pickups. They refused to tell him what he had done wrong. “It wasn't fun, I can tell you that,” he recalls.
Mr Norris was 65 years old at the time, and a collector of orchids. He eventually discovered that he was suspected of smuggling the flowers into America, an offence under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. This came as a shock. He did indeed import flowers and sell them to other orchid-lovers. And it was true that his suppliers in Latin America were sometimes sloppy about their paperwork. In a shipment of many similar-looking plants, it was rare for each permit to match each orchid precisely.
In March 2004, five months after the raid, Mr Norris was indicted, handcuffed and thrown into a cell with a suspected murderer and two suspected drug-dealers. When told why he was there, “they thought it hilarious.” One asked: “What do you do with these things? Smoke ’em?”
(copyright deletia)
Somethings wrong with this picture. What I see is that its the "weak" are the ones that suffer. Those who use them defend themselvs by claiming they are just doing their job. But I see through that smoke sreen. All these entitlements,these extentions of unemployment, LBJ's "Great Society..Well, over 50 years and lots and lots of money. {not sure how much, but I fathom its a trillion ..o maybe trillions.} And, what are the results? Easy qustion to answer just visit my town of birth, Newark, New Jersey. There was this man. His name wa Jean-JaquesRousseauwho warned of social control. Social control he says makes a person dependent upon things. Like today so many people are more and more dependent upon the Government. And it's not hard to deduce that dependence upon like the Government is NOT independence. People like that become fashioned in the way the Government wants them to be. That is essentially surrendering your freedom to surive, And,look around, it's happening. America is becoming a country or under extortion. The blacks get paid not to riot, the Egyptins get billions to not close the Suez Canal,North Korea, gets billions to not nuke America,Packisthan gets billions to not sell nukes to terrorist states,,it is taking away the identy as Americans, Losing ones identy also takes feedom with it. People who surrender freedom for substance never become self-relient; therefore they disclaim resposibilty for results. When this happens only one thing can then follow→Human intervention beomes minimalized and made totally dependent upon the "hand that feeds them" I think that Americans need a "jolt: up their butts. Because i is happening riht now. I have that verified every time I hear the shout, " A vote for Obama sure bats working." That should be a siren to all Americans because it doesn't take for much cerebral activity to realize that by refusing to recognize this encourages more of the misuse of the controllers {government} and will in the end.."Sure as there are little green apples" block progress towards an effective system of the people running the government instead of being a Pavlaov's dog→ Waithin for the buzzer to ring..
Hot Damn..Friday..Welfare cheque day!
♫ "Look what' happin in the streets..gotta revolution gotta revolution."♪ ja
"The pen is mighteir than the Sword."→ But the pen MUST be in the PEOPLES' hand..not the ones hired to serve the people."
Where are you?
Now, right now is the time..
Come and join purposes and stop this contagion.
I do believe there til are plenty of the..
"Volenteers of America." ja