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Everything posted by Lysis

  1. Hey I have a task in which I have to investigate an aspect of plant growth relating to agriculture in Australia and then formulate a research question. Once I have identified the issue I will have to make a recommendation on how to solve the problem or at least improve it.It can’t be too complex since yeah I am only in year 11 so no super hard stuff and we only have 3 weeks to grow the plants although we can get fully grown plants if necessary. Also the thing I am investigating needs to have significant previous research so I can point to some secondary data during my discussion. With regards to equipment we can only really get rudimentary stuff not anything really expensive i.e. they cant buy each of us our own lightboxes so we need to work with what we have. Things that can’t be done because they have already been given to us by the teacher (obviously the research doesn't have to be original but it just can’t be something that I have been given by the teacher, I need to formulate it myself) *fruit ripening at different times *fruit ripening speed when stored with other fruits *Effect of salinity on plants *Effect of light colour on plants *Effect of light strength on plants Anybody have any ideas? P.S I'm not being lazy I have been looking for something to investigate for ages!
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