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About Xblur

  • Birthday 07/11/1995

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    electronics & computer & astronomy
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Xblur's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. thanks a lot
  2. i want to get a better understanding of the unit, our teacher asked us to bring the profe of that unit, and i seached and found that on wikipedia. this cleared something but if you can add more i would appreciate it. edit: and if you have other sources, please link them.
  3. hey there, this is my first thread, i have registered here a long time ago, but i just read. so lets make it short, i want some help in understanding the inductive impedance unit, here "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_(unit)" I understood most of it but i dont get it how V.s/A is equal to s2/F and then "ohm.s" we are studing this at school, we study holt physics, partially, we skipped some chapter because ministry of education took it out of curriculum.
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