oops this is my failed one here's how it works as your body sends signals down the spinal cord it creates a stronger eletical feild which can be mesured. cathadode rays move away when this happens. the system to deferenciate fires a signal throughout a "layer" of the spinal cord. All electrical nerves become uncharged and all other become charged then the system registers signal almost instantly. then the all ready sent electircal pulse "resets" the nerves back to there orginal state just a instant ago with these signals you let them go or inttercept or even send stimli to input nerves.
So when the next "scanner" signal comes out to hit the next layer it will also send out two signals the first will stimulate the nerve the second will be slightly shorter and will hit all but the "wanted" nerve the instant after the signal. or the intercept between the "scanner" signal and the "reset" where it will do the same thing a stimli but when the "reset" comes down it will decharge the nere instead of recharge it.
basicly this will give you the ability to create a virual world fulll with taste, touch,smell, sight, etc.