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Everything posted by Flak

  1. Explain yourself please. On that book was pointed that "In order to create a wormhole, is needed an infinite cylinder rotating at the lightspeed". The point that is imposible to set up an infinite cylinder, however as described on the book, on particle acelerators there are not start and end so a cylinder of particles acelerated may work as an "infinite cylinder". However to do this a very big particle-acelerated/cylinder is needed, technically imposible, and of course, a theory. Wormholes and black holes work in the same way if not even the same, and they born on astronomical energy forces. And what happen to the mass while it enter it is unknown. For example some stars was taken by BH, however they didnt apear on other part of the space, or at least detected.
  2. What is the formule to calculate the following: I have (numbers as example), Engine HP: 1000 Vehicle weight: 1500 kg Drag: 2 wheels 1 meter diameter, rubber and a metal track link 3 meters in lenght on ground contact. And I want to know the speed that the 1000 HP engine develop to the 1500 kg weight vehicle with and without drag plus to calculate for example the vehicle speed when towing a 1000kg trailer.
  3. Is not posible technically speaking. No matter how fast you move you wont got back or foward. If you move 10 times the light speed you inside the vessel will be in present and the people outside will be in present aswell. For example, in case cryogenic is posible, you travel 90 years at light speed to an star at 90 light years of distance, when you reach there you will be like when you enter on the cryogenic but on earth 90 years passed. You actually dont travelled in time to future just was in the cryogenic. Other theory is that you can travel in time by entering on a wormhole. In case this is posible due of the stong forces around, you wont travel back or foward, just to any unknow place in the universe, but in present time. About past, let say you go to a planet 20 year light of distance and with a potent telescopy you spot the Earth, you will notice the earth events 20 years earlier, but you will be in present and on Earth will be present aswell and all you check are part of the past. The only posibility that for example, watch the dinosaurs, is go to a planet 70 millions year light of distance and with a powerfull telescopy watch the earth. But you will need very powerfull traveling devices to get in time, with cryogenic at light speed you will notice the current day you left the Earth.
  4. Thanks for clarify about anti-matter aislation. In the news this was called as a "tenebrous and dark part of the science", why?
  5. The prehistoric animals that could be recreated again could be the recent exting ones like smilodons and mastodonts, since fair conserved ones was found. However in case this is done you are not making they back to life. About dinosaurs, this is not posible with some dinosaurs. For example forget about do it with sauropods, ceratopsians, tireforos, etc. However with theropods this could be posible, since the birds comes from them. However as described on the link posted before this is not easily posible.
  6. Antares, the red supergigant at Scorpio constellation.
  7. It is not posible to travel in time, neither to future of past. In theory is posible of course but in practice is not aplicable.
  8. In theory is posible to create a wormhole. On a book that I dont remember its name, you need to acelerate particles making a sort of "particle hurricane" on a very big proportion. However in practice, in case this work, the worm holes are not a local phenomenon (well if we not take the concept of local to be thousands of kilometer of radious), there is astronomical proof of wormholes taking entire stars. Making powerfull propultion devices will be more safe to travel long distances than a wormhole.
  9. First of all, hello. On the new yesterday was published that scientist of the world are on the search of the so called H particle or Higgs`s particle. This particle is belived that it give mass to the bosons W and Z. In theory, to know about this particle, is needed to build a 30km lenght particle acelerator wich fire two oposite charges (dont remember correctly if there was a proton and electron) to colide, on such colition and anti-material phenomenon apear and there is presumed that the H particle will show itself. In short this is the Big Bang. This in theory, but in practice this can work?. First to make such instalation is needed 5,000,000,000,000 U$. About anti-material effect, when anti-material, let say that in little quantity, get in contact with matery make a chain reaction effect getting worse or make an effect and then colapse before went worse?, can anti-matery get aislated to avoid that?. In short the experiment is safe?
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