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Everything posted by Joatmon

  1. I think that often what is seen as evidence in one age will not be accepted as evidence in another age. To give an example of what I mean I consider homosexual acts between men. I am heterosexual and so was happy to accept the fact that, for over half of my life (I was in the British military until the age of 40), there must be reason for this discrimination and why it should be a crime. I think one classic piece of "evidence" was the "fact" that it was a reason for the collapse of the Roman Empire. We didn't want our Empire to go the same way did we? All shake your heads! I now believe that the collapse of the Roman Empire was a very complex matter and homosexuality had little or nothing to do with it. The human mind being what it is, the change in my inner feelings from abhorrence to complete acceptance that these feelings are normal for others has been a slow process. People should be careful and as objective as possible when they present or consider "evidence". http://www.telegraph...osexuality.html
  2. One for the kiddies at Easter:- What do you get if you pour a kettle of boiling water down a rabbit hole at Easter?
  3. Seems we might be moving towards a few inter service jokes. In the RAF we had the RAF regiment who were the people that guarded airfields and installations. These days probably the most dangerous job in the RAF. As you might expect the Air Force tended to "look down" on the army and the RAF regiment were seen as "soldiers". With these thoughts in mind, here is the joke:- I was walking down the road when I saw a RAF Regiment man with a parrot on his shoulder. I said "Where did you get that then?" and the parrot said "Catterick, where else?". (Catterick was the main training camp for the Regiment). On the other side of the coin I knew a hairy old Station Warrant Officer who kept an aerosol container on his desk labelled "Fairy Technician Killer Spray". If one of us walked into his office he would give us a burst before asking us what we wanted. Never seemed to cause resentment - in fact since everybody had some sort of discriminatory joke about other groups it seemed to somehow generate the opposite.
  4. "Bend over boy" meaning you were about to get either 4 or 6 strokes of the cane!
  5. I know of one jet pilot who flew with a blocked eustachian tube. He was OK climbing to height but suffered pain as he descended. He had no option, because of fuel available, to continue his descent until a burst eardrum gave him some relief. "The risk is an ear block, with possible vertigo or a ruptured ear drum. Both are very unpleasant and potentially compromise flight safety." . See "Colds,ear blocks and hearing". in the link http://aviationmedic...le&articleID=45
  6. Keep a tin handy - it might save your life!
  7. I would just like to say that, certainly in my time, military personnel were subject to the general law. But in addition, not instead of, they were subject to military law. So individuals could, and are today, be held to account if they break either law.
  8. Yes, but until you decide on a scale you can say you have one atom, but cannot say what its size is. (IMO)
  9. . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFIRTtn_ZSE Memory can be bitter/sweet!
  10. If they want to join this forum, Be accepted in the expert's quorum, Brains and beer with cheesy nips Is essential on their trips. I'm retired Phi - What's your excuse?
  11. I tend to agree with Appolinaria. You say you are "male down there" and are sexually attracted to mature women. You don't seem to be sexually attracted to men of any age. This does not seem to match "void of any virility". Perhaps you suffered ridicule at the hands of a thoughtless immature girl at some time and you find mature women more stable and understanding. Perhaps you have a hormone imbalance that inhibits your libido. Perhaps you have an exaggerated opinion of your unattractiveness to women. After all the world is full of ordinary looking people. All I can say is if I felt like you I would want to have me and my past examined to see if a reason can be found for my perceived problems.
  12. Maybe not with chips, But cookies and cheese nips Washed down with wine and beer Would really make them cheer.
  13. Just thinking about the possibility of a collision and the possible size of the asteroid reminded me of the giant impact hypothesis that may have created the moon from debris smashed from the earth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_impact_hypothesis
  14. Well, all I need to know now is where to send it (or if it's a party where to bring it).
  15. This may not be that relevant but, one of the things I like about geometry is that what is proved is independent of size. Unless you are given a scale (if you like a length of 1 is given), the construction you examine could be any size. Geometry, it seems to me is all about ratios.
  16. I have heard they are green. They would look dead even though they are alive. This would frighten the children.
  17. If I were 40 years younger....................!
  18. Taking into account all the factors involved in determining the birthrate, including frequency of intercourse and the availability of birth control I think the number of children born per family unit has little to do with libido. Most fertile couples in the Western World chose the number of children they want. Degree of fertility, however, is another matter.
  19. I'm not sure what you are saying. Are my suggestions incorrect or are you saying loose English can have beneficial effect in poetry?
  20. I was always taught "Never mix the grain and the grape", but if that's what it takes ..............!
  21. Would you like beer or wine with the cookies and cheese nips?
  22. It's just that I have a "thing" about correct usage of the English language. There are one or two other things like "i" should be "I" and "didnt" should be "didn't". However, please don't be put off because you do seem to have an imaginative and creative mind.
  23. Good point. My 8 day clock spring hardly changes the amount of force needed to wind it up until you reach a quite sudden stop.
  24. I like the sentiments and the sense of poetry BUT:- thou = you (nominative) thee = you (objective) thy = your, yours (used before a consonant) thine = your, yours (used before a vowel) http://www.straightd...se-them-anymore IMO - second line should use "thy" Also fourth line should use "do" or "doest" instead of does (again IMO).
  25. I think you are not getting any response because what you to seem to describe wouldn't be a spring. I suppose you could make a device based on an electric motor that pushes back at constant force, but I don't know what it might be used for. A steady force akin to compression would take it the full extent of its travel or not move it at all. Springs work in accordance with Hooke's Law:- http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/271336/Hookes-law
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