I think there is a sort of middle course here that few would argue with. If a person is capable of work and work is available then surely we would all agree they should earn their living? Anyone in that position who avoids work and finds a way to live off benefits needs a kick up the ass because they are living off the sweat of others.
However any person who for any reason cannot work, for instance too ill or too old, should be supported through a benefit system that allows them a decent standard of living. I had to retire with health problems at age 55 and the UK system of benefits was needed until my pensions kicked in.
A particular hobby horse of mine concerns education. I believe the future strength of a nation rests on the level of education provided for those being educated. I personally think that children from about age 5 right up to young adults studying for degrees should be given that education free of charge (OK paid for out of taxation). If the education is of value many with degrees will earn more than the average and therefore contribute more than the average through income tax.
This is sounding rather like "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". Oh well, my father who died in 1949,was an unashamed Communist.