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Everything posted by Sorcerer

  1. The idea of Dark energy - the accelerating expansion of the universe - leads to the inevitable conclusion of a big rip (that is where all the universes particles are receeding away from each other faster than the speed of light (each particle has its own event horizon), leading to heat death and infinite entropy (correct me on that if I'm wrong)) Since virtual particle/anit-particle pairs are thought to come into existence in the vacuum and annihilate each other almost instantaneously, at the big rip wouldn't these particles be forced apart before they can annihilate each other again? Almost like hawking radiation, except the event horizon is created around all particles. Since space is providing this energy, by allowing it to transition from virtual to real, wouldn't it reduce the volume of space? Would this lead to an increase in mass and therefore gravity that would then halt or perhaps reverse the expansion of space? Just a thought I had, can u point out its flaws or verify it?
  2. Well who cares what they think, but u shouldn't just dismiss an idea because some idiot was using it for the wrong reasons. I was thinking about this and wouldn't a change in the speed of light allow alternate, and perhaps more simple explanations for inflation and dark energy?
  3. I've seen a cat lick its ass in front of the mirror.
  4. idk what if u used guns while on methamphetamine.... and drove while on a speedball.....
  5. Jiggle ur legs while sitting at the computer - and lay off the beers and maccas lol Personally I have never been able to gain a "6 pack" (except of beer). I have been down to 63 kg and up to 75kg, I appeared the most fat somewhere in between, since at 75 I was full muscle doing kickboxing, but never had a 6 pack, although I did have extremely powerful abs, just underneath. I'm afraid alot of it just comes down to ur genetics, perhaps ur predisposed to carry ur fat on ur abdomen, and unless u go on some super extreme diet and get close to 0% body fat u'll never lose it. I'd be more worried about the fat behind ur abs around ur liver.
  6. Yes/No Question. Does alcohol kill brain cells? Perhaps better said "Does alcohol DIRECTLY kill brain cells?" idk the answer, but certainly indirectly it can kill brain cells, but so do guns and motor vehicles, as u said moontanman.
  7. Anecdotally: I had a cat, when it was a kitten it used to paw at itself in the mirror and run around behind it to find the other kitten, I used to play this game with it alot. After a 1-2 years (can't remember exactly when) it stopped exhibiting this behaviour. I think this could probably be tested, with many cats. It's a long experiment. But I'm not sure exactly what conclusions u could draw from it. Perhaps u could say the cat became desensitised to the other cat, perhaps u could say it realised it was the other cat.
  8. lol hard to get a straight answer from anyone, guess it goes back to the need to find 'evil' in a substance/object rather than a persons actions. I think lawfulblade gave the best response. Alcohol in excessive ammounts, enough to make u unconcious, will indirectly kill brain cells. @ ultimatebiogeek, as interesting as that was, is that a yes or no? lol
  9. While I beleive in alot of science, I do not hold it it be absolute. Darwin gave a spark to evolutionary theory, but since then the theory itself has evolved, (for example punctuated equilibrium and group selection) and it should continue to do so as we advance. It is the same for almost every theory science holds to be "true". God was theorised a long time ago, perhaps before any written records. It seems that science as of now has not touched this topic, probably because there is not a solid definition of god. Without a solid definition, hypotheses cannot be made. However this does not mean that in the future we may find within our knowledge that some peices can be put together to explain our existence in a way that seems to be like "God". Perhaps when our understanding of the nature of existence is nearing completion, then we will be able to define God. Finally I'd like to say, if all the religions prophets lined up at the gates of heaven and all said no, I am sure there would be one on the end rational enough to say : " It doesn't matter what u believed in, did u do good or did u do bad?" Not that I even care if there's an afterlife, I'm just glad to exist and glad I can share it with you all.
  10. I didn't read the thread and I don't think I need to. Science is a philosophy. In fact in most universities u can take "the philosophy of science" as a 100 level paper.
  11. Seems you're right there ralfy, we are stupid humans. I'm thinking of starting another thread on knowledge. I have had some fun arguments with the most rational atheists and rational religious (I know hard to find) people I know. It's fun because they care so much about something that matters so little. I haven't seen things as a dichotomy for a while. I see things in a spectrum. Netwons theory of gravity was on a spectrum of knowledge just as Einsteins general relativity is. It seems funny to me that people assume the current paradigm is the be all and end all of knowledge. Just because something is said to be true is it really? Question everything.
  12. Correct. Always have an open mind for evidence, but untill you find any, the use of an argument is futile (except when testing for evidence). There are plenty of things left to discover that we have no evidence for yet, who knows if God is among them - alot of people care, but theres other reasons for that. Knowledge doesn't seem to be among them though. Edit: Almost entirely, people with religious beleifs don't seek the truth, they only care to believe what they think(or are told) is the truth. Such is the nature of faith and there too lies it's perils.
  13. I just did because I just did lol, saved alot of money and I didn't have to think of what to cook, plus I didn't get sick of it in a hurry. It was just for the week, I'm eating a more varied diet now. What is in a salad that I was lacking from beans, eggs, bread and the tomato sauce/salt etc in the canned beans? If anything I kind of felt like I wasn't getting enough fat, I poached the eggs, frying probably wouldve countered that. Or maybe that's just my fat addiction kicking in the cravings lol.
  14. Everyone does, pessimist.
  15. Agnostics win. I don't see an absence of evidence as evidence of absence.
  16. "I can tell my pet my problems and he/she doesn't judge me" I answered that one strongly agree, although I don't tell my pet problems the statement is completely correct. lol I wish my pet spoke english rofl I see why men won't take ur survey far to "cutesey wootsey" I think is the term for it. Anyway about anthropomorphism, mammals do have emotions, they're not human emotions, but they are emotions. I wonder if cats felinemorphise and dogs caninemorphise.
  17. What are u trying to say? You're just cutting and pasting some non-sense and not even editing it correctly. I'm contemplating not even clicking post, seems like I'm just feeding a troll. Ok, I read it again - which was hard. Are u trying to say the earth is several trillion years old and is made of mineralised life forms? Sorry still not sure what ur trying to say. Anyway nice rant, wheres the evidence?
  18. Bread and Water: wouldn't u get scurvey - or do fresh grains contain vit C? Beans and toast: Seems good, but aren't there certain amino acids that are more readily available in animals (tryptophan iirc), or do we synthesise these? Also I heard that beans contain protease inhibitors, which prevent alot of digestion (could someone confirm that?). About the fat soluble vitamins, theres fat in beans, theres fat in all living cells, lipid membranes. Inuit diet: I'm sure there would be certain seasonal plants, even seaweed they'd supplement it with. Breast milk: would work for non lactose intolerants I guess (most people of north african/european descent) but don't u need fiber or u risk bowel cancer? Bran salt and water: again scurvey? What is in an astronauts diet. Say you had to design a diet for a trip to mars, what would it contain? I could imagine u could get away with vitamins, glucose and amino acids, but again like milk, the lack of fiber wouldn't be healthy for u right? This site was helpful http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=88 and http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrientprofile&dbid=34 Guess I was wrong about the lack of iron. "Iron for Energy In addition to providing slow burning complex carbohydrates, navy beans can increase your energy by helping to replenish your iron stores. Particularly for menstruating women, who are more at risk for iron deficiency, boosting iron stores with navy beans is a good idea--especially because, unlike red meat, another source of iron, navy beans are low in calories and virtually fat-free. Iron is an integral component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to all body cells, and is also part of key enzyme systems for energy production and metabolism. And remember: If you're pregnant or lactating, your needs for iron increase. Growing children and adolescents also have increased needs for iron. A one cup serving of navy beans provides 25.1% of the daily recommended intake for iron. " Seems beans also contain omega 3. But lack vitamin A, D, E, B12 and biotin. However eggs make up for all of these. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/111/2 BTW I forgot to mention I also put idodised salt and pepper on my eggs, but the idodised salt was probably in my bread anyway.
  19. For the last week, I've been living on a diet of eggs, baked beans(tomato sauce), wholemeal bread and water. It made me wonder how long can u live on, eggs alone? And what would be the simpliest possible diet that would sustain a human indefinately? Also, what if anything am I missing from my last weeks diet? I'm thinking theres not much iron and maybe vit A in there. Guess its steak and carrots tomorrow lol.
  20. Interesting question, alot of long answers, read page 1 and gave up. Did anyone mention that visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
  21. The answers in the posts, 'they' beleive the earth is only 6k y/o, if so then adams bones will be very much intact.
  22. I've never got stoned or drunk when I was dreaming.
  23. I don't even want to read this, this is just draconian thinking. But if I was gonna say I would say 0. Especially people like u.
  24. Seems like u've got the answer there, we don't know yet, maybe it could be a thesis for u. If I was gonna guess, I'd say diet and exposure to immune antagonists. Maybe its got something to do with the hygeine hypothesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hygiene_hypothesis a quick search of hygeine hypothesis and diabetes gave me this http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1120487/
  25. @lemur, flouride stops acid from reacting with the dentine, its the acid which is the by-product of the bacteria eating the sugar that does the damage. I would say brush after. No scientific papers to back that up tho, just common sense, get rid of the food that the bacteria eat -----> get rid of the acid that decays ur teeth. PS. why u use a pic of that douche bag mel gibson?
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