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Everything posted by Sorcerer

  1. Hmmm atleast the planet was still habitable in the planet of the apes.
  2. Most of his theories were just made up by himself without any evidence..... I think this give us a look into his psychi.
  3. And we don't?
  4. Yes, but then I am sure he'd say they were more likely to have oedipal complexs..... Freud was a quack.
  5. Have you heard of solar panels?
  6. The protein in milk is called caesin, I did this in one of my chemistry classes, its pretty simple, add anything acidic, vinegar, lemon juice to milk; scoop off the chunky bits and mold it into whatever u like basically, its not very high quality, I'm not sure how you would go about making it thinnner/more useful for molding...... perhaps that could be the project. On a side note, urine was used to wash clothes in ancient rome, yes thats right, they used to soak them in piss...... this would remove grease and bleach their white togas, the togas would then be washed of course. It used to actually be illegal to waste urine.... pissing in an alley was illegal not because of indecent exposure, but because you were wasting urine..... they used to collect urine in the morning from outside the door stored in jars..... not a jar you would want to mix up with the milk and pour on your cereal.
  7. Cybernetic telephony isnt telepathy, close, but not quite. Thats possible too - I want one. Dismiss "Faster than light".... fairly safely yeah. This whole quantum entanglement business, it wouldn't occur in a natural environment would it? I mean wouldn't particles be continually interacting and entagling? Wouldn't you need to entangle them in a vaccuum and then separate them and make sure nothing interacted with them untill it cam time to measure them? Wouldn't the actual measurement untangle them?
  8. Sorcerer


  9. The oxygen was produced in aqueous solution by the above reaction, if plants absorbed more oxygen from the air than they produced then we would all suffocate.
  10. Second. Faster than light telepathy, its wrong on toooooooooo many levels.
  11. Hmmmmm kind of sick, and Ive had a few..... but how about... an alliterative title: Uses for Urine. speaking of which, I think I'll go clean that stain off the bowl.
  12. Sorcerer


    Hmmmm odd that I would study ion channels and pumps particularyly NA+/K+ but not even be informed about water channels... reading that shouldnt they be water pumps when in the kidneys, because they would be extracting water against the concentration gradient at some point, or does the urine never get more concentrated than the blood?
  13. Sorcerer


    This is the link you want http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/2003/chemadv03.pdf
  14. Sorcerer


    Oh, forgive me then I graduated in 2002 and haven't studied since, are these exclusively channels for water though?
  15. Sorcerer


    Water can diffuse through the membrane itself. However if there was an ion channel which allowed polar molecules through larger than H2O then H2O itself could diffuse through.
  16. The oxygen was never gaseous in the first place though.
  17. He meant the centipedes.
  18. We removed those selective pressures with our intellegence, rather than our cultural evolution enhancing our genetic evolution, it deminished it. The ability to alter our environment (wear clothes, store food/water, use tools to enhance our pedatory ability, fire and the ability to construct shelters) allowed us to keep our original phenotype basically the same. Medicine and santitation are exceptions to the rule however, this is because these make us "soft". Edit: I actually think the reason why we dont become physically "soft" because of our other cultural adaption is sexual selection, we just dont find people who look less physically fit as attractive. On the other hand medicine and sanitation remove pathogens and allergens from the environment, the immune system requires these to become fully functioning. Medical advances like immunisation are great because these use our immune system, but just removing the problem from the environment will remove our natural immunity and any return of a similar pathogen in the future could prove devastating if the medical technology isn't there to catch it. As long as we have this technology we are fine, but if we do suffer a "culture crash" we may find ourselves struggling unecessarily. I actually realise how contradictory this is in parts, I say immunistation is good, but removal is bad, and the main path to removal of small pox and polio was immunisation...... however these are now bio-weapon candidates..... perhaps we need to immunise still..... na the drug companies would like that too much..... Edit again: imagine the rapid selective pressure on our species if somehow all our technological advances were lost...... can u imagine how we would struggle and the population crash from 6-7 billion people down to a few 100000 say.
  19. yeah, that goes over the arrow.......... hv /\/\/\/\-> Its way more complex that that anyway, it involves an electron transport chain and multiple intermediates.
  20. Have you tried looking in any medical journals then?
  21. Well, look at the physiology of a homonid from 200000ya and you will see they are anatomically modern humans, I don't know if its been done but if we extracted the DNA from their marrow (if there is any left) then we could compare the genomes and I would guess they would be similar. 10000 generations is a split microsecond of evolutionary time when there is little selective pressure.
  22. Osmosis is the diffusion of water from a hypotonic solution to a hypertonic solution across a semipermiable membrane...... in this case then no, since we are dealing with O2 and CO2, not H2O...... From what I can remember its passive diffusion of the gases into the water through the stomata. O2 isn't so important for a plant because it is produced as a byproduct of photosynthesis, 6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2..... from memory thats the basic equation, the oxygen comes from the splitting of water and the carbon dioxide is used to make the sugar.
  23. Hmm I noticed alot of people have melatonin and melanin confused, atleast Firedragon got it right. I know it is polygenetic and no one is exactly sure how many genes are involved. As has been said UV light can effect skin colour, as can be seen when people sun-bathe and get a tan. Genes can be switched on throughout life in response to the environment, this could explain why some people get darker. Also the base phenotype for an embryo is transparent, melanin builds up over time producing pigments. This is for example why newborns have blue eyes when born, and the colour develops later, also blonde hair (not sure about really dark newborns) which then gets darker.
  24. Heh, most humans are in proportion like that. Ones that aren't are ugly, sad but true.
  25. What is another word for synonym, I'm racking my brains and the closest I can some still is similie, and that doesn't really cut it since it refers to the use of comparison in a poet phrase!!!!! And where do all the socks go!
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