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Everything posted by Laurcus

  1. This may seem like a really dumb question, or even a joke, but I am genuinely curious about this. Note in the following video, the character, (Son Gohan) causes an Earthquake by tapping his foot. My question is, assuming that is actually possible, about how much energy do you think was output by the tapping of his foot? Just so we're clear, in that scene that is an actual Earthquake, not just the building shaking. I hope I put this in the correct section. It seemed like the best place for an Earthquake related question. Edit: Ignore the video title, this was the only youtube video I could find of this specific scene.
  2. All right! Thank you very much, that's exactly the sort of information I was looking for.
  3. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Yes, I believe mathematic answered that part quite well. That still does not answer the other part of my first question, (Is there a scientific form for converting a solid into subatomic particles, and if so what is that term?) or my second question, (How much energy would it take to convert a solid into subatomic particles? If that varies between the mass and density of objects, assume a 5 foot thick wall of rock. If rock isn't specific enough, assume granite.) Edit: Huh, quoting you really messed up the formatting of that post. Oh well, too lazy to try and fix it.
  4. Okay, that answers part of my question, thanks! My definition of destroyed in this case is to be completely gone, to not exist at all in any form whatsoever. So I guess that means physical matter can't be destroyed. So, I'm guessing that the most damage that could be inflicted on an object, (assuming infinite energy is applied to said object) is to reduce/transform it to its electrons/protons/neutrons that make up its base atoms? And is there a scientific term to describe that? For example, transforming liquids or solids into vapor is called vaporization, or being vaporized, is there a similar term for transforming something into subatomic particles? Forgive me if my questions seem stupid, this is very out of my area of expertise, and I'm having difficulty finding the correct words for my questions.
  5. Hello! First post here, and I have a few questions. 1. Is it possible to completely destroy physical matter so that absolutely no scientifically measurable trace of it remains? If this is possible, what is the scientific term for it? For a long time I used the term vaporized, but looking up the word I'm sure that's incorrect. If it's not possible to destroy physical matter, what's the smallest form it can be reduced to and is there a scientific term for that? 2. How much energy would it take to completely destroy, (or reduce to smallest possible form if that's not possible) ordinary rock?
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