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Everything posted by briddell
Okay; I was refraining from using Netbeans for now, but I shall get it. Thanks for the help! -Briddell
Greetings! I was working on my current Java program today in Eclipse and got confused with what I had made (I know!) with all of the differences between console and GUI. So, I found a way to have an instance of a console box with GUI, which is exactly what I need. Here is the link : LINK. I have it working, except for one exception. There is a thing that the author of that has written: to change his file of IoEscape to a Try/Catch. I tinkered around, but couldn't figure out how to do that. You will see once you read the article. Please help me get this to work! Thank you in advance! -Briddell
I will not run it until I can guarantee its safety. My grandfather works for Toyata as one of the worldleading experts in Robotics and Resistance Welding. I will use his knowledge, as well as my ex-electrician father's. to make it so I do not kill myself. I appreciate your concern, and I realize the dangers. However, I will not be throwing this together within a few months; I hope to complete it in just over a year: in time for the Google Science fair. If not then, then even longer. Thank you, but I realize how esotreric, complex, and dangerous this will be. I will test its safety before any full scale runs. I will be finding all Laws associated with acceleration/atom smashing and apply them to this project so that it is functional and safe. I appreciate everyone's concern with my safety, but I am not going to charge blindly into this. Thank you! I realize how little that I know... -Briddell
I see: so it is far more useful to use "classic" textbooks rather than using an online research. I will work on Trigonometry after I do Geometry over the summer. I will then work on a calculus textbook. After ALL of that, I will begin on Physics. I have looked up the textbooks on Amazon and have asked my parents. They are under consideration for purchase soon. I didn't expect such an amazing response! You were very helpful. Thank you! -Briddell
I have much experience with electronics. I have been building circuits for 5 years. I know the dangers of electricity, and how to solder, the uses of components, etc. I want to step it up from 5v, to 2300 Kv! thank you for your concern, though. Thank you! I will do that. I know the perfect place to go to do some research like this. -Briddell
The school System will not let me take classes that are for High School Students in Middle School. Whenever I try to get into the more advanced classes, I am refused. They say that, basically, I should just "go with the flow." My school system is not very equipped to deal with "needy" students like the Gifted and Talented ones; they focus on the below average students. I will get textbooks online, but I was trying to get my knowledge of the class recognized by the school system. Unless I test out of the class, they will require that I take the class at their school. Over the summer, while I am taking Geometry, I will work on getting the books required for the other math classes, complete them (after Geometry) and then attempt to test out. I hope this plan is successful. Thank you for your advice/ critique. -Briddell
I started this project 2 days ago, so I have not completed much research yet. I have been looking all over for a viable website, but no websites (so far) have any useful information regarding the magnets, generator, tubes, etc. The only information I have been able to find is regarding stuff that is not relevant to an atom smasher. I will continue basic research, finding the Laws and other expressions that pertain to the acceleration, destruction, and over all "atom smashing" of this project. Thank you, I realize how little I know compared to what I need to know. -Briddell
The school won't let me skip classes easily. We got the school to let me take Geometry over this summer, so that is a step in the right direction. My school system just does not offer many opportunities for the Gifted and Talented students anyway, so trying to get even more extra care is difficult. Thank you for the help, though! -Briddell
I recommend Java, C++, or C. C is outdated, but is a good intro to Object Oriented languages. Java if you need a job. C++ is common for games and mostly everything. Java too, minus the game. -Briddell
Hello! I am not quite "New" but lost the username and password of my old account (yes, I know) after 1.5 years of inactivity! I love what I have seen of Physics, am addicted to Math, love giving long and drawn out explanations of miniscule and irrelevant things. I program in Java (Sort of) and I am learning how to hack in C for security improvement (I want to get a computer-related job, as you may notice). I am 13 years old, skipped 2nd grade, go to a tiny and slowly failing school system as an 8th grader. I want to go to Carol Martin's Gatton Academy for Science and mathematics. Nuclear-related Physics interest me, so now I keep a piece of Trinitite with me most of the time {Safe } That is most of me. -Briddell I joined when I was 12, too! I am 13 now: I lost my account info. GO SCIENCE!
Greetings! I have been curious ,ever since I began researching for my particle accelerator power source, about magnetic generators. I have seen many demonstrations on Youtube of people's projects, etc. but there are many comments regarding these as perpetual motion-esque failures for violating the Laws of Thermodynamics. So, is a magnetic generator a plausible solution to our energy crisis, and is it a perfectible science regarding degrees of magnets, etc.? I ask the latter because you can support Perpetual Motion by saying that it requires very, very, very precise angles, and so on. I have begun to construct a magnetic generator using 2 CD-Roms as the plate to be rotated, and in turn, generate the motion to generate power. Thank you in advance! -Briddell
Greetings! Moments ago I posted my Topic on my particle accelerator which made me think about the discrimination that I receive for attempting to undertake advanced, complex, and seemingly "Too Mature" projects and ventures. I am 13, in 8th grade, have skipped a grade, and have hopes to attend Carol Martin's Gatton Academy for Science and Mathematics. Instead of telling me to slow down and to have more of a "Regular life" I want people to realize that I just value my education the most and want it to be pristine, prime, and potent. My young age inhibits me from being able to learn: Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Physics, or Computer Science. I want to learn the necessary math (Geo, Trig, and Cal - I am taking advanced Algebra 1 currently) and then Physics, but can't because the school wants me to follow ordinary schedules in education. So, I am imploring the great minds of this forum to show me to an online resource or to a Topic on the forum that teaches the said mathematical subjects and Physics. I thank you in advance, and ask if you share my reasoning for wanting age to not be part of educational availability. Goodbye, thank you for your time. -Briddell
Greetings! I am not new to this forum, but forgot both my username and password because I had not been on in 1.5 years roughly. Aside from that point, my title states that I require assistance in building a particle accelerator or atom smasher. I was inspired by Michio Kaku after reading his book, Physics of the Impossible, and going to see him speak. He was able to able to construct a Betatron accelerator from electrical steel (Transformer Steel) and copper wire (of course other things were used, but it was his lack of funding that impressed me). He used 22 miles of copper wire, at what I am assuming is 30 gauge, at least, wire. It was wound into a power supply and used for powering his superconducting magnets (I assume, once more). It achieved great results, eventually getting him a scholarship to Harvard. As a young student myself (He did it in high school), I am looking to build one to enter in both the Google Science fair and for personal scientific curiosity. The fact that I am in 8th grade makes some people doubtful of my dedication, but I assure you I am fully dedicated to the project and will wane my intensity at no cost. Now, to business. I have found a wire provider to get the copper wire. I realize the enormous cost at buying 22 miles of 30-gauge wire, which leads to my first question. To make a generator this size, does the wire have to be continual, or can I splice, solder, or otherwise join multiple segments? I assume that continual would be prime, but at the cost it is now, it may impractical to purchase that amount at once. To make the atoms form an string one atom thick, the magnets are used. These superconducting magnets will, ultimately, produce a 10,000 Gauss magnetic field around the accelerator tube to make the atoms align. My second and third questions are: What exactly qualifies a magnet to be superconducting, and how do I make a magnet into a superconducting magnet? The magnets, I realize, are an essential part to the functionality of an atom smasher. Obviously, the 22 miles of wire will produce a massive power output. From the Michio Kaku's book, it says that his produced 2.3 Million Electron Volts. Now, I understand how to make a small, hand-cranked generator with magnets and wire, but How will I create a generator this large, and how do I make it so I do not kill myself, or destroy the power grid of the eastern sea board when it is powered up? Both of these results would be bad, but I am more concerned about my personal welfare. In both a Betatron and a Cyclotron, the tube is circular, not linear. In all research I have done so far, it shows the tube as Glass. My fifth and sixth questions are: What material should be used for the tube, and what should the diameter be? The tube in which the acceleration occurs will be vital to the success of this project. Conclusively, after completing research, I have deduced that despite the ubiquity of information, nobody takes science seriously on Youtube, on most websites, or online in general. I have found naught but comical approaches to particle accelerators (as in giving the most vague and unhelpful steps possible). My only hope was either to : A. Ask Michio Kaku himself to give me diagrams, etc. (Highly Impossible and impractical) or B. To have one of most potent concentrations of intelligence in science, physics, and mathematics on the Internet give me help. I chose the latter in hopes of getting useful advice and help with this momentous attempt at a highly dangerous and rewarding project. Thank you for the help that you can provide. Currently, any thing that I can get, I will accept. Farewell, and thank you for reading. "Finally, it was ready. It was my proudest achievement, this 400 pound, 6 kw, 10,000 gauss magnetic field in a 2.3 million volt electronic accelerator." - Michio Kaku -Briddell