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de boca

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  1. hello everyone I just have attend my first class in system analysis design, and the professor asked me to do an assignment in ( JAD ) Joint application design, and I am suffering the lack of information as well as how to write a good abstract, with past practice and present. and I have come up with this abstract: Joint application design (JAD) is a technique forpromoting cooperation, understanding, and teamwork among buyers, users anddevelopers, it provides a process that facilities creating a shared vision whatthe system should be. Using that process, the developers help the usersformulate problems and explore solution, and the users gain a feeling of involvement,ownership, and commitment to the success of the system.JAD (Joint ApplicationDevelopment) is also a methodology that involves the client or end user in thedesign and development of an application, through a succession of collaborativeworkshops called JAD sessions. Chuck Morris and Tony Crawford, both of IBM,developed JAD in the late 1970s and began teaching the approach throughworkshops in 1980, please guys help me, I am not a native sparker ^^
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