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Everything posted by r1dermon
ahh, the sweet smell of detonation. i like the tea idea with the telescope....that was pretty cool. or, you could fill a balloon with helium and breath it in!!
liquid oxygen could be a cool experiment...if they'll allow it. and if you can get some liquid nitrogen. put the liquid nitrogen in a test tube, DONT HOLD THE TEST TUBE WITH YOUR HANDS. use something like tongs, then hold that over a glass, and spray compressed o2 against the glass test tube filled with liquid nitrogen. once you get the liquid oxygen, you can demonstrate how oxidisers work. take a tissue paper and light it on fire, without the liquid oxygen, then pour the liquid oxygen on the tissue paper(over something like a hard plastic plate, something that will not contact you or splash in any way) and light THAT. you'll have a good sized flame ball. just be carefull with liquid nitrogen and lox. it can turn your skin blue pretty quick.
yeah, its good stuff. keep it wet and its perfectly safe. but clump it together and dry it, and dont touch it with a feather or BOOM. its fun to paint on the floor or a piece of toilet paper and then let it dry, and put it on the floor so people step on it...like little caps going off.
he is trying to imply that there are no restrictions in capitolism...however, in OUR capitalism there are many restrictions...monopolies?
i would also like to know how "capitalism with restrictions" is an oxymoron
ok, that didnt make much sense, and as the average US youth, you have been brainwashed to believe that america is the Alpha and the Omega. and a lot of people care that america is a free country that dictates the world. thats the reason why there are major protests all the time. as for the BBC not being the only good news source, what is another one? that i can randomly flip a channel and see? the BBC is broadcast on C-span(i believe) for like, 2 hours a week.
put it in a tissue, or some toilet paper, and then hit it with a hair dryer....i'd imagine that should work...
lol, liquid nitrogen makes a great bottle bomb...!
the president has a big effect on the stock market...we rely on independant defense companies(ratheon...lockheed martin...etc....) to supply us, and the govt always gets shafted and ends up paying billions. why do you think the defense companies were the only ones to do well immediately following 9/11? not only that, but the president controls imports and exports, at any given time, he could say he's cutting off all relations with china and the market would CRASH. everything we get is made over there...now all those companies who outsourced would be getting the shaft. thats BASIC economics.
pangloss, sayonara is dead on about the media...increasingly they become more partisan, each media outlet supports a candidate or party or belief system, thats not news, thats tabloid. BBC is the only good news source. and its barely broadcast over here.
lol, indeed. however, explosives are usefull in a lot of applications other than blowing people up. they are avalanche busters, they demolish buildings in a controlled fashion(when done by professionsals) they provide lots of enjoyment on the 4th of july...they are also being used to develop new rocket fuels. NASA announced that they are testing candle wax rockets. they use candle wax as a fuel and oxygen as an oxidiser(i believe). im not talking about high explosives, im talking about combustable mixtures in general. lol. before everyone starts saying...oh, so you're saying they're gonna use comp 4 in the shuttle booster? no. lol.
manderin is the most popular language in the world, in terms of numbers of people who speak it as a first language. but yes, china is killing us, and guess what, we're giving it to them, by outsourcing all our jobs. socialists. arg
exactly...its retarded. its all the "traditional" belief system. now, i'm not gay, but if i were, i'd be totally pissed at the total disregard for the constitution and the lack of respect. all men are created equal. that should stand for something, we do with ourselves what we want, and we should be able to "marry" whoever we want. its not a hinderance to society, there are so few gay people compared to heterosexuals that it makes absolutely no difference. and i dont see how it could send the wrong message to kids, they are subjected to the evening news every day. they'll just learn to discriminate...isnt that a lot worse?
right YT, however, it can be self contained deflagration, which can create a shockwave, because it still burns fast enough to self contain itself in a large pile. but again, thats just like the cardboard tube bursting, its the flashpowder covering the inside that contains the deflagration.
yeah, dont chalk c off your list. but, kerry is also opposed to gay marriage, he supports civil unions, just like bush. even though i am not gay, i feel that it is unconstitutional to ban gay marriage. there is no reason for it other than "tradition" its a belief system which is not endorsed by the american government(so we are led to believe) how can we have confidance in our government if they keep taking away core RIGHTS? you cant say that gay marriage is "wrong" because it might be wrong to you, but it isnt to someone else, and that someone else has the RIGHT to feel that way. just like i dont think shooting deer for no reason other than "its fun" is right, however, you have the RIGHT to blow a deers head off if you want. it has nothing to do with anything other than religion. which isnt a factor, right? it obviously is. sadly.
"kerry is a pathalogical liar" but bush is a truthfull little angel.... Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons George W. Bush, Sep. 12, 2002 Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons George W. Bush, Radio Address, Oct. 5, 2002 The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas." George W. Bush, Oct. 7, 2002 And surveillance photos reveal that the regime is rebuilding facilities that it had used to produce chemical and biological weapons. George W. Bush Oct 10, 2002 Iraq could decide on any given day to provide biological or chemical weapons to a terrorist group or to individual terrorists,...The war on terror will not be won until Iraq is completely and verifiably deprived of weapons of mass destruction. Dick Cheney Dec 1, 2002 Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent" and "upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents... George W. Bush, Jan. 28, 2003 Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. George W. Bush January 28, 2003 We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons -- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have. George Bush February 8, 2003 Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. George Bush March 18, 2003 We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them. George Bush April 24, 2003 We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so. George Bush May 3, 2003 I'm not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein -- because he had a weapons program. George W. Bush May 6, 2003 just some of the many lies of george W bush. these are all about the WMD's, but he's lied about many more things. such as the time he drove his car off the road in maine while driving at excess speeds intoxicated. then he told his advisors to say that he was pulled over without incident for driving too slowly...classic. driving too slowly..hell, i get pulled over for that all the time.
those firecrackers cannot have more than 50mg or 130mg i forget of flashpowder in them. EVERY firecracker on the market has 50-130mg of flashpowder in them, the limit in america. if they have 1mg more, then they are illegal. aerial displays are allowed a little more i think. some fireworks companies, like phantom, market big firecrackers, that look like an m-80, but they have only as much power as the most powerful allowable crackers available in bricks. its a huge misconception. another misconception is people say that m-80's are 1/8th sticks of dynamite or something...1/4 sticks or some crap. thats total bull. a stick of dynamite is like...hundreds of times more powerful than an m-80. and dynamite sends a shockwave regardless if its contained in a paper tube or not. whereas, flashpowder would need around 20grams in an open atmosphere to detonate. it could be more, but im not sure.
caustic, i hope you mean 2 "grains", 130milligrams. thats the legal limit for firecrackers in america. m-100 is just a name. it means nothing, just like m-80. REAL m-80's contain anywhere from 3 grams-9 grams of flashpowder 3 grams is 45 grains, the limit is 2 grains...that shows you how powerfull these things are..m-80's are typically 1 1/3 inch long and a half inch wide with a fuse out the SIDE, however, imitators find it easier to stuff it through the end and then cap it.
pangloss, im sorry if you feel that this thread was a way for me to backhandedly slam bush supporters. thats not the intent. the intent is, i simply cannot understand, after all the stuff america has gone through under this administration, how he still gets so much support. and i do care about what the bush admin has yet to accomplish...or rather...bring clintons accomplishments back to what they were before president bush came into power(except the gun ban...that thing was rediculous) now, thats really broad, and im not trying to say that clinton did everything right. but look at our deficit...look at our foreign relations....look at our coalition. this is not a good position for us. and im not sure bush wants to recognize it.
m-80's were banned in the 70's i believe...there is also no reason for the name M-80, its just a military 80. lol. they were used in the 30's and 40's in the military to create a distraction(since they sound EXACTLY like gun fire) they would throw a bunch of them and then run away, when they went off, the germans would start firing at them and the americans would run up the other side and kill them all!! muhahahaha. oh, alum is hazmat, thats why it has to go ground.
"The economy is improving. We've recovered from the late Clinton-era recession, and we're moving forward again. LEI is up, with a growth rate equal to or (sometimes) surpassing Clintonian levels (I'm a Clinton fan, by the way, so don't take all this Clinton mentioning as an attack), and the only real remaining negative indicators are unemployment, which is a *lagging* indicator and has shown massive improvement over the last year or so (we might get ten million new jobs in the next term from *either* president), and inflation, which is being watched by the best set of eyes in the business (Greenspan), and is so far showing signs of remaining under control." thats a false economy...the real economy is the one that is being shipped to india and china. you know, the outsourcing of jobs...bush claims we've got a good economy, when in-fact, he isnt creating as many jobs as were lost during the end of the clinton era and throughout the bush term. 8 million people are out of work, and thats 8 million people who used to work. thats not people who are just out of college who can't find jobs, because they've never worked before. bush has to do something about outsourcing in my opinion. if he "loves" america, then why is he letting all the business go overseas to devalue the dollar and to lay off 5% of the country? i'll give the corporate corruption thing to you, however, thats a small percentage of people and money. single companies. granted, they add up, but they dont add up to half the population being screwed. what worries me more is that we're giving away billions of dollars for no reason to iraq. winning the war on terror has no place in rebuilding iraq. the patriot act is a sham, its a piece of crap. it totally goes against the core values that america was based upon. unrestricted wire-taps...all they need is suspision of terrorism...lol. thats a little vague at best. so now, we're putting ALL the power in the police hands...i thought that was against republicans belief system...i thought the power was for the people. i guess not. double standard. i dont care about democracy for iraq. i care about catching osama bin laden. the person who attacked us. not hussein, not anyone else, osama is the person i want to catch, and now we're focused on rebuilding iraq? where did that come from? not only that, but bush gave a HUGE tax cut, and then decided to spend 200 billion in iraq. for the purpose of rebuilding a country that has no relevancy toward us. if bush is concerned about oil, then look into alternative energy production sources...nooo, not bush, not the tree hugging conservatives, "no windmills on our unused portions of land that just sit there and do nothing" of course not. and then we've got the tree hugging liberals telling us not to drill in alaska(which BTW has already been researched and concluded that it would cost us more to drill there and extend a pipeline than we would get out of the oil) alternative fuels is something that bush has to touch upon. finally, i think bush should explain to the american people that he lied about the WMD's. and that his information was bad. instead of placing blame all around the table...he is the president, he is the one that issues the orders...he is the one that should be accountable for any and all mistakes. "senator kerry thought they were there too" well, too bad, he's just a senator, he was given information from your staff and your information was bad, thats why as president, you should always take your time to review the intelligence instead of rushing to war over something that was absolutely no threat to us.
pangloss....this page? or page #1...do let me know...im sure that after watching bush tonight, you will conceed that there are no reasons to vote for him. GO RED SOX
actually, soldiers are not more afraid here at home....my cousin is in iraq right now, and my other cousin is on a destroyer(uss john mccain) in japan(however, he was involved initially at the outbreak of the war) my cousin in iraq got a badge of courage and a green ribbon for bravery. in the line of fire, he jumped out of a foxhole and saved another guys life, the guy had been shot in the leg and was recieving close proximety mortar rounds. my cousin has had grenades roll by him, RPG's flying not 4 feet from his head, and yet, he feels more secure there? i dont think so. the last time he was home(july) he stated how bad it is over there and how he wished he could stay home, or be reassigned. does this sound like he wants to be there? like its a lot better than living in america? i dont think so.
as i've stated, i'm not trying to start a flame war, but, mad mardigan, "So you dont think Kerry would mislead anyone? And you think we are all mindless zombies that believes what everything someone says?" if you can quote me as saying that you are all mindless zombies that believe what ever(ything?) someone says? then i will gladly answer to you and your fellow republicans, once i find out what that question means.... see, the thing that i can't seem to decifer is, a boat load of people support george bush. even though the dollar continues to lose value in the world market. even though supposedly around every corner there is a terrorist(while we didnt have this problem during the clinton era), even though the country has been led to a police action under false pre-texts, even though george bush has clearly screwed this country up with his environmental, education, and tax policies, even after all that crap, people still are all gungho about him. see, not to offend anyone, i believe that it has nothing to do with what bush does as president. i believe that it is a religious thing, where people feel compelled to vote for a christian leader. someone who will carry out christian inspired dealings within the confinements of the presidency. someone who will push a christian agenda because he is so out of touch, that the only thing he can relate to is the bible. now, im not saying anything bad about christians(i am catholic) im just saying that i think that the republican party takes religion WAY too far when it comes to the political spectrum. this is only my experience. feel free to comment. but please dont try to flame.
no problem. im just trying to get an overview of all the people who are misled by this administration, and what commonalities they have in their thinking. im not trying to pick a fight, im just conducting a study...if you will.