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Everything posted by r1dermon

  1. that plastic igniter cord usually can't be lit without the use of a BP or electric charge. take a lighter to it and most of the time it wont do much. they use this stuff and "quickmatch" in blasting ledge and rocks. well, up here in new england anyway. quickmatch is exciting stuff. some of it can burn like...4-500FPS!!
  2. 5614, i've devised an easy way to get pure hydrogen. take 2 stainless steel screws, mix up a really salty solution of H2O. screw the 2 screws into opposite sides of a 3 liter soda bottle, leave a little bit of the screw left outside the bottle, in other words, dont screw it all the way in. then seal the holes with some silicon sealant. pour in your salty water, make sure your electrodes are submerged, now poke a hole a little bit above the water line, it should be like 1/8th inch. now hook that whole thing up to a battery charger, make sure the cap is on the bottle. if you want an extremely loud boom, tape the hole above the water line after disconnecting the battery charger, and then light a match, and open the cap and drop the match in...or, you could open the cap and quickly throw a balloon on it, and then squeeze the bottle to fill the balloon, and then hold the balloon over a flame...POW. lol.
  3. i said i would never read it. and that i have never read it....that is correct. but i also said that i read a review, or critique, whatever you want to call it. and i've seen examples of the stupid crap in it. i've also seen examples of experiments that cannot be performed due to lack of information. thats my final word, i want to talk about barium now. YT, so if i throw salt into regular BP, its going to make it really yellow for the milisecond that it takes to burn. how does this affect the smoke? more, less?
  4. did anyone watch the vid of the rocket? the piston at the top of the stand that measured the thrust got cleanly blown off the whole apparatus. lol. it looked like a gun shot it. thats a sick rocket, but for that amount of money, i can get a single use J motor which will do fine and cost me like....200 bucks. plus, i wouldnt be messing with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. yes, boat painting. find a WEST MARINE store, they will have it. its like...400+ mesh, but it'll work.
  6. ok, so lets see here....burning a gas, which expands to fill its container, whatever that is, extremely flamable, completely consumed in a firery blaze in under a second....or, a controlled flame thrower using mildly flamable oil and pressurized gas. its a tough one, but considering i can't control the expansion of a gas, i'll stick to point and spray.
  7. here's what god intended hydrogen peroxide for. http://www.ad6uy.com/sac-l5/motor-test.html
  8. boris, its not that pressure sensitive...i threw it at a wall, my fastball is in the 70mph range....it only blew after i ran it over with a 3,000lb vehicle... also, the chances of finding the original anarchists cookbook is very good, as long as you're buying it from a book store. certain files online claim to be anarchist cookbooks but they are the things with stupid ideas in them. like anarchist cookbook V, thats not the original thing, its nothing more than a bunch of stupid experiments that could hurt you. but then again, i could be driving along the freeway when some idiot jumps the median and kill me, so im no safer driving than i am making tennis ball bombs. also, where is the animosity coming from? you seem upset...your big paragraph was a giant run on sentance...you were so eager to rant that you didnt even have time to throw a period in? (im sorry YT, for bringing this up again, but i had to make it clear that the real anarchist cookbook is a piece of crap, and so are the knockoffs, and most of the stupid crap in the book doesnt even work, a lot of it is incomplete. so i rest my case at that.) what about barium chloride?
  9. hahahahaha, these, the geniouses of our time...
  10. boris, are you referring to the REAL anarchist cookbook? the one published in 1971? or are you referring to the online knockoffs? many things in the anarchist cookbook are retardedly moronic. in-fact, there was an experiment mentioned on a critique of the book, it was how to make a napalm suibstitute, they said all you had to do was replace the oxygen in it with arsenic, and then they displayed the chemical formula of arsenic as AR. well, considering arsenic is As, and that they give you no further information, i'd say most of the book is harmless. another example is, in the REAL book, they tell you where to place explosives to blow up a suspention bridge, it gives 6 spots. no type of explosive specified, no quantity, no further info...just 6 spots to place explosives, and its supposed to work for every suspention bridge. the person who wrote it was 19 years old and an avid vietnam protestor. a better book would be the chemistry of fireworks, or powders and explosives...they are a lot more informative than the anarchist cook book.
  11. got what from the anarchist cook book? i got the matchhead thing from my cousin, and i got the BP warning from a can of BP...i've never read the anarchists cookbook and i dont intend to.
  12. mad, were you there with kerry? have you seen his wounds? he still has metal in his leg, does that sound like a bandaid wound? that whole bandaid wound is an attempt by republicans to degrade kerrys service, which was a lot more honorable that bush's. they are legitimate purple hearts, or else they wouldnt have been given...just like bush's "honorable" discharge, its legitimate, or else it wouldnt have been given. right? in my opinion, anyone who went to the vietnam war, or any other war for that matter, should be given a medal.
  13. was the tube a vaccum when you put the bromine in it?
  14. hey, its ok...we still love you primarygun, after all, "imagination is more important than knowledge".... has your mom ever told you how 'special' you are?
  15. lol, U-235 would be a cool talking point until the govt comes after you and puts you on charges of treason, blah blah blah, they'll say that you had ties to osama and all that good stuff, then you'll be locked in a prison pending lawyer selection and then when your trial starts you'll be sentanced to death, but then you'll appeal like 50 times and on your last appeal you'll die in prison at the age of 82 1/2. sounds like fun huh?
  16. no YT, i was referring to 5614 with the hydrogen trick...my professor doing it in class was enough for me to say, hell no. the WD-40 trick is good man, and unless your an idiot, you hold the can on a slightly upright position. so that the flame doesnt reach the can. and even if i coated the can with starting fluid, it would not touch the flame, as it stays a good 4 inches from the can at all times. hot air rises, and so do flames, dont want to get burned? stay below the flames...
  17. hey man, im just relaying the warning on the package. REAL FFFF BP pistol grade. i use it in my mini-cannon. its definately good stuff...i figure, in a powder state, BP is pressure sensitive. like matchheads. i put like, 2 boxes of matchheads in a tennis ball and then taped it, i threw it at a wall and it wouldnt blowup, so i ran it over with my crappy ass mini-van, BAM, almost took my tire out. it sounded like a huge pop and then thousands of bottle rockets shooting off...lol. i figure the grains of BP would rub against each other with such force under good pressure that they would ignite each other...plus, the package says dont do it...lol.
  18. well, it was cheyney himself that said "it is unlikely that a connection between saddam hussein and al quida existed" now, in this he didnt say never, but he did say that if there was a connection, it was way before the war in iraq. also, why iraq? why not north korea? they have nukes! oh yeah...we actually KNOW they have nukes...not only that...we are ALREADY stationed close by in south korea AND japan. its a no brainer...why not iran? why not jordan?? all these other countries have nukes, and yet we go after iraq....why any of them? our mission is to stop osama bin laden, he took our towers out...its him that we want. we dont give a crap about saddam. well, maybe some misguided bush loyalists who blindly follow him to the death because of religious reasons do. but as a whole, we would be a lot more pleased if osama had been caught instead of saddam. and i'll guarantee that bush starts saying that we're close to getting him, or he comes out and says that we got him, just to get re-elected. we probably have had him for a year, but they wanted to wait until elections to tell everyone so that support goes through the roof. typical.
  19. lol, dude, you're gonna lose a hand doing this...i find it a lot more amusing to stick a lighter in front of a can of WD-40 and see how long i can make the flame last...
  20. i would advise against any kind of crushing of BP. sometimes its shock or friction sensitive, if you're mixing a small enough quantity it will just poof, but more than say, a gram or 2, that will be a giant ball of smoke like you've never seen, and your hands wont feel too good.
  21. r1dermon


    why should it be limited, the constitution does not distinguish between firearms, a firearm is a firearm, whether its a simple musket, or a fully auto mp-5, the 1934? ban on automatics is unconstitutional. even if automatic weapons were legalized for private ownership without huge expenses and rare permits, do you think a criminal is going to spend 8 grand on an automatic weapon(which is about what they cost, depending on make) so that they can shoot a bunch of people and then dump it in a river? no, they will go out and buy a .38spl(the #1 choice of murderers) which is also a revolver, and they will dump that in a river, for a cost of around 2-300 bucks. i could go buy a ruger 10/22. this looks like a regular hunting rifle, then i could go out and buy an ar-15, which looks like a military rifle...well, the 10/22 can kill someone with the same rate of fire and accuracy(to a point) as the ar-15. the ar-15 is banned why? because how it looks...but honestly, i think that people would be just as scared if you walked down the street with a 10/22 as if you walked down the street with an ar-15...which by the way is illegal....the whole assault weapons ban is so retarded that its difficult to comprehend. what is so bad about a bayonette lug? well, up here in MA, where everything is banned, we have drive-by bayonettings all the time...seriously, where is dianne feinsteins head. budullewraag, i really like your idea...lol...i laughed for at least 15 minutes when i saw it...that would be a great movie scene...lol.
  22. the real question for bush is...who is the enemy? who? can you tell me blike? can anyone tell me who the actual enemy is? for a second i thought it was osama, but, we've spent more time in iraq "liberating" the iraqis than we've spent looking for osama...it has already been stated BY the bush administration that there is no reason to believe that saddam hussein had any connections with al quida. well then, what's this whole iraq thing about? personally, im a little pissed off that two towers fell because some asshole had the bright idea of hi-jacking a couple jets...and personally, im also a little pissed off that we've spent billions of dollars in a different country for different reasons...i bet if you asked bush who the real enemy was, he'd have nothing to say. but it remains to be seen. we'll see if kerry grows a sack before sept 30'th for the 1st debate. until then, we'll just have to wait.
  23. ahh, nothing replaces good german dark aluminum powder...BANG!!!
  24. that was a pretty sick rocket page man...have you ever flown any of your experiments? also, to really increase the burn rate and overall impulse of your sugar motor, fill the core with some BP or pyrodex. that is, if the core isnt a cone burning core. do you make the core the length of the motor? or do you make a cone at the bottom of the motor? also, where do you get your nozzle material? online? hardware store?
  25. hydrogen explodes like flour dust...it doesnt seem like its gonna be big, but it makes one hell of a pop. last semester my professor filled a balloon with it, then attached it to a ruler and placed it over a bunson burner. BAM....i definately wouldnt mess with it. it could do some harm in high quantities.
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