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Everything posted by angelkissesH

  1. How would I regenerate an HPLC column after it has *dried out? * Dried out means, someone else took my column off the HPLC machine for me and didn't replace one of the end fixtures. I didn't realize this until ~2.5 weeks later. Air hasn't been pumped through the column, but I'm getting unusual UV traces (High absorbance in irreproducible areas). Does anyone have any suggestions?
  2. Hello, I'm trying to convert a kcat/km obtained from a journal article from s-1*uM-1 to s-1*M-1. kcat = .55 s-1 Km = 71.7 uM kcat/km = .008 s-1*M-1 I'm assuming that I just need to convert the 71.7 uM into M (.0000717M) and then divide to get the value 7670 s-1*M-1 However, and older, much respected labmate claims the value should be 4.8 E5 in his notes. Am I doing my math wrong? Thanks!!! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI turns out they were converting it to min-1 * M-1 not s-1* M-1. Thanks!!
  3. I beleive I've read somewhere (lecture notes from the internet so not exactly from a good source) that NADP+ doesn't absorb at 340nm. Based on the buffer solution, could it be possible that some of you NADPH may have converted to NADP+ thus decreasing the conc of NADPH (and the extinction coefficient)?
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