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    High School Student

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  1. I have found that when explaining creation among atheist beliefs, it's a lot harder to prove your points, because your trying to prove something. Meanwhile atheist belief is arguing to prove nothing. -That we all came to existence by the natural phenomenon of all physical things. So basically it's a lot harder to prove/argue something than to prove/argue nothing. This sometimes annoys me but I just need to explain it better probably(any tips?) Anybody in the same boat??
  2. There isn't necessarily more or less, but its arranged differently, more disorderly and many different structures and forms it takes on. In smooth muscle the ratio of actin to myosin is 10:1 approximately. don't quote me on that . But yeah smooth muscle isn't as attractive because of it's messiness compared to the aligned fibers of skeletal muscle
  3. Multiply your volume by the density to cancel out the mL and get just grams. The divide that amount of grams by the molar mass of the compound to cancel out grams and get moles
  4. God has no beginning or end, he is eternal. He existed before time to create time and everything else. But will also be around after time ends. He is to big, and complex for our small little humanly brains to conceive. Which is why we must fear and love God. (in depth) In math terms God = beyond (-∞,∞) . God doesn't expect us to understand, for he has been here forever and will be forever. And whoever believes in him and his son will have eternal life with him in the heavens, which he created along time ago as sort of cool hangout for dead Christians who loved him and his son on earth, and wanted to be with him even closer.
  5. One can't simply lead a 'perfect life' without God. According to Christianity you would go to hell after you die, because not believing God means not believing in Jesus who saved us eternally. That's all you need to believe to be saved eternally. Once you believe this it all makes sense, if you trust in Him. Wether you decide this or not is your choice, I can help.
  6. Yeah, I agree with you. They big bang couldn't of been the origin of everything. What some scientists are saying now is that what most likely is out there are multiple universes in a sea of them- outside of ours. The 'Big Bang' was just the branes, or outer walls colliding making our universe. As this might be the case, still who could of made the origins of all these different universes. But I don't think we can denounce the big bang didn't happen yet, what if God used this? We don't know, but we just have to trust him. As you may know, the origin of all the different molecules we see and use and made by stars. Nuclear fusion, combining parts of H2 atom to make different elements. But how these molecules combine to form life is something I just can't grasp, I also can't grasp how other people assume life just happened. Sometimes I wish science could prove God right but that's what keeps us bound.
  7. Hello, I'm a high school student who loves all sciences (-It's what drives tomorrow. ) but also a noob to this website. Anyways, make it a great day!

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