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Everything posted by hitmankratos

  1. I suppose that I mis-weighted the substances then.... Thanks a lot for you're time!
  2. Yeah ok. But is it a gaz atom that instanly went to the atmosphere, or was it an atom that mixed with an other atom - creating a molecule - that flew away into the room's atmosphere? Or is it just impossible to know without knowing the composure of the solution? And how about my mass problem?
  3. Hi! I mixed two diffrent liquids (we don't know what they're made of- Lets call them X and Y), there is a chemical reaction that occurs. Bubbles appear and the temperture increases. The thing is that 25ml of liquid x + 25 of liquid y won't give us 50ml but 48ml instead. Now for the how this happens (PLease correct me): the atoms composing the molecules will get seperated and will mix with other atoms from diffrent molecules creating that way, new substances. Now for the missing 2ml, (correct me again) I thought that gaz atoms (like hydrogen) that got seperated will simpily fly away - OR MAYBE - 2 atoms will make a gaz subbstance and that is why there is a loss of gaz. Am I right? Please corrrect me. I also have another question. When I weigh each of the two substances, it gives 0,98gr\ml for substance X and 0,584gr\ml for substance y. When I mix 25ml+25ml it is supposed to give 39,1grams for 50ml. When I weigh the mix, I get 43 grams for 48ml (not 50 since there is that loss) I am lost! How come? For 50ml it is 39,1 and for 48ml it is 43gram. I thought that maybe a new formed substance weighs more...is that possible? Thanks in advance everyone.
  4. Okay...thanks anyway!
  5. Hello, I was wondering if there was any natural cure for the dystrophy? Or anything that could relief the muscular pain or anything? I need to find some solid science-fair project and I would like to do experimentation (on rats, or humans, or anything) so I thought something related with dystrophy would be good...So if there is no cure, does anyone have an idea of an experiment that could be done with dystophy? (With stats and all after)... Thanks in advance.
  6. Silly question, I know. But I just have to know...and they just don't teach us this stuff at school...
  7. Well...Let's stay with something that has to do with medecine... I don't know...like orthopeadic cements (nanotechnology used to heal bones)....
  8. Thanks... Any more things like that? I would prefer if they are solutions to some problem...
  9. I'm 15 and I'm 6'1... I think the best way to grow taller is from doing lots of sports... I play basketball everyday and I guess that's why I'm tall for my age...(not too tall either)
  10. Well, I've got something...I'm only in grade 9 so don't know much about science and all but did something this year for a project... What I did was an experiment on 10 people to see if garlic could have an effect on blood pressure. The sample is way to small so I didn't have any conclusions, but it sure worked with all of them.... What was quiet surprising, is that it best worked with a hypertensive person and so...garlic might have a better effect on people that suffer from high blood pressure.... Anyway, if you want any more information, PM (or send me an email at reda_barbarian_ninja@hotmail.com ) and I'll tell you more about it...
  11. Hi! Something that could be promising in the future... For example, garlic could have an effect on high blood pressure so there are studies going on to see if it could be turned into a vaccine to hypertension...(that's a lame example).... It could have to do with anything (genomic, biotechnology...even geology), as long as it could have a potential in improving a health problem. Thanks in advance.
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