I mixed two diffrent liquids (we don't know what they're made of- Lets call them X and Y), there is a chemical reaction that occurs. Bubbles appear and the temperture increases. The thing is that 25ml of liquid x + 25 of liquid y won't give us 50ml but 48ml instead.
Now for the how this happens (PLease correct me): the atoms composing the molecules will get seperated and will mix with other atoms from diffrent molecules creating that way, new substances. Now for the missing 2ml, (correct me again) I thought that gaz atoms (like hydrogen) that got seperated will simpily fly away - OR MAYBE - 2 atoms will make a gaz subbstance and that is why there is a loss of gaz.
Am I right? Please corrrect me.
I also have another question.
When I weigh each of the two substances, it gives 0,98gr\ml for substance X and 0,584gr\ml for substance y. When I mix 25ml+25ml it is supposed to give 39,1grams for 50ml.
When I weigh the mix, I get 43 grams for 48ml (not 50 since there is that loss)
I am lost!
How come? For 50ml it is 39,1 and for 48ml it is 43gram.
I thought that maybe a new formed substance weighs more...is that possible?
Thanks in advance everyone.