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Everything posted by Gilded

  1. Omg, modified Bushims. The best way to argue about something. ) But if I had to make a logo or something that had the word in it, I'd probably use color. Colour, favourite and such sound fancy in "casual text" and I use them sometimes (which isn't too cool if you mix them in one text ), but I'd like to strangle a random person in the close proximity if I see "colOUR" on a product logo or description. ) That's just me though, luckily I'm not strong enough to really strangle anyone (which is probably the reason I'm writing this at home and not at jail).
  2. I want to be the bored yet evil grammar-obsessed business analyst who's so absolutely cruel that even squirrels won't go within 100 yards from him.
  3. Uranium; fun! Many disintegrations! Lots of gamma rays! At nights, I can feel how my atoms are being rudely ionized.
  4. "I'm just asking you to act like true scientists and keep it in the back of your head that it may, one day, be possible." From what we've learned so far, it is rather... impossible. Unless you mean quite wacky possible stuff like wormholes and such that bend the spacetime so that you might be able to get from Earth to Alpha Centauri in five seconds, which isn't really FTL travel (at least I don't see it as such). Like if you had a maximum speed of let's say 20km/h and a 40km long wall, it would take you two hours to move at max. speed from the center of one side to the center of the other side. Although, if you could make a hole in the wall you would be on the other side's center in seconds... But still, that wouldn't allow you to go faster than the 20km/h.
  5. That's what they want you to think! Well ok perhaps it was something else that existed in such quantities I mentioned. )
  6. Bushims are awesome. And as I mentioned in like three threads before, the Book of Bushims is great too.
  7. "Depleted uranium has no potential for producing fissionable material on its own" There is a disintegration branch for U-238. I recall about 0.0005% of overall atoms going through spontaneous fission, while the rest goes through alpha decay. So it has very, very very very little potential, but potential anyway. Btw, iridium's great. And so is depleted uranium (although I currently have only ore). But when I turn 18 I'm going to buy uranium and thorium pure metal samples from RGB, and probably radium and promethium too.
  8. Yeah, true. But I trust that when I tell them that the average background radiation here is about 0.1uSv, they start running around in panic. )
  9. Gilded


    Rather odd. Doesn't work for me either, so the problem is obviously with the server or something.
  10. Pirate kegs = lots of rum Poor bum
  11. A quark goes to an elevator. The operator asks "up or down?". "Neither", the quark answers "I'm strange".
  12. 5614, as the decay rate isn't constant, sometimes it shows even over 1uSv/h, sometimes about 0.31uSv/h. Took a few pictures: http://www.freewebs.com/gildedchem/uraanie.jpg (trinitite pieces in the front, uranium ore in the back) http://www.freewebs.com/gildedchem/geigermittari.jpg (a whopping 1.04uSv/h, this pic might be good for scaring people who don't know too much about radiation ) ) Once again, copy the links to your address bar as freewebs blocks direct linking.
  13. Oops. I don't know what I was talking about again. ) But now I have a uranium rock! Measured about 0.80uSv at first, but I think the real amount is approximately 0.40uSv. Not too dangerous one might say. :>
  14. "it`s possible that the grass acts as a similar type of "Shelter" for them, and cutting it disturbs them." The ones I saw didn't look very disturbed (except for the ones that golfers stomped on). It could also be that the whole golf area was full of ladybugs, and I only noticed it at areas of shorter grass. Though I can't remember seeing too many in the taller grass...
  15. |-|41|<u 1$ 73|-| |_337. |_337 |-|41|<u 1$ \/\/4y /\/\0r3 |_337. 1 |_0\/3 |_337 |-|41|<u!
  16. "it`s not considerably more toxic than Lead, do it outside and you`ll be just fine :)" If you look at LD50 values, you can see that cadmium compounds are generally way more toxic than lead compounds. Same goes with pure metals. Cadmium is also a very potential carcinogen.
  17. *Borrows PersonCube's protective glasses and armor* Two hydrogen atoms are inside a star, about to fuse into helium. The other says: "It's getting quite hot in here." The other replies: "AAAAGH! A talking hydrogen atom!" ---- What did the two up quarks in a proton say to the third quark? -Why are you so down? ---- Why didn't the gold atom date any francium atoms? -The gold atom was looking for a more stable relationship. ---- What did the U-238 atom say to his U-235 friend when they were bombarded by neutrons? -Keep yourself together! ---- What do you call a felis domesticus that gains an electron? -A CATion! ---- Why all atoms try to sneak into the Neutron Bar, instead of going to their respective bars? -Because they don't charge you!
  18. "Their use of the word Armageddon lets them down a bit, seeing as it's a place and not an event." Isn't the Armageddon (or Harmageddon) mentioned in the Bible as the place where the final battle between good and evil happens?
  19. "Anyone else ever notice that at certain times of the year you'll find tons of dead ladybugs indoors, or in window panes?" -badchad http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/wildfacts/factfiles/411.shtml "Behaviour Larvae and adults patrol plants hunting for insects to eat. In winter adult ladybirds congregate in large numbers to hibernate. They are sometimes found hibernating indoors, where they like to gather together in the corners of window frames." -from the site Btw YT, do you have good relations to your neighbors with all the battery water drinking and ladybird carrying? "Ooooh my pretties, soon you all have lots of aphids to eat" ) And who said aphids are too small to see? Or then the Finnish aphids are just bigger than others, as some are pretty big. :>
  20. Bah, we need a good compound that you can properly whack with a hammer that throws your hammer and most of your arm to who knows where. )
  21. "I think that most common problem with other nitrates is that they tend to contain water." Amen to that. Almost every one of them are even sold as nonahydrates (one molecule of the compound and nine molecules of water).
  22. Gilded

    Atomic Structure

    I wonder if Nave also meant nuclear forces and other wacky stuff in the nucleus. In that case... err, ask it in the physics sub-forum. )
  23. Heh, wonder if you hit a few gram pile of NI3 with a hammer. Would you have your hammer dropped from your hand or going through your roof or forehead?
  24. Nave, we already discussed the part that causes that: As some of the boiling water is in steam form, and more of it is in steam or less-scarce form when it's thrown, of course it freezes (at least partially) faster than the room temp water. But obviously, if you have a 5 C cup of water in the freezer and a similar sized 50 C cup of water in the freezer, the 5 C water freezes faster.
  25. Gilded

    Doom3 Movie

    "The only reason that Freeman doesn't speak in Half Life is an immersive one. Obviously, it would be counter-immersive for him to be silent in a film, so he would speak." Heh, I wonder how a film would be like that's completely seen from 1st person and with a rather silent main character. ) (Btw JaKiri, what happened to your avatar? :> )
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