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Everything posted by Gilded

  1. Now I'm really starting to think that someone is going to make millions by designing ice-cream scoops. )
  2. If they have DNA, I'm quite sure they are from the same source as Earth lifeforms, which might fortify the theory that life came to earth on a meteorite or something, or fortify the theory that carbon-based lifeforms are somewhat destined to have DNA/DNA-like structure in them. If they don't, I'm quite sure they have just developed on <insert planet name here, in this case Mars>. Also, it would be quite interesting if they were silicon based, but I'm quite sure that they aren't.
  3. Whoopee, I'm quite certainly getting to borrow an over 2000$ Geiger-counter that can even detect different isotopes through observing the decay... something (the energy of the gamma photon perhaps?). I'm going to: A) Find a couple of broken smoke alarms and see how much the americium-source shows B) If I ever get my U-ore sample, see how active it is C) Going to scan every single place in case someone has hidden plutonium rods there ) Any other nice stuff to monitor? I guess it's quite a sensitive counter, so weak sources are OK too. Perhaps swansont could lend me some thorium targets... )
  4. "I think lead is the most dangerous because if you accelerate to a high rate of speed with the help of a gunpowder, it can kill you pretty instantly." Rofl. Shoot me with a 9mm lead bullet from a car, and I'll shoot you and your car with an uranium slug. ) (Damn, I need an uranium slug first)
  5. "you really have no idea what youre talking about. i know chlorine dioxide and its properties. i know that you made chlorine dioxide." As I said, let us not jump into conclusions that the solution would be even near 100%.
  6. "with resources available to you, youd have a difficult time." Yeah. Nucleosynthesis is no easy task if you want to make visible amounts of stuff. That's way artificially made gold costs MUCH with a big M.
  7. "Sayonara, you were right. Pretty good so far." Hmm... Should I watch Bottom (the comedy-show-thingie) or this thread... Hmmmm... And seriously, when talking about this type of theories and "guesses", Ockham's razor is something that should come to mind...
  8. I guess the mods are the only people who can do it. :I
  9. "In fact, I would be so much smarter if I had a good chemistry teacher who realized I actually care about the class and am way ahead of everyone else." Yeah, I was also the only one in my class (back in 8th-9th grade) that was actually interested. ) I never asked if I could use the school lab though, but on the other hand, I had no experiments in mind.
  10. Heh, as we see here it requires a lot of specifying before we can decide which is the most dangerous. )
  11. OK, you just didn't just give too many details which lead to wrong conclusions. Not a biggie. "He GAVE us the chemicals and let us do the reaction." Wow, I'm moving to New Jersey.
  12. You know, it makes me and probably even the forest animals cry when physicists have to deal with this even at Christmas.
  13. "Can't tell you why spin exists, but it does." It's surprising how even rather simple para- and diamagnetics end up in the zone of "We don't know yet and perhaps never will". And that's exactly what's great in quantum mechanics, there always seems to be something to find out.
  14. "I have wondered why they don't inductively heat the metal - put on a system like electric toothbrush chargers with a heating element in the scoop. Keep it warm so it scoops better, and it's sealed up so there's no shock hazard." http://www.whynot.net/view_idea.php?id=1526 It seems that this has been discussed at Why Not too. A good idea though, I wonder if you could make a fortune marketing these... (If someone hasn't already)
  15. I'll go with the mosquito. They're mean little buggers, especially in countries with malaria parasites.
  16. "Mars because its closer,more visits and research.I already believe mars has living organisms..." You mean simple one-celled ones? Or the ExtraSense-type that build water pipes and other wacky stuff?
  17. "well would you call all that coincidence>?" I would call it simple DNA "programming", as that kind of behavior is familiar to us even from computer viruses, which I certainly hope aren't too intelligent. )
  18. I hope this Matrix-conversation didn't affect MolecularMan's decision for renting a DVD (which he probably did some time ago). :> "Well ****ing duh." Uh-oh, someone got coals and twigs for Christmas. j/k
  19. "I 'm not sure if his sense of conscious shifted to his belly." Eh? What makes you think that?
  20. "Oh, this should be good." Perhaps, but I'm afraid it's not going to be suitable for Christmas. ) (Hope swansont and the others are spending quality time with their families or something, a seizure would be quite an awful Christmas present )
  21. "Right,guess I have to reread blackholes." As I'm not a physicist and don't know much (though I do know quite a bit about black hole research), perhaps we should wait for someone who actually is, to confirm my crazy talk.
  22. "I believe that mixing chemicals is a good way for amateurs to gain valuable knowledge and experience" It's also a good way to gain money from your health insurance as you lose a limb (if your health insurance even covers that). I got to agree with bud, the part where they dropped sugar in it sounds kinda dangerous. If this was pure ClO2, no matter what safety precautions I'm quite sure something less-nice would've happened to these two earlier on.
  23. Doesn't the anti-freeze liquid transfer heat better than just plain metal? (Depends quite a bit on the anti-freeze and the metal though)
  24. "No. Not making fun of someone isn't being afraid of them." Not necessarily, but if immediately when someone makes a bin Laden parody someone shouts "Oh no, you can't do that! He's a powerful man that will kill you for that!" and force the guy to remove the parody from wherever he put it, wouldn't that kind of behavior just reinforce the position of bin Laden? "I do wish you would respect my wishes, and remove the link, because I do find that cartoon offensive." Alright. I'll do that when the Internet is clear of blonde parodies that offend me greatly, as I happen to be a natural blonde.
  25. Now that we're talking about X-Files, I think I remember the episode you're talking about. I recall that in this case the end of the world had something to do with 'em nasty aliens.
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