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Everything posted by Gilded

  1. "lol, yea, I just noticed that a few days ago, when I noticed my post count didnt exactly match up with my posting" Me too, I thought it was just lag. Now that I know the true reason, screw the GD! j/k Here's a pic I made for you all SFN über posting machines: http://www.freewebs.com/gildedchem/virwil.jpg
  2. Icebreaker jokes are the key to a success speech. "Hey, does anyone here know the difference between a mosquito and a youth ambassador?" *audience sits quiet wondering "wtf, mate?"* "Wow, no one? Well, if we meet after high school, please don't slap me!" Ok that was a silly one. And I don't even know if you're in high school. But jokes are good, generally. Perhaps not in a speech involving AIDS treatment or the like.
  3. foolish = communist wrist
  4. "Wise is the man who freezes his ass off to enjoy Half-Life 2." -Someone "it's a long cold winter to be standing waiting for a bus." Ooooh, cold winter in the UK? Does the temperature actually drop below zero? Is there actually going to be SNOW?! Oh my, you're all doomed. Edit: And Valve probably screws something up again, and Half-Life is delayed about two years. *knocks the wood*
  5. Lamented = a word I have never heard about trout
  6. Bismuth is damn great. Especially for its weird metastability.
  7. "Try pissing on it, see if that helps. ............ you need to realise its a joke, not an obsession." Yes, I did realize it. I was joking myself, too, as you might have realized. :> "You could do something more specific, like what happens to oils when you fry food, or what happens to vitamins when you boil vegetables." Yep, it's always nice to see how harmless chemicals can upon heating become INCREDIBLE MATERIALS OF ÜBER-TOXICITY! Perhaps it would also nice to demonstrate how some mushroom toxins have the habit of breaking down into harmless compounds.
  8. Yeah, but the usual scale is 0-14. Of course, there are incredibly strong acids that don't even need to have H+ or OH-.
  9. "Low temp metal castings are ok, but sadly the lower the temp needed to cast, the softer the metal or alloy :(" Isn't gallium harder than indium? Indium can be easily cut through with a knife, but my gallium piece seems to be hard to cut (without melting it of course).
  10. What? How did I make the crystal? I bought it, but bismuth actually can be crystallized easily like that (looks like a mayan temple or something ). If you mean how did I make the pic, I took it with a magical device called the camera, no editing. I'm quite sure you meant the crystal though.
  11. Crikey, my blikey! That was a really good one. Go haiku thread go!
  12. Ahh yes, the logarithm thing. I knew it had something to do with those, but since I'm going to have my first logarithm lessons (ever) in a week or so, I had no idea it goes that way.
  13. Perhaps mercury in a thick glass ampoule would make a nice keyring. It has its hazards though. Heavy metals make also nice keyrings, a plate of tungsten or a small ring of iridium is something you don't see every day. One of my dreams is to have an osmium ring, it's just going to be bloody expensive. PS. The bismuth crystal is mine.
  14. Since it was thought it's cool to have a pH scale of 0 to 14, and pure water in the middle of it. Actually, I'm not 100% sure of the origin, it probably has a greater reason than the one I mentioned.
  15. What's up with some nice, rather harmless materials being nitrated and then *poof* they become awful explosives? Do the nitronium ions somehow break off causing the gas to expand at a high rate or... what?
  16. Don't ruin my fantasy of England being a wonderful paradise made of marshmallows where people always have 5 o'clock afternoon tea and great amounts of lager before and after that!
  17. What? I checked the dictionary and it said death caps. We have it here EVERYWHERE. Almost every Autumn, some of those buggers (white dots, red caps) spawn in the damn backyard! They're great in the aspect of being powerful hallucinogens, yet not too deadly. That is, if you absolutely must eat "magic mushrooms". About the dictionary, because it's a rather bad one, I think the mushroom we're looking for is "fly agaric". Amanita Muscaria is its latin name. http://peyote.com/jonstef/flyagaric.htm yep, that's the one.
  18. Actually, English is the third language to me. We HAVE to learn Finnish, Swedish and English. And because we have free schooling, we really HAVE TO. Not that free schooling is a bad thing. It's even stated in the law that Finland is a two-language country, with both Finnish and Swedish as national languages. English and other ones come after those. Strangely, everyone I know speaks better English than Swedish.
  19. "So THAT`S how Santa and his Raindeer can "Fly" )" Believe it or not, there was an article about the Santa-myth that went something like this: Step 1. Lapland-guy feeds a reindeer some death caps. Step 2. Lapland-guy drinks the urine of the reindeer. Step 3. Lapland-guy sees a red man riding a reindeer in the sky.
  20. "no i have an experiment book with loads of experiments to do and for one of them you use Resorcinol, it also goes on about a silver mirror experiment for another experiment to do" Yes, I believe you. No really, I do. >:/
  21. Don't you Brittish fellows only drink tea and lager? By the way, I always seem to get amused (probably my awful state of immaturity ) when I see "per se". I know what it means in English, but in Finnish "perse" is a sort of a dialect word for "ass". Yes, the body part. :|
  22. "You feel bad... I have been sacrificing 1 indigo child to him every full moon now for 10 years." Well indigo children are EEEEVIL! Cthulhu is probably turning in his bed for such bad sacrifices! And most likely having a really awful nightmare of Bush winning the damn elections again; after that, Cthulhu's coming is the lesser of two evils! Edit: "Possibly also special mushrooms, in this specific case." It's the people from Lapland/Siberia that eat mushrooms, not H.P. Lovecraft
  23. Wow, I should become an investigator or something, I immediately figured it out. Not that acne is particularly funny (as you said), I have a medium-bad acne myself. :<
  24. Either way, the +21% restriction and alcohol percent limitation to 60% is something that sucks. Not that I'd ever care to drink any +60% alcohol.
  25. Perhaps boris has a bad acne?
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