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Everything posted by Gilded

  1. That does it, I'm moving to England. "sadly most kids do too ((((" You should see the situation here! 13 year old kids smoke and drink +30% alcohol.
  2. "You do realise Cthulu is fiction, and not myth?" Oh bugger! I've been sacrificing newly born cows to Cthulhu and Shub-Niggurath for five years for nothing!
  3. "I hate this stereotype!" Yeah, I don't even have eyeglasses or freckles! And YT looks like Ozzy Osbourne or something with those glasses.
  4. "we don`t have a debate team to make fun of :P" Damn, we really should.
  5. Now that we're talking about ethanol... Does UK have a law that allows up to 21% (or was it 22% can't remember) alcohol beverages for 18 year olds and up, and more than 21% for 21 year olds and up? And do you have an alcohol percent limit? Useless scrap info of the day: Did you know that a Finnish person had blood alcohol level of over 7 promilles and survived? (Is this the world record, by the way? ) Reminds me also of the Russian nurse who came to work... 5 promilles drunk.
  6. Finnish version: Haluan syödä mäyriä karpalokastikkeen kera. Swedish version: Jag vill äta grävlingar med tranbärsås. Yay, I only had to look up the "badgers" and "cranberry sauce" for the Swedish one. Edit: By the way, did you know that the latin name of cranberry is Oxycoccus quadripetalus? Fascinating! ... *end useless info mode* Edit 2.: клюква for cranberry (no, I don't know Russian letters myself, dammit :< )
  7. I got straight 10's (or A's, if you insist :> ) at English during my 5th and 6th grade. Then, when I went to 7th, the teacher was an idiot (hey, it's always the teacher, not the student! :> ). But as soon as I went to high school, I got a 10 from the first course. I have played English computer games since when I was 5 or something, also watching a lot of English movies and series (especially Monty Python ) has helped a big deal. As for the games, anything with English speech is fine if that's what you're looking for.
  8. "There was a Demonologist on ITV the other night. How I laughed." You will regret that remark when Cthulhu wakes up in R'lyeh! Iä! Iä!
  9. Hey, what if we had one sentence (a weird one, along the lines of "I want to eat badgers with cranberry sauce"), and tried to translate it into as many different languages as possible?
  10. There is only one solution for this; we got to make ourselves a helium atmosphere where to drink it.
  11. Yeah, if someone absolutely has to synthesize a high explosive substance, I'd go for one that a) isn't shock sensitive b) doesn't explode immediately when in touch with metals or organic compounds c) is stable enough for not being set off by LIGHT! :|
  12. Hmmh, I remember when I debated about if 100% ethanol is possible with a couple of my friends. So, 98% is achievable with just distilling, and when calcium is added, even the last drops of water are removed making a theorically 100% solution (when distilled once more)? Edit: You are indeed correct YT. 100% ethanol has a boiling point of about 78 degrees Celsius.
  13. Busted boris! Now comes to the mind the awful tricyclo*err... not going to tell you * thread a while ago. Did you delete it YT? I'm glad you did, if you did. Scary stuff.
  14. http://www.engrish.com/image/engrish/carefully-fall.jpg What an awful country! Hope you don't have to fall in to EVERY river there, just this particular one.
  15. "Who are your picks for the new Han Solo, Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia for Episode 7?" I'd go with Han Solo: Abe Vigoda Luke Skywalker: Mr. T Princess Leia: Michael Jackson
  16. "I want an episode 7 :(" If they make one, I hope it has something to do with certain annoying creatures being tortured in different ways. Hopefully gungans, communists are ok too. j/k
  17. "instead english is a language which is world known" It's awful how the English language is raped in Japan (and China too). :< http://www.engrish.com - oh dear Edit: Btw, Russia is much better now than it was back in the Soviet Union days, and before that. But I still don't like the language, it even sounds angry.
  18. Coatings of different things are a marvellous subject! How some resist corrosion, how some take incredible heat without scorching... And so on. "Try pissing on it, see if that helps." I was about to go to New Zealand as an exchange student, but now I'm not sure if I want to, if you're all so obsessed with THE GODDAMN URINE!
  19. Yipes! Pure calcium metal seems to be quite expensive. Most likely, a calcium compound of some sort would be a better solution (as suggested earlier). Or, if you have money, you can always buy 100g calcium from kno3.com, it costs £65 though.
  20. I wonder if you could still get the 2.5kg piece of Sr at eBay. Edit: It seems you can, since it isn't an auction but a "Buy it now" at the Emovendo shop. Hmmm... 99.5%, 2.5kg for $299.99
  21. Rofl, reminds me of a speech I made that was about manufacturing an explosive in the 9th grade. Got a 9/10 for it though.
  22. When a country retreats from a war with a country that's like 30 times smaller, you won't probably want to learn the language. Especially when you live in the country that was the smaller one! Edit: This might be comparable to an American who doesn't like to learn Vietnamese (or whatever they speak in Vietnam ).
  23. "Ani get his face burnt when Obi Wan sticks a light saber in it, then chucks him into a lava pit." And then, after being treated by a bad plastic surgeon, he starts his revenge as Darth Vader, to destroy all planets inhabited by EEEVIL surgeons.
  24. Heh, I took a picture of my bismuth crystal http://www.freewebs.com/gildedchem/crystal.JPG It's quite shiny... Mmmm. I'd be honored if someone had the nerves to use it as a desktop wallpaper. Edit: Btw, it's a really high resolution picture, about 930kbs. :< Takes a while to load, for slow connections.
  25. "i am learning three langauges, russian, japanese, and chinese :P" If you lived next to Russia, you wouldn't like to learn their language.
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