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Everything posted by Gilded

  1. Hmmmm... Howcome charcoal is better? Because the sugar produces water when burned?
  2. "ill just put them in a glass vial" You mean the smoke detector ionization chamber? Yes, a glass vial would probably do it since it doesn't emit terrible levels of gamma, and the alpha won't get through the glass.
  3. "Zinc will be all used up in sixty more years." Lol, reminds me of the Simpsons episode where they watch the document about what world would be like without zinc. Not that using up natural resources is particularly funny, though. :/
  4. I have a TI-83 Plus. I'm not too familiar with it though, since I got it only few days ago. But I guess it's pretty good (and definately good enough for Finnish high school).
  5. 1 to 40 000? I always thought it was rarer, even though one in forty thousand is quite rare.
  6. A friend of mine tried learning Russian. Didn't work quite well, I think after a year of studying he could say "My name is..." and count from one to ten and that was about it.
  7. snoring = my dad mousepad
  8. Gilded


    "A Day in the Life of Sayonara³: 6am-Get up, dress, eat a bowl of rocks 7am-Verbally flay fellow bus riders on the way to work 7:30am-4:30pm-Debase myself analyzing business processes for those who have no business wasting air for breath, much less wasting my enormous intellect on their mostly self-induced problems 4:30pm-5:30pm-Practise kung fu on fellow bus riders who took all day to come up with retorts to my earlier verbal flaying 5:30pm-Blog 6pm-Look for spam at SFN 6:02pm-Destroy spammers 8pm-Upgrade computer 9pm Surf the Web 10pm-Write helpful emails to Tony Blair 11pm-Check for more spam at SFN Midnight-Start new computer project 1am-Open window and scream obscenities at neighbour's cats 2am-Write new biology texts for Cambridge and Oxford 4am-6am-2 hours of REM sleep" Someone should make a document about forum moderators and their days. I happen to be a forum moderator myself. Perhaps that's what makes most people complete assholes who don't relax. I mean myself, not Sayo of course, no no. No. No. *scuttles off*
  9. Futurama and Simpsons rock.
  10. "I could be wrong, I`m very tired today. Zzzzzz..." I'm tired all the time! However, I seem to be wrong about 90% of the time. Funny you mention francium chloride. I wonder if it's ever been made. Hey, that brings up a question I've been wondering about for a while: What happens to a bond if the element it's bonded to decays? For example, in the case of uranium oxide. I bet it depends on the type of decay, though. Any info about this?
  11. "I`de still love to know WHY everyone INSISTS on using suagr all the time!!? it`s just plain stupid! :(" Gilded see nice color, Gilded like!
  12. I wish we had science fairs here in Finland. They'd be so much fun.
  13. "and the surprising part was the the same stuff (silicon type) is used in your average PC too )" Hmmh? Do they use porous silicon in PCs?
  14. ""filling it up" with the NON-Isotope Iodine and thus not letting in any radioctive versions in" "non the less, that`s all it does, it doesn`t make you radiation proof :)" Yeah I know that iodine isn't a wonder medicine that makes you immune to radiation. Now that I checked, I noticed that iodine-131 which is the fallout bastard of the iodine family, has a half-life of only 8 days. So that stuff has decayed a long time ago (I mean the Chernobyl accident), so probably Finns just don't get enough iodine from other stuff which is the reason they add iodine to table salt.
  15. "Iodised salt is GOOD for ya, stop complaining )" Who's the one complaining about drinking water. Well, maybe iodine in salt isn't as bad as fluorine in water.
  16. I'm not sure if I've ever eaten non-iodised salt. Probably they put it in so much because of the high radiation dose we receive. Or some other mysterious reason.
  17. "this could very well happen when metal is beaten into extremely thin sheets." Yes it indeed does, a good example is a nanosheet of gold.
  18. "I`m basicly against ANYTHING that`s imposed upon me against my will when it comes to Foods etc..." Btw, as we have already went a bit off the topic, do you have iodine salt in UK? You know, normal salt has some iodine added (duh).
  19. Gilded


    Fun fact: Getting 1 promille drunk or losing one night's sleep is about the same thing in the aspect of perception and capability of controlling your movement. That's what seems to be going on with me, so I'm relaxed in the sort-of-drugged way. :> Another good way to relax is a good book. I prefer H.P. Lovecraft.
  20. If I've ever seen a fitting avatar, that's atinymonkey's "irony" pic.
  21. Gilded


    Creating things (like doing gardening) is a good way to relax, by the way. You know, draw something, make a little animation of some sort, or spray your neighbor's fence with rude graffiti (in the latter case you'll have a good jail relaxation time ).
  22. I was able to extract ridiculously small amounts of chlorate. I did however filter it thrice when I last extracted some, to remove the sulfur. Turned out quite well, but I didn't get too much of it anyway considering I used over 200 match heads. By the way, does it burn better if I add the sugar when the chlorate is still wet? I made a small "cake" last time, using some sugar that I mixed with the sticky chlorate. It didn't burn too well, it only spat out thick smoke and occasional sparks (guess it burned from the inside only).
  23. Btw, if you ever move to Finland, don't drink from a natural well. It's radonlicious. "personaly I`m dead against Fluorination of drinking water" Hmmh? I don't think we've ever had fluorinated drinking water here. Or then I'm just not aware of it.
  24. With wings of great hope, he walked; not with his two legs. Now: gone to the light.
  25. Good to see that people have something else in mind than "let's kill other people" when they discover a new explosive material.
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