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Everything posted by Gilded

  1. "university is free as well?" It sure is. I'm going for radiochemistry at the University of Turku. We even have free school food unlike US. Mwahaha.
  2. It says they only use USP ground mail, so I guess not. :<
  3. All bubble and no essay makes a student a dull boy. All bubble and no essay makes a student a dull boy. ... Yep. I would probaby quit high school if I had only bubble tests.
  4. A. Definately. I don't have a life. :<
  5. Personally, I have no interest in learning another language. Finns HAVE TO learn Finnish (duh). Finns HAVE TO learn Swedish. Finns HAVE TO learn English. At the times when I'm asked if I wanted to start learning another language (at high school for example), I'll just pass.
  6. Gilded

    UK Flood Map

    Yipes, 0.1% chance of flooding. You'd better finish writing your will and stuff. "i want my mummy" Is Tutankhamon ok?
  7. Some of us have to buy 0.5kg 60 micron for £17.95. >:/
  8. Hmmmh. We have 1-9th grades, then it's all up to you what to do. You got to finish high school to get to a university though. But it's all FREE. You got to buy your own high school books, however (if you even go to high school).
  9. Argh, we have Rice Crispies here too (here it's "riks, raks, poks" ).
  10. Yes, francium is a metal. But when you have 1/10 attogram of metal in some sort of oxalate powder, you can't really see it's metal. Francium, radon and astatine are an element collector's nightmare. :>
  11. If you mean with the rain thing the reaction of francium with water, it doesn't really matter since even in a 100 ton amount of the stuff, there wouldn't even be a visible amount of it.
  12. The pronounciation is quite easy, since everything is said as it's written (unlike in most languages), that's the reason we don't have spelling competitions here like they have in US. But the other stuff isn't so nice. The "cases" in Finnish is something they probably practice in Hell. Like "omenassa" which means inside an apple, and "omenalle" which means to an apple. Then there are exceptions to nouns and verbs, and compound words that will drive an average man insane.
  13. If you lived in a house made of the stuff, perhaps then it would cause some harm then.
  14. Yes, since it's such a minimal quantity. "well why on earth do they sell it if it would decay before it got to my house" As I already said, it's a DECAY PRODUCT. So, at every given moment, 0.1 attograms of francium exists for each gram of the substance in the ampoule. So, if you had 10 grams of it, you would have 1 attogram of francium at every given moment.
  15. *Sigh* How many times do I have to explain this? It's like 0.1 attograms / gram of the substance within the ampoule.
  16. I'm clever enough for not acquiring a lot of an element that decays in a couple of seconds/minutes.
  17. "they sell ethylene perchlorate there as well." And what's that good for? I've never heard of it.
  18. Umm, a gram of francium would kill everyone within a couple of blocks with radiation poisoning. That's femto- or attograms they sell it (as decay producst, as you might understand).
  19. Oh, so you were talking about mercury and I was talking about cesium. Case solved.
  20. "and its only about £30 per g i definatley want some" "i can get 140g for £96" Excuse me, am I missing something here?
  21. "i can get 140g for £96" A gram of cesium for under £2? Where on earth did you find that??
  22. "http://stadt.heim.at/newyork/132276/Fr.htm" Yeah, I looked at that one too. What about it?
  23. http://www.seltenerden.de - over 20g of 99.98% cesium for 279€, if that's what you're after. That's the page where I bought my noble gases, gallium and bismuth from.
  24. "um, have fun with your astatine and plutonium then." Astatine as a decay product from uranium ore (francium too). Polonium and technetium I'm going to get as visible amounts of the metal itself, that would be excellent. As for neptunium and americium, they're found in smoke detectors. And so on, and so on... More of this in the actual element collecting thread.
  25. Oh yes, of course it's the acid that dissolves. Silly me. HF:SbF5, if I'm correct? By the way, I remembered a good page for European element collectors: http://www.elemente.at.cx/ The page is in German, but you'll probably understand enough. At least I did, and I've never studied the language. The prices are reasonable, and that's the only page I've ever seen to have such a marvellous variety of elements. Some of the 1-82 range elements are missing, though, but smack me in the face if you've ever seen curium for sale before.
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