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Everything posted by Gilded

  1. I turned green with envy when students of another Finnish high school got to visit CERN. :<
  2. "Oh, we've definitely got to get some imports ov er there " You probably should, or maybe they'll be here by 2010. Things tend to reach Finland rather slowly; I think Gatorade arrived this year (or last year, can't remember).
  3. I guess you could make an anti-element of anything really (I think only H has been made, though). And about the collision thing, yes, annihilation happens (both particles are converted to energy). And yes, it could be harvested, yet making anti-matter requires so much energy that it's useless to then turn it into energy. If there was a natural source of it, anti-matter would be a tremendous energy source. I personally can't see any use for it except a) having much energy in a small package, for example using anti-matter engines in spacecraft (if you turned a mass of 1kg into energy, you could drive a car with that energy for over 100 000 years) or b) using it as weaponry, which would of course be a terrible misuse of it.
  4. Damn your length system. I'm 1.93m, which is like... err, 6'4" ?
  5. Gilded

    UK Flood Map

    Floods suck, no matter where they are. Normally Finland doesn't have floods... but this year, oh boy. Do you UK fellows have floods every year?
  6. For thermites I always see "use Fe3O4 if available" or something like that. However, I think the O3 produces more heat.
  7. Can I move next door? Soon Siberia will be full of mad scientists! Mwahaha. No, really, it would be nice to have a couple of km^2 of forest as a "testing ground", though.
  8. "quarks are not composed of anything. if they were, they wouldn't be elmentary particles, now would they?" A good smack with a hammer or a KGB interrogation will make the quark eagerly split into even smaller pieces! My point is, they are CURRENTLY elementary particles. As atoms were some time ago. :>
  9. I like the theory of consciousness being located in the sub-quark levels, being so small that it is able of superpositioning (being in two places at the same time, explaining "expanded consciousness").
  10. So great Yoda is! A clever one he be, yes. Looks like a scrotum.
  11. How odd when you think that cesium has no international price or even a larger market. :| Probably because nations seem to be rather uninterested about space exploration. :/
  12. It makes me sad how the US is so afraid of terrorists, and yet one could get hold of components for high explosive material WAY more easily there than in Europe, especially Finland. :< Not that I would want any high explosive material components, though.
  13. "but anyway, back to the topic of drinks, I`m sure everyones heard of 140Kg of Plutonium being shipped across the Atlantic, what they DIDN`T tell you is that it`ll make at least 40 nuclear warheads or 1 gallon of Sunny Delight :)" About that one, I was amused when a French soldier almost gave tips to the terrorists how to blow the plutonium all over the place. "See, you could easily penetrate this with a rocket or a mortar..."
  14. "it depends how cold it is, and where you pour it :)" Hmmmm... Even though it's an urban legend (that has been more or less proven false), it didn't seem to prevent the idiot Finnish people publishing an article about it. More about the legend at http://www.snopes.com/toxins/yellow.htm
  15. I've always thought of a hero as just a person that one greatly admires, like an idol. Someone who has done something remarkable. Like building a breeder reactor in a garden shed.
  16. Toads are fun to lick. I see Bush on pogostick. Must lick toad again.
  17. We don't have vanilla Pepsi or Coke here, nor Cherry Coke. Basic Cola is just fine for me, or Mountain Dew. I laughed my ar$e off when a magazine stated that M. Dew shrinks your testicles.
  18. "you definatley dont want the 206 bismuth to accept alpha particles and become 210 astatine. -> you die, and very quickly" Heh, never thought of that. Yes, astatine indeed is very toxic and radioactive, the longest lasting isotope is the 210 that bud mentioned, with a half-life of 8,3h. Actually, bombarding bismuth with alpha-particles is exactly how it was first discovered, if someone didn't know. Edit: and congrats to bud for post #1000! Yay!
  19. Oh the marvellous things you can do with feces and urine in chemistry.
  20. Since there was some element collecting stuff in the H2O2 thread and so, I thought it would be a good idea to wake up this thread again if you actually have questions about element collecting/storing. Mwahahaha! It's alive, IT'S ALIVE! PS. Ordered myself a 5g piece of iridium yesterday, a mighty start for a collection.
  21. Mmm... Airfloat toxic powder. Talking of powders, no matter how fun grinding beryllium into powder might be, DON'T do it.
  22. No we're not, we're encouraging people not to try isolate uranium from pitchblende THROUGH the use of nitric acid. Though bud just explained an alternate way of creating fissionable material, so guess we're a little bit off topic. Offtopic PS. bud did you mean electrolysis of thorium dioxide all by itself with nothing else added? Does that even work :|
  23. A man walks on a beach. Suddenly, he trips over and finds a bottle buried in the sand. He opens the bottle and *POOF* there's a genie! "Sorry mate, I'm just a novice genie, with very minor powers, so I can only fulfill one wish, if even that. Say something and I'll tell if I can do it", the genie says. "Ok... I've always wanted to visit Hawaii, but I'm afraid of seatrips and flying, so if you could build an eight-lane motor way across the ocean to Hawaii, I'd be very glad", the man says. "Sorry, that's way too much!" the genie replies. "Well, then I wish that you would make George W. so smart, that he would be cabable of doing reasonable and intelligent things!", the man then says. The genie then replies: "Umm... How many lanes did you say the motor way should have?"
  24. I don't think it needs an additional oxidizer if you use KClO3/4 + Mg flash powder. Relatively small aluminum, titanium or magnesium shards are just fine. Also, you might want to try lead monoxide + Mg combination for a crackling effect.
  25. Heh, I can't remember a winter where there wasn't at least 1 foot of snow here at some point. "it saves me filling the 80 gallon drum with water )" You're using the drum as a crusher or... what?
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